The Headline Says All You Need To Know

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
I never took you for a pussyhat wearer, guess I was wrong. :)
No, I don't wear the pussyhat, but it does not surprise me that you would attempt to deflect from the content of the link. Based on your comments the last four months one can only surmise you agree with the man. As for me it shows a moral depravaty that comes as a shock since it comes from a man whose race faced the same tragedy not that long ago.
He never said babies are not innocent civilians. He said “These are not innocent Palestinian civilians across the world.” It's Code Pink propaganda.
He never said babies are not innocent civilians. He said “These are not innocent Palestinian civilians across the world.” It's Code Pink propaganda.
The subject was the "babies being slaughtered." They are the "civilians" being addressed. He absolutely said they are not innocent. You don't have to like Code Pink, but do not slander this report as propaganda.
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Call it propaganda if it makes you feel better about Israeli genocide and the indifference to mass murder. I find it disgusting when someone like this man tries to blame the victims for their suffering, especially when he is specifically asked about the killing of babies and responds the way he did.
Call it propaganda if it makes you feel better about Israeli genocide and the indifference to mass murder. I find it disgusting when someone like this man tries to blame the victims for their suffering, especially when he is specifically asked about the killing of babies and responds the way he did.
I watched the video of it and did not get that impression at all. He sounded like he was trying to walk around the question.
Call it propaganda if it makes you feel better about Israeli genocide and the indifference to mass murder. I find it disgusting when someone like this man tries to blame the victims for their suffering, especially when he is specifically asked about the killing of babies and responds the way he did.
kind of like you blame the Israeli's? It goes both ways
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Call it propaganda if it makes you feel better about Israeli genocide and the indifference to mass murder. I find it disgusting when someone like this man tries to blame the victims for their suffering, especially when he is specifically asked about the killing of babies and responds the way he did.

He called it what it is.

Thats all either side is pushing.

You‘ve made your decision based on propaganda.

Taking the toon route, that your propaganda is better isn’t the moral high ground you pretend it is.
I watched the video of it and did not get that impression at all. He sounded like he was trying to walk around the question.
That’s a fair interpretation. I argue his dancing around the question with the words he used by accusing babies of guilt for their own destruction is revolting. I would not call any of the report propaganda.
kind of like you blame the Israeli's? It goes both ways
I’m unsure what you mean by this comment. I do not blame the innocent Israeli victims of the Oct 7 attack for their demise, and never have. I *do* blame the Israeli government for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians who are just as innocent as the Israeli victims.
I’m unsure what you mean by this comment. I do not blame the innocent Israeli victims of the Oct 7 attack for their demise, and never have. I *do* blame the Israeli government for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians who are just as innocent as the Israeli victims.
Exactly my point. I don't see you opining for the innocent Israelis. It goes both ways. It is sad to see anyone die Dan, whatever the reason.
He called it what it is.

Thats all either side is pushing.

You‘ve made your decision based on propaganda.

Taking the toon route, that your propaganda is better isn’t the moral high ground you pretend it is.
I believe being repulsed by the uncaring and intentional murder of Palestinian babies by the Israeli government, and watching as supporters of those murders blame the babies for their killings is indeed morally depraved and anyone who points it out does indeed stand on the the moral high ground,
Exactly my point. I don't see you opining for the innocent Israelis. It goes both ways. It is sad to see anyone die Dan, whatever the reason.
Nonsense! I have opined many times my disgust with what happened on Oct 7. But this thread is about *innocent Palestinian BABIES* which seems to be a subject you want to distance yourself from opining about unless you can drag in Israeli victims too. In fact at no point in this thread have you said a word about your concern, or lack thereof, for the suffering and death of the babies that are the subject under discussion. Why is that?
Nonsense! I have opined many times my disgust with what happened on Oct 7. But this thread is about *innocent Palestinian BABIES* which seems to be a subject you want to distance yourself from opining about unless you can drag in Israeli victims too. In fact at no point in this thread have you said a word about your concern, or lack thereof, for the suffering and death of the babies that are the subject under discussion. Why is that?
Do you think it only happened on Oct 7? I certainly have Dan.
Do you think it only happened on Oct 7? I certainly have Dan.
Humor me and do it again, Pete. Let’s hear your opinion about the indiscriminate murder of Palestinian babies by the Israeli government without your usual whataboutism. I ask that you do it again, but I don’t recall you ever doing it the first time.
Humor me and do it again, Pete. Let’s hear your opinion about the indiscriminate murder of Palestinian babies by the Israeli government without your usual whataboutism. I ask that you do it again, but I don’t recall you ever doing it the first time.
You have me confused, I am not a whatabouter. Just a quick search of the thread from oct 7 attack

Sorry dan but you fail to understand the Palestinians want nothing more to kill the Jews or anyone or religion they disagree with, Israel is far from guilt free but what happened on Oct 7 was a coordinated attack You also understand that Hamas controls the people. Why would Israel drop leaflets to leave before it started ? People tried to go south but were driven back by Hamas. Can’t have your pawns not be in the game. If your not Hamas your a Hamas pawn. If your not a pawn, your probably missing.
You have me confused, I am not a whatabouter. Just a quick search of the thread from oct 7 attack
Correct me if my interpretation of what you just posted is not correct as follows: "I, Pete, agree with the congressman being quoted in the link that the babies being murdered by the Israeli government are fully guilty of their own deaths. I call them 'pawns,' and pawns of Hamas are guilty of any Hamas atrocity, and therefore deserve what happens to them. So I am 100% in favor of killing those babies since they are not innocent victims. Only the Israelis murdered on Oct 7 are innocent victims; Palestinian babies relinquished that status by being Palestinians."
Correct me if my interpretation of what you just posted is not correct as follows: "I, Pete, agree with the congressman being quoted in the link that the babies being murdered by the Israeli government are fully guilty of their own deaths. I call them 'pawns,' and pawns of Hamas are guilty of any Hamas atrocity, and therefore deserve what happens to them. So I am 100% in favor of killing those babies since they are not innocent victims. Only the Israelis murdered on Oct 7 are innocent victims; Palestinian babies relinquished that status by being Palestinians."
You know I said above

Exactly my point. I don't see you opining for the innocent Israelis. It goes both ways. It is sad to see anyone die Dan, whatever the reason.
I cannot make the font any bigger sorry!
You know I said above
That's it? That's the total opinion you want to express about the savage murder of Palestinian babies? And you don't think your "both ways" comment contains "whataboutism?" No neutral observer of your comments on this thread would conclude that you give a tinker's damn about the babies. And truth be told you probably don't, if that's the best condemnation you can summon.
No, I don't wear the pussyhat, but it does not surprise me that you would attempt to deflect from the content of the link. Based on your comments the last four months one can only surmise you agree with the man. As for me it shows a moral depravaty that comes as a shock since it comes from a man whose race faced the same tragedy not that long ago.
I started to point out the headline was absolute BS but knew you are so wrapped up in finding anything to hate on Israel it was a lost cause. :)
That's it? That's the total opinion you want to express about the savage murder of Palestinian babies? And you don't think your "both ways" comment contains "whataboutism?" No neutral observer of your comments on this thread would conclude that you give a tinker's damn about the babies. And truth be told you probably don't, if that's the best condemnation you can summon.
If that's the way you feel. I cannot help that Dan.
I believe being repulsed by the uncaring and intentional murder of Palestinian babies by the Israeli government, and watching as supporters of those murders blame the babies for their killings is indeed morally depraved and anyone who points it out does indeed stand on the the moral high ground,
Yet not a word of repulsion of Hamas using women, children and babies as human shields. Hamas hides among the population caring zero for the innocent deaths that are a direct result of Hamas’s actions both the October 7th attack and purposely hiding among the innocent. If Hamas cared about innocents they would not be hiding among the innocents and would surrender to stop the killings but they are cowards and could give a shit.
I started to point out the headline was absolute BS but knew you are so wrapped up in finding anything to hate on Israel it was a lost cause. :)
It's not Israel I hate, it's genocide. And you should join me in hating any government that practices it. That you don't says more about you than it does about me.
It's not Israel I hate, it's genocide. And you should join me in hating any government that practices it. That you don't says more about you than it does about me.
I don’t think it’s genocide I think it’s war against a manipulative, cowardly, morally repugnant enemy using innocent people for their own benefit. I feel for the innocent but Hamas and radical Muslim’s must be defeated and never allowed to threaten anyone in the future.
Yet not a word of repulsion of Hamas using women, children and babies as human shields. Hamas hides among the population caring zero for the innocent deaths that are a direct result of Hamas’s actions both the October 7th attack and purposely hiding among the innocent. If Hamas cared about innocents they would not be hiding among the innocents and would surrender to stop the killings but they are cowards and could give a shit.
That is such a trite argument and another of your attempts to deflect from the subject of the thread. You and Pete are two peas in a pod, simply incapable of saying anything negative about the mass murder of Palestinian babies by the madman Bibi Netanyahu.
I don’t think it’s genocide I think it’s war against a manipulative, cowardly, morally repugnant enemy using innocent people for their own benefit. I feel for the innocent but Hamas and radical Muslim’s must be defeated and never allowed to threaten anyone in the future.
Yes, I can see the tears streaming down your face as you repeat the Israeli trope, "Look what you're making me do! I'm such a victim!"
That is such a trite argument and another of your attempts to deflect from the subject of the thread. You and Pete are two peas in a pod, simply incapable of saying anything negative about the mass murder of Palestinian babies by the madman Bibi Netanyahu.
Yea it’s terrible but after decades of the same failed approach it’s time to end it. While you only look at today I’m looking towards the future. Your way is a proven failure as evidenced by the current situation, the new approach has a chance.
That is such a trite argument and another of your attempts to deflect from the subject of the thread. You and Pete are two peas in a pod, simply incapable of saying anything negative about the mass murder of Palestinian babies by the madman Bibi Netanyahu.
It is a war that Hamas started, the same hamas that is using "their" people as shields. They (Iran) have pushed proxies to attack Israel for YEARS and yet you fail to recognize this fact.
It is a war that Hamas started, the same hamas that is using "their" people as shields. They (Iran) have pushed proxies to attack Israel for YEARS and yet you fail to recognize this fact.
What about the babies, Pete? That's the subject of the thread. Don't deflect, leave that to Bearcat, that's his thing. Are you saying that since it's war you think anything goes, even genocide, even mass murdering babies, in spite of the fact there a rules of war and genocide is at the top of the list of things a government is not allowed to do, followed right behind by forbidding intentional mass murdering of babies and all other innocents? If that's true, that anything goes in war why on earth do you condemn Hamas for what it does? Doesn't anything go? Aw, hell, now you've done it, you've pulled me off the subject. So let me ask again, Pete, what about the babies? You good with what's being done to them by Israel? Nut up and give your opinion.
Yea it’s terrible but after decades of the same failed approach it’s time to end it. While you only look at today I’m looking towards the future. Your way is a proven failure as evidenced by the current situation, the new approach has a chance.
No, not gonna do it, not gonna get sucked in by your deflection.
That’s a fair interpretation. I argue his dancing around the question with the words he used by accusing babies of guilt for their own destruction is revolting. I would not call any of the report propaganda.
You admit he danced around the question but the headline was :

US Rep. Mast, a Former IDF Soldier, Says Palestinian Babies Killed in Gaza Are Not ‘Innocent Civilians’​

In the video, he does not even say the word babies. The author wrote it in as an attempt the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.

This meets the entirety of Marrion Webster's definition of propaganda. The article is even trying to injure all three things, in the institution as in republicans, congress, and Israel, the cause in the war in Gaza, and the person in Mace.

This is a textbook example of propaganda, which is why I called it propaganda. You usually do better than this.
You admit he danced around the question but the headline was :

US Rep. Mast, a Former IDF Soldier, Says Palestinian Babies Killed in Gaza Are Not ‘Innocent Civilians’​

In the video, he does not even say the word babies. The author wrote it in as an attempt the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.

This meets the entirety of Marrion Webster's definition of propaganda. The article is even trying to injure all three things, in the institution as in republicans, congress, and Israel, the cause in the war in Gaza, and the person in Mace.

This is a textbook example of propaganda, which is why I called it propaganda. You usually do better than this.
He didn’t say the word babies because he was dancing around having to give a substantive answer to the Code Pink ladies who were accosting him on behalf of the babies being savagely murdered by a government he has said he will stand with no matter what it does. When the ladies in essence ask “even if it means slaughtering babies” he cleverly pivots away from mentioning the babies. The headline very clearly explains the situation even though he dodged and deflected much like Pete and Bearcat are doing. He clearly does not give a rat’s toenail what’s happening to the babies, as evidenced by saying Israel should bring more devastation on Gaza, but he’s a good enough politician to avoid saying it outright. You’re smart enough to know this, it’s discouraging that you are so locked in to support what the IDF is doing that you’ll attempt to defend this defenseless act by one of our politicians.
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He didn’t say the word babies because he was dancing around having to give a substantive answer to the Code Pink ladies who were accosting him on behalf of the babies being savagely murdered by a government he has said he will stand with no matter what it does. When the ladies in essence ask “even if it means slaughtering babies” he cleverly pivots away from mentioning the babies. The headline very clearly explains the situation even though he dodged and deflected much like Pete and Bearcat are doing. He clearly does not give a rat’s toenail what’s happening to the babies, as evidenced by saying Israel should bring more devastation on Gaza, but he’s a good enough politician to avoid saying it outright. You’re smart enough to know this, it’s discouraging that you are so locked in to support what the IDF is doing that you’ll attempt to defend this defenseless act by one of our politicians.
Give me something that no kidding implicates the Israelis, and I'll agree with you. But this is not even halfway an attempt, it's a bad and even damaging attempt for your side of the argument. You have posted so much that doesn't pass the mustard on this subject, that now even if you post something credible, no one will believe it, and this doesn't help you.
I believe being repulsed by the uncaring and intentional murder of Palestinian babies by the Israeli government, and watching as supporters of those murders blame the babies for their killings is indeed morally depraved and anyone who points it out does indeed stand on the the moral high ground,

You talk about Palestinians the way rich white Libs talk about blacks.

It all comes from the same place.
Give me something that no kidding implicates the Israelis, and I'll agree with you. But this is not even halfway an attempt, it's a bad and even damaging attempt for your side of the argument. You have posted so much that doesn't pass the mustard on this subject, that now even if you post something credible, no one will believe it, and this doesn't help you.

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