The big O variant symptoms


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Exact same as death jab Adverse reaction symptoms. Gosh you don't think they would fabricate a variant to blame the deaths and adverse Reactions on another variant do you?
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Exact same as death jab Adverse reaction symptoms. Gosh you don't think they would fabricate a variant to blame the deaths and adverse Reactions on another variant do you?
So big docks for everyone? You get a big dick and you get a big dick and you get a big dick!!! Dicks all around!!!!!
I have Big O Tire symptoms. Sticker shock. Dang - those mud tires have gone up in price.
Maybe you will get a free set of tires with your 5th omicron Variant booster- coercion,
Bribery and lies the only way people take those- except suckers like you 🤪
Yup- they're creating a fake ass "variant" so that when these
Death jabs shots kick in they can blame some new variant. Big O variant only affects the shot takers.

Riddle me This-
They didn't have a test for "delta" BS- now supposedly they have a test for this BS variant? Lmao....the PCR tests couldn't tell the difference between Covid, the flu or common cold-
But many on near believed all that BS- even when the tests were proved to be 90 percent plus false positive-
Just amazing
Wow they just found out "omicron" scariant is transmissible through your TV set oh Lord!!!! But Amish are immune...
Oh dang guys- sorry yalls two doses of shots not enough- you need at least 3- Sorry fellers
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Ooo I knew this-'didn't everyone? It's why we called it the "Plandemic"- the virus was created for the "vaccines"- not the other way around. Tons of patents done way before
The virus- we've been had- but the sheep will
Never admit.

Our media is the number one enemy- it's not that The corrupt, Crooked cdc and big Harma are horrible entities- it's our media are just propagandist and don't report or do

Even that's not the biggest problem- the biggest problem is the brainwashed drones buying all this BS that enables everyone .

“Tedros said the WHO is worried that wealthy nations rolling out booster doses for their entire adult populations will exacerbate vaccine inequity around the world. He made clear the WHO is not against administering boosters to people at risk of severe disease, but the main priority should still be vaccinating those who have not received a shot yet.”

So, the WHO is saying take a risk-based approach, but when I say that about the vaccine I’m just a rube who hates grandma.
Wow you already have to put up with a decent chance of strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, myocarditis,stillbirths, sterility, bells palsy et al....and now we know they reduce your protection For Covid. Dang the shots With ADE reduce your natural antibodies so makes you susceptible to all other invaders as I've they hurt your immune system Instead of help against the one thing they were supposed to help. Some of us have been right all along.

Anytime y'all want to admit y'all have been sold a bill of goods and be uber pissed off at those involved- feel free

Lmao - Big O scariant most prevalent in NY and NJ where....yup the highest death jab rates. Keep drinking the kool aid
Out of 16 posts only 5 have been from other people. Do you guys think Corndog's wife just locks him in a room after work every day?
Now saying 90 percent of those who get this scariant won't even know they got it.
As with any virus they mutate, become more
Contagious and weaken greatly. Herd immunity then happens.

But we've taken on mRNA experimental shots- those have compromised immune systems bc they had to have their guzzillion dollar bio experiment- should Have treated it like he flu and all would be fine

The BScontinues.....
Good news- help is on the way bc you know- they care so much about us and the Big bad O scariant is so so bad