And Spicer has issued a release saying there will be no further comment....and no evidence has been when do we get to call it when the person making the allegation says nothing further in the way of evidence will be forthcoming from him?
If they plan to investigate further should they? Or, does Trump tweet allow others to do his work for him as we see happening?
We have already seen today people talking about how much Obama tapped phones and how he used the IRS. Right, wrong, or indifferent is this dirty politics and Trump decided to shoot back? Regardless if his tweet is accurate, a lot of discussion has occurred on what Obama was doing while in the WH, more so than in his 8 years in terms of things he would prefer to not be scrutinized?
Perhaps, Trump is sending a message if you are going to smear me and my team, I can smear back and damage your legacy more? Trump might be a little off in what direction he tells people to look, but the direction he points is going to discover dirt?
Even if the tweet is not true a lot of things coming out on the Obama administration many people did not know was going on because MSM ignored it. In the end, Obama was in office 8 years and Trump now going on 2 months? Who has the most skeletons? Does Obama really want to get in to a pissing match?
I personally think it is sad our politics are this divisive. Worst case Trump is full of BS but he still gets the dirty tactics of Obama exposed, he can say based on past Obama behavior and sources he was sure it happened to him but he was wrong but not totally because he tapped the hell out of people, who looks worse? Obama does IMO if he was spying on everyone. Trump can say if not for the dems chasing this Russia stuff and none of this happens.
Not defending anyone, but if each side really goes after heads with all the political payback that will ensue a lot people on both sides IMO would go down because IMO Washington has never been more corrupt, Trump might be ok with that (as would I), but will the collective swamp allow it? That is why I see this playing out as a political pissing match and you would think after 8 years Obama has more political skeletons than Trump does in 2 months.
Who knows, maybe this does get all sorted out, but in a sick sense the political swamp on each side needs the other to exist, the nuclear option means destruction for both IMO. I said 4 years ago if I could I would start all over and replace every dem and rep if I could, still believe that today.