This is just sickening to watch

Poor schools, isolation, lack of property wealth, failed liberal policies that isolated black mothers, and racist police, racist zoning laws, losing religion and black political leadership convincing too many there’s nothing they can do about it.

Police have done their part over the last fifty years. They get better every year, but communities continue to sour.
A few points to quibble about but a reasonable response.

How is that in Utah you are 9x more likely to die by cop if your black than white?

How can anyone say we are in a "post-racial" phase?
Jesus fvck David, really? If you engage in crimes, people call the cops. Cops then come risk their lives in black neighborhoods (even though they are racist which is weird) Why are you being so obtuse? You are making a fool out of yourself.
I am quoting your words back to you. Good to know you see just how foolish those words are.
Who is saying he deserved to die? You are an intellectual brick wall.
Why did Floyd bring these murderers to his location? You have racist pigs just drooling to kill a black man is what I hear. If it was me I would hide at the library or Lowe’s with real money while not high on meth. Not with counterfeit money tweaking on meth and fentanyl. Why risk it when blacks are hunted every day?

I get you are being absurd to make a point. Just realize the bottom quartile of posters on this board actually believe what you said.
A few points to quibble about but a reasonable response.

How is that in Utah you are 9x more likely to die by cop if your black than white?

How can anyone say we are in a "post-racial" phase?

That’s quite a number. How many unarmed blacks in Utah were killed for you to come up with that stat? I assume you have a link.
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I get you are being absurd to make a point. Just realize the bottom quartile of posters on this board actually believe what you said.

I’m sorry your lib addled brain can’t reconcile what I’m saying. It’s the Grand Canyon that divides us and why we can’t move on to live in harmony. Deserving and increasing percentages are not the same thing. Do you deserve to fall out of your tree house and break your neck? No, but there’s zero chance you could fall out if it if you never built it. The risk was worth it to you. Same with having a gun in my house. My kids could never accidentally shoot themselves if I had no guns.
I’m sorry your lib addled brain can’t reconcile what I’m saying. It’s the Grand Canyon that divides us and why we can’t move on to live in harmony. Deserving and increasing percentages are not the same thing. Do you deserve to fall out of your tree house and break your neck? No, but there’s zero chance you could fall out if it if you never built it. The risk was worth it to you. Same with having a gun in my house. My kids could never accidentally shoot themselves if I had no guns.
I'm lost. I should tear down the treehouse and you are selling your guns?
Here is the thing - I figured you and I must have a history off the board given your obsession. Then this started showing up and I realized you are just another dumb ass.
You’ve gone fully loony toons! We don’t know it each and I’m happy to keep it that way! You’re an arrogant liberal with white guilt! Plus you live in white utopia and want to talk to everyone about diversity and racism. You are the dumb ass
Give me what I want or I will cry like a toddler...

na bro we vote for what we want

otard peeps went rogue with the surveillance weaponized gubmit and predatory prosecution

your team is the hashtag resistance
your teams house of cards is crumbling


the chinese flu didn’t work
now we’re on to riots and mass chaos
Here's a little of that do your research kinda thing.... How many people killed by police in the US in 2019? Now how many in the UK?

Can you handle that kind of truth, or is that the kind of truth you don't give two shits about? As I said earlier the numbers are practically about the same as the 2016 report. The report made it into a comprehensible format for you folks. On second thought you can’t comprehend what you don’t want to learn. They want to ignore faces and act hysterical. Checking my watch it’s about time for your party to attempt to impeach the sitting president again as a distraction. What hypocritical stance will they take this time?
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Antifa? A bunch of entitled pricks who have no idea what they want other than to watch shit burn. Kinda like Trump supporters. Give me what I want or I will cry like a toddler...
You fellow Republicans been lighting fires all over cities lately? I don’t recall acting like animals as a typical part of our mo. When we don’t get our way we don’t burn cities.
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Good point. Either it was "asphyxiation from sustained pressure" or "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."

In either case, the proximate cause was a full grown man kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes - approximately half of that time the handcuffed individual was non responsive.

You go right on ahead and defend that if you must. If your heritage requires it.

Pay attention, dipshit.

He wasn't choked to death. He didn't die from traumatic asphyxiation. He died because he couldn't compensate for lactic acidosis adequately with the weight of an adult on his back.
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You and Medic can get behind this if you like... Really is a damn shame to see people defend the indefensible, but you be you.
Geezus you're a fvcking idiot. Please point me to where I defended "the indefensible." Get those chubby little dickbeaters busy on the keyboard and quote my post(s), shrimpdick.
You will have to be specific.

Are a punch of opportunistic assholes smashing and grabbing worthy of condemnation - what a ****ing stupid question.

Are people taking a knee some kind of threat to you and your people? Only if you are so insecure as to be offended by a contrary opinion.
So still no direct condemnation of the rioters violent actions.
What a disgrace. Trump surely cemented his legacy this week. That and his supporters have proven beyond a doubt their inability to admit his failings.
What a disgrace. Trump surely cemented his legacy this week. That and his supporters have proven beyond a doubt their inability to admit his failings.
I’m not his supporter and he’s certainly no Lincoln. But, can you explain to me precisely what his failings have been this week and what has been so disgraceful?
How do you explain the 3x likliehood of death by cop for black Oklahoman vs. a white Oklahoman?

Help me fell better about this my man. You can do it.

Descriptive? I know that's not how you conduct business.

Dive into the drivers of one of the 2 components required to create the ratio find so damning.

This guy has done some of the work for you, so it should be easy.

Descriptive? I know that's not how you conduct business.

Dive into the drivers of one of the 2 components required to create the ratio find so damning.

This guy has done some of the work for you, so it should be easy.

You might as well not show stats. Liberals prefer to use the smoke and mirrors approach to present to their base.
"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise."

- Joseph Goebbels

I’ll never understand why leftists pick some of the weirdest, most illogical hills to die on.

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This is amateur hour. This entire thing. Amateurs.

These Antifa punks are just as big of pussies as the BLM and the moronic, white 2nd Amendment idiots that storm the capital and think they're tough. You know those guys....the ones that never served in the military and think they're patriots. Yeah, all pussies.

Let's call it like it is, these protests are lame. What are they accomplishing? You're not going to achieve a revolution by taking a knee at a God damned football game or looting baby formula from a Target. How did all those peaceful protests work out for MLK? You want real revolution? You have to get dirty.

You have to kill cops. I said it. For every dead black man at a traffic stop, two dead cops.

Do you know what they do to cops in Mexico or Brazil or Venezuela? They cut their feet off, cut their hands off, have seen some with their face ripped off....then they kill them. You have to bring it to that level.

There are neighborhoods and favelas in Brazil that cops do not enter unless in large groups. You enter at your own risk. Do I want to live a country where cops are scared every time they go to work? No. But I also don't want to live in a country where EVERY law abiding, black citizen is scared to death of getting pulled over by the police.

Either go all out or quit wasting our time.

This is wrong on all sorts of levels - kill two cops for every death of a black person at the hands of a cop?!? - but, being a History teacher, I’ll just choose your comment on MLK.

Dude, you obviously failed history or weren’t paying attention during that two weeks of U.S. History (that’s how long we take to cover the Civil Rights Movement unit) if you don’t think that MLK changed things massively. All his protests led to were the end of segregation in America, two of the most sweeping laws in United States history (the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965), and the ratification of the 24th Amendment. To say that MLK and his leading of peaceful protests did not have an impact on America is one of the most uneducated, idiotic statements I’ve ever read on this board.
Dude, you obviously failed history or weren’t paying attention during that two weeks of U.S. History (that’s how long we take to cover the Civil Rights Movement unit).

Just curious, how long do you spend on the revolutionary war, civil war and WW1 and 2?
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Just curious, how long do you spend on the revolutionary war, civil war and WW1 and 2?
I teach U.S. History from 1877 to the present (11th grade). Eight graders have from colonization to Reconstruction.

We’ll spend one week on World War I and three weeks on World War II.

To be completely accurate, we spend three weeks per unit. World War I along with U.S. Imperialism/Expansion (which includes the Spanish-American War and Teddy Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy) is one whole unit, World War II is one whole unit, and the Civil Rights Movement and it’s roots is one whole unit.
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I teach U.S. History from 1877 to the present (11th grade). Eight graders have from colonization to Reconstruction.

We’ll spend one week on World War I and three weeks on World War II.

To be completely accurate, we spend three weeks per unit. World War I along with U.S. Imperialism/Expansion (which includes the Spanish-American War and Teddy Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy) is one whole unit, World War II is one whole unit, and the Civil Rights Movement and it’s roots is one whole unit.

I honestly don’t recall spending much time on the civil rights movement in school (in the 80s). I don’t know if that was normal...if it was I’m wondering if that has anything to do with the disconnect between so many people with this issue nowadays.