Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping him

Here's what we know. Barrack Hussein Obama knowingly and willingly and purposefully set the terrorist state of Iran on a pathway to possessing and using nuclear weapons, and we know he seriously abused his office when using the IRS to target political groups with which he disagreed. Were his wiretaps for the benefit for Iran?
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Here's something else we know. Barrack Hussein Obama told Russian officials he would be better able to bend over for them once he was reelected, and we know his Secretary of State knowingly and willingly and purposefully sold Russia a goodly amount of American uranium. Is his wiretapping of Trump a deflection away his own administration's misdeeds vis a vis Russia for whom he is still working? He said he would be better able to help them once reelected, so is he now even more able to help them being out of office?
Impulsively inviting Obama to join the fray is not a good idea. Trump extremely rattled.

EXCLUSIVE: Barack Obama's close confidante Valerie Jarrett has moved into his new DC home, which is now the nerve center for their plan to mastermind the insurgency against President Trump
  • Obama's goal is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment, a family friend tells
  • Jarrett has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion to work closely with the former president and Michelle Obama
  • Jarrett lived in the White House, dined with the Obamas, and helped shape his domestic and foreign policies
  • Obama cannot use his West End office, a post-presidency perk, for political purposes
  • 'He's coming. And he's ready to roll.' former Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday about the former president's reentry into the political scene
By Leon Wagener For

Published: 15:12 EST, 1 March 2017
Here's something else we know. Barrack Hussein Obama's past actions and comments certainly indicate him behind these unlawful wiretaps within Trump Tower during the election, and they still lost! That's a special kind of butthurt for one with his dictatorial, banana republic ego and mindset, and more than enough motivation to attempt to undermine the democratic process with further unlawful wiretapping that began while he was still in office.
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What if... what if... wire tapping true and Russia bullshit? Just what if? Can we at least treat something new as it's own story for a day or so?

Where is your evidence?

I believe was your response to Russia.

But okay....IF Obama wiretapped Trump....without a warrant...HUGE SCANDAL.

Also a huge scandal if he didn't and the President of the United States is making incredibly ridiculous baseless claims like that. Also, at some point....since it appears he is just restating reports on some point fair evaluating non-Cheerleader types gotta start calling Breitbart "fake news" too.

How long do we need to wait before Trump and/or Breitbart know....EVIDENCE...before calling it?
You guys grasping at straws and pulling up ancient history to deflect are pathetic.

If a FISA court approved a wiretap it was for good cause. Obama certainly smart enough to maintain air gap from the actual request. Any predictions on if/when there is a leak of the information that justified the wiretap?

DJT has stepped right into it....

I want it ALL. From the tax returns to the piss pictures to the fisa warrant to the transcripts, nobody should be speculating to these facts. If he is compromised then the world needs to know every seditious nugget. If Obama was involved in warrantless wiretaps then the world needs to know every little abusive detail.

Biff's incoherent statement doesn't help. It is heavy on Spin and light on fact. He is such an unreliable historian that there is no telling what has happened.


Let's see it ALL.

Everything that exists.

Put up or shut up time.

Here's something else we know. Barrack Hussein Obama's past actions and comments certainly indicate him behind these unlawful wiretaps within Trump Tower during the election, and they still lost! That's a special kind of butthurt for one with his dictatorial, banana republic ego and mindset, and more than enough motivation to attempt to undermine the democratic process with further unlawful wiretapping that began while he was still in office.

That's your OPINION.

Where is your PROOF?
So is Breitbart, Cernovich, and their ilk.

Doing that is easy. Where is the proof of a claim tweeted out by the President?

Any media network / group who gave Hillary Clinton an 80% chance (or greater) chance of winning the presidency is compromised, fake news
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Any media network / group who gave Hillary Clinton an 80% chance (or greater) chance of winning the presidency is compromised, fake news

Complete and utter deflection.

I don't give a flying turd what CNN has to say about the President's most recent allegations.

Breitbart reported it.

Trump alleged it.

Where is the proof?

If I don't see the proof....and pretty damn soon....Breitbart is compromised fake news....and the President deserves to considered compromised as well.

I'm just applying the same standards here.
Complete and utter deflection.

I don't give a flying turd what CNN has to say about the President's most recent allegations.

Breitbart reported it.

Trump alleged it.

Where is the proof?

If I don't see the proof....and pretty damn soon....Breitbart is compromised fake news....and the President deserves to considered compromised as well.

I'm just applying the same standards here.

Also ready for the news to come out!

The problem is a huge chunk of the elected DC establishment in both political parties (rumors of 30%) is alleged to be compromised and / or blackmailed. (and the establishment media is protecting them)

Much of the institutional government is "the swamp" --- Obama (and his team) had eight years to appoint ideologically driven people throughout the government.


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Also ready for the news to come out!

The problem is a huge chunk of the elected DC establishment in both political parties (rumors of 30%) is alleged to be compromised and / or blackmailed. (and the establishment media is protecting them)

Much of the institutional government is "the swamp" --- Obama (and his team) had eight years to appoint ideologically driven people throughout the government.


Maybe you misunderstood me.

Breitbart and that ilk (Milo, Cernovich, etc.) is in serious danger of becoming the "fake news" of Trumpites....not the left or right...if we don't see the evidence and proof, soon. IMO, it's already basically the propaganda arm of the White House like RT is for Putin (by using that example, I am not alleging any connection or collusion between the two).
Also ready for the news to come out!

The problem is a huge chunk of the elected DC establishment in both political parties (rumors of 30%) is alleged to be compromised and / or blackmailed. (and the establishment media is protecting them)

Much of the institutional government is "the swamp" --- Obama (and his team) had eight years to appoint ideologically driven people throughout the government.


Does anyone doubt that if Soros says wiretap Trump Tower Obama would disobey?
Sure but since the tweets just came out, I was mainly interested in discussing them and ramifications if true.

The rest will sort itself out. Frankly I'm glad this is coming to a head.

Why discuss the ramifications before the evidence/proof?

Wasn't that pretty much your position on all the Russia stuff?

If Obama unlawfully wiretapped Trump....of course that's a major, major deal.
Why discuss the ramifications before the evidence/proof?

Wasn't that pretty much your position on all the Russia stuff?

If Obama unlawfully wiretapped Trump....of course that's a major, major deal.

It's a message board and Russia has been discussed for 4 months. This is brand new and one way or another is a game changer.

By the way, They aren't exactly saying it didn't happen. Time to put the cards on the table.


The outrage from the media and the Democrats appears to be standard hatred of Trump. The president forced a set of facts into the news cycle that was already previously public but framed in a way that puts his political opponents and the establishment media on the defensive. This appears to be the calculus: either the wiretaps exist, as Trump suggests, and the president will use them to bludgeon the Obama administration and the media for impropriety and overreach; or, there were no wiretaps, which suggests the previous administration had no reason to suspect Trump colluded with a foreign government
It's a message board and Russia has been discussed for 4 months. This is brand new and one way or another is a game changer.

By the way, They aren't exactly saying it didn't happen. Time to put the cards on the table.


The outrage from the media and the Democrats appears to be standard hatred of Trump. The president forced a set of facts into the news cycle that was already previously public but framed in a way that puts his political opponents and the establishment media on the defensive. This appears to be the calculus: either the wiretaps exist, as Trump suggests, and the president will use them to bludgeon the Obama administration and the media for impropriety and overreach; or, there were no wiretaps, which suggests the previous administration had no reason to suspect Trump colluded with a foreign government

And your position on Russia has largely been that without proof, it's not really worthy of discussion
And your position on Russia has largely been that without proof, it's not really worthy of discussion

JD. It has been discussed for four months. Still, nothing. This story broke this morning.

I promise I won't have a charitable opinion of it if this is still just an accusation months from now. Ok?

They aren't comparable in terms of lifespan in the news cycle, so you really can't compare this to my opinion on Russia.

As I said, it's time to put the cards on the table.
Maybe you misunderstood me.

Breitbart and that ilk (Milo, Cernovich, etc.) is in serious danger of becoming the "fake news" of Trumpites....not the left or right...if we don't see the evidence and proof, soon. IMO, it's already basically the propaganda arm of the White House like RT is for Putin (by using that example, I am not alleging any connection or collusion between the two).

This could be an entire thread of its own (with weeks of good debate).
It's a message board and Russia has been discussed for 4 months. This is brand new and one way or another is a game changer.

By the way, They aren't exactly saying it didn't happen. Time to put the cards on the table.


The outrage from the media and the Democrats appears to be standard hatred of Trump. The president forced a set of facts into the news cycle that was already previously public but framed in a way that puts his political opponents and the establishment media on the defensive. This appears to be the calculus: either the wiretaps exist, as Trump suggests, and the president will use them to bludgeon the Obama administration and the media for impropriety and overreach; or, there were no wiretaps, which suggests the previous administration had no reason to suspect Trump colluded with a foreign government

We don't even fully know what is being alleged....what we are talking about...

1. Did the FBI or NSA go get a FISA warrant from the FISA court....


2. Are we talking about Obama hiring some "Plumbers" a la Nixon and doing something with no warrant on a rogue basis.

If we are talking about #1, it's really no different than the Hillary e-mail investigation and comments by Comey in the middle of the election.....except there was no news conferences announcing it or it's results. The warrant would have been approved by a FISA court. I'm not a big fan of FISA court rulings or it's system, but all judges on it are appointed by Chief Justice of the SCOTUS without confirmation or oversight of Congress. So look up whom has been Chief Justice before you start screaming liberal activist judges.

If we are talking about #2, rack them up, send them to jail. I'm fairly sure the Breitbart narrative would want you focusing on the possibility of #2.....but where's the evidence. With no evidence, it's just more tribal politics.

The counter narrative:

1. If the wiretaps exist, that means a FISA judge appointed by the SCOTUS Chief Judge (without advice and consent of the Senate) found probable cause of wrongdoing by Trump to issue the warrant...or...Trump's tweet is baseless crap.

Furthermore, if there were no wiretaps, that really doesn't in any way suggest that there were no reason to suspect Trump was colluding with the Russians. The level required to get a wiretap warrant is greater than reasonable suspiscion....which is the level required to start an investigation.
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JD. It has been discussed for four months. Still, nothing. This story broke this morning.

I promise I won't have a charitable opinion of it if this is still just an accusation months from now. Ok?

They aren't comparable in terms of lifespan in the news cycle, so you really can't compare this to my opinion on Russia.

As I said, it's time to put the cards on the table.

I can certainly compare your opinion and position at the start of the Russia allegations to the your opinion and position at the start of these allegations.

That's a perfectly fair comparison.
"Simply because you don't like someone doesn't give you the right as the sitting president to do something like this. ...," he said.

I agree.

You know what does give you the right (more accurately...valid and lawful authority) to do something like this?

Probable cause and a FISA warrant signed by a judge with jurisdiction.
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"Simply because you don't like someone doesn't give you the right as the sitting president to do something like this. ...," he said.

I agree.

You know what does give you the right (more accurately...valid and lawful authority) to do something like this?

Probable cause and a FISA warrant signed by a judge with jurisdiction.

Guess we'll see.

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