So will Trump's appointee Sondland plead the Fifth today?

He's got some... problems.

I'm currently self-employed, and was "1st mate" to the boss in a small office for my entire career before that, so we never had to deal with whistleblower laws.

But in your hypothetical, you DID hear about it. Please don't try to piss down my leg and tell me that it's raining by telling me that you'd just carry on business as usual knowing that a co-worker had it in for you and was trying to sabotage your career.

Regardless, we're not talking about a bunch of corporate schlubs padding their expense accounts. We're talking about the President of the United States. Since this involves his potential removal, the American people deserve to know EVERYONE involved, as well as any chicanery involved.

BTW, good luck with that co-worker who has it in for you.
Such a delicate little flower you are. If you don't occasionally piss someone off you likely aren't doing your job or your work is low value... Which is true for you?
The Javelins are sitting hundreds of miles from the front line, unused! The Trump Administration won’t let the Ukrainians use them against “Russian separatists/little green men” only if Russia, wrapped in full banner Invades instead of the bullshit guerrilla war game they are playing now.
El, lol! wut?
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@CBradSmith hey look Brad. Been Jammin is flexing to the newb in the third person - a theatrical aside for public consumption.
It sure seems that his intention to stay above the fray has wilted, and his transition to the dark side is complete. But my interpretation of how he signaled that he wants to conduct himself might have been off.

Now he seems like a mini-Sys. Just part of the show. Hopefully not too cruel.
Dude... we are talking about a reality TV star who was a new york liberal until he wasn't. And now he's a nazi, a gangster, a fascist etc. etc. No. He's just a guy who isn't establishment and the best way to demonize him to drive by political observers is to libel him as a criminal.
Alphone Gabriel Capone was a faithful husband and upstanding, young successful, businessman worth billions who the jealous Fake News Media treated so badly. He gave so much back to his community, but was still vilified by those who hated all of his #winning. The do-nothing resistance tried to frame him as a murder and criminal. But they never proved any of it. In the end, the bloated swamp knew they could not advance their lies any more so they moved the goalposts to tax evasion. So unfair!
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