So will Trump's appointee Sondland plead the Fifth today?

Seriously...Why do you even care about the identity of the WB at this point? Knowing who he is/naming him will not change anything that has been revealed in testimony already.

Well primarily because he’s an IC leaker - not a whistle blower- as there’s clearly nothing to blow the whistle on. He’s colluded with Schiff and Vindman and needs to be investigated. That starts with Eric Ciaramella being questioned as a witness.
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Contrary to what has been stated in other threads, this is not analogous to a criminal investigation (but yes, there are circumstances in which the defense is entitled to the CI's identity.....I'm not a mob lawyer, so no, I can not deliver a treatise). Regardless, since we are talking about removing a duly elected president, due process (ie. fundamental fairness) requires that the electorate know who is at the heart of the whole episode. It is not just the person elected president who has an interest here, bit rather the entire citizenry.
Agreed that this is not a criminal proceeding. Beyond that, you're just making stuff up based on how you feel.

The identity of the WB is irrelevant if there are numerous other witnesses willing to go on record corroborating his claim.

Where are the people willing to go on record to refute it?
Well primarily because he’s an IC leaker - not a whistle blower- as there’s clearly nothing to blow the whistle on. He’s colluded with Schiff and Vindman and needs to be investigated. That starts with Eric Ciaramella being questioned as a witness.
Good soldier. But I know you don't really believe this.

Even if his identity were disclosed, it is immaterial to the sworn testimony. Anyone willing to say it went down differently is free to testify as well.
Agreed that this is not a criminal proceeding. Beyond that, you're just making stuff up based on how you feel.

The identity of the WB is irrelevant if there are numerous other witnesses willing to go on record corroborating his claim.

Where are the people willing to go on record to refute it?
Uh, no. As JD said a few weeks ago, this is a purely political process. The political leanings of the WB, as well as every other person involved, are relevant.
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No, counselor. Epic analogy fail. If you make an opening statement that is the polar opposite of your subsequent testimony, it pretty much blows the whole thing out of the water, dumb-ass.

PS: Congrats on an ever so appropriate screen name.

You're robbing the testimony of context to fit a narrative that just doesn't add up.

Trump got caught red-handed with the whistleblower complaint, so OF COURSE he's going to say no QPQ at that point.

It's like getting caught going out your window at 1 am and claiming you were on your way to the library.
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You're robbing the testimony of context to fit a narrative that just doesn't add up.

Trump got caught red-handed with the whistleblower complaint, so OF COURSE he's going to say no QPQ at that point.

It's like getting caught going out your window at 1 am and claiming you were on your way to the library.
Not much context to "no quid pro quo." Especially when there is no real evidence of a quid pro quo. All the more reason to know who the WB is, and what specific facts caused him to blow the whistle.
Uh, no. As JD said a few weeks ago, this is a purely political process. The political leanings of the WB, as well as every other person involved, are relevant.

Why is the political leanings of the WB relevant? It doesn't change any of the testimony that we have already heard. Let's pretend that the WB turns out to be Hilary Clinton. How does that change anything? Does that mean we now don't believe anything that Sondland said? You guys already think Vindman is a Dem operative. Does he become a double Dem operative if you find out that the WB is a never Trumper?
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Not much context to "no quid pro quo." Especially when there is no real evidence of a quid pro quo. All the more reason to know who the WB is, and what specific facts caused him to blow the whistle.

If the WB got anything wrong, any of the called witnesses could have said so.

You are grasping at straws here.
Why is the political leanings of the WB relevant? It doesn't change any of the testimony that we have already heard. Let's pretend that the WB turns out to be Hilary Clinton. How does that change anything? Does that mean we now don't believe anything that Sondland said? You guys already think Vindman is a Dem operative. Does he become a double Dem operative if you find out that the WB is a never Trumper?
Because we live in a free society, and as a people, we're entitled to know who may or may not be undoing an election. We should also be vigilant about that freedom, hence, the demand for transparency.
we're entitled to know who may or may not be undoing an election.
Two-thirds of the Senate. That's who will or won't "undo" an election. Now you know.

They'll have all of the information necessary to make their provided for in the Constitution. The identity of a reluctant informant whose claims have been either corroborated or refuted is not necessary.
These are not grand jury proceedings. Not even close to analogous. If they were, we would not know anything until it reached the Senate. BY its very nature, the HoR can not exercise that kind of secrecy.
cool, so really all of this due process face your accuser stuff is just politics not some kind of actual procedural requirement.
These are not grand jury proceedings. Not even close to analogous. If they were, we would not know anything until it reached the Senate. BY its very nature, the HoR can not exercise that kind of secrecy.
Here's the deal.

The impeachment process is not rigidly analogous to anything else in the civil or criminal legal system. Yet you keep trying to make that connection the times when it benefits your narrative, and severing it when it does does not.
Two-thirds of the Senate. That's who will or won't "undo" an election. Now you know.

They'll have all of the information necessary to make their provided for in the Constitution. The identity of a reluctant informant whose claims have been either corroborated or refuted is not necessary.
Was a 23-page opening statement necessary? Sorry to repeat myself, but this is a political process. Regardless of the outcome, the result will affect future elections. Hence, the American people should know who this guy is, whether or not he's some political hack, and any people he may have interacted with prior to blowing the whistle.
So if my crew and I are planning a bank robbery, and a concerned citizen overhears me and tells the cops, all I have to do is say no, I was absolutely not planning a bank robbery, and it's all good? Nothing else matters at that point?

Try again.
Shouldn't the analogy be that you and your crew were talking about stopping someone from robbing a bank and a concerned citizen imagined you were plotting a bank robbery ...
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Here's the deal.

The impeachment process is not rigidly analogous to anything else in the civil or criminal legal system. Yet you keep trying to make that connection the times when it benefits your narrative, and severing it when it does does not.
I'm doing no such thing. All I'm asking for is a process that is fundamentally fair. In the USA, "fundamental fairness" generally gives an accused every feasible chance to obtain favorable evidence.
Was a 23-page opening statement necessary? Sorry to repeat myself, but this is a political process. Regardless of the outcome, the result will affect future elections. Hence, the American people should know who this guy is, whether or not he's some political hack, and any people he may have interacted with prior to blowing the whistle.
Where is it written that in this political process the American people *should* know the identity?

Constitution? Bill of Rights? Magna Carta? King James Bible? Declaration of Independence? War and Peace? Sean Hannity's head?
The mob never really wants CI's to testify. They want them too afraid of retribution to do so. Hence the need for WB protection in the first place. It's not that hard, folks.
Analogy rejected.
I'm doing no such thing. All I'm asking for is a process that is fundamentally fair. In the USA, "fundamental fairness" generally gives an accused every feasible chance to obtain favorable evidence.
In a legal proceeding...right?

If someone makes false or misleading claims about you, the response of an innocent person is to offer evidence and witnesses to the contrary, not ask "who told you that"?
Shouldn't the analogy be that you and your crew were talking about stopping someone from robbing a bank and a concerned citizen imagined you were plotting a bank robbery ...
And if one and only one person heard this, there wouldn't be much of a case if they didn't testify.

If a dozen other people were all willing to speak to the exact same thing, there would be a much better case.
In a legal proceeding...right?

If someone makes false or misleading claims about you, the response of an innocent person is to offer evidence and witnesses to the contrary, not ask "who told you that"?
Oh bullshit. Who told you that?
Oh bullshit. Who told you that?
HR: Mr. Wino, we have received a report that you have been falsifying your expense reports.

Response A: Absolutely not. All of my expenses are well documented and per company policy to the best of my knowledge. Which ones would you like to discuss?

Response B: Who told you that? They must be never-Wino'er. It's a coup, I tell you!

See, if I did falsify my reports, it doesn't matter that I think it was Rick in logistics who ratted me out because he was jealous of my promotion. It only matters whether or not I violated a policy that could reasonably result in my termination.
Where is it written that in this political process the American people *should* know the identity?

Constitution? Bill of Rights? Magna Carta? King James Bible? Declaration of Independence? War and Peace? Sean Hannity's head?
We are a free and self-governing people. If a president can be impeached based on an anonymous bureaucrat (who may or may not have his own political agenda) filing a form, with the accompanying adverse effects on the country, then we are less free. For sure, I realize you'll never be convinced of this until an anomymous Republican blows the whistle on a dmocrat president, but in the meantime do not confuse yourself with people who believe fairness and justice.
HR: Mr. Wino, we have received a report that you have been falsifying your expense reports.

Response A: Absolutely not. All of my expenses are well documented and per company policy to the best of my knowledge. Which ones would you like to discuss?

Response B: Who told you that? They must be never-Wino'er. It's a coup, I tell you!
That’s one way of looking at it.

If somebody repeated a rumor about me, such as cheating on my wife, I wouldn’t offer evidence to the contrary. I just know I haven’t cheated on her. So to be blunt, I’d like to know where you heard it so I’d know whose ass to kick.

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