So will Trump's appointee Sondland plead the Fifth today?

And you would have to be a pretty willing vessel to fill yourself up with the Trumpistan lies at this point.

Guess we’re both just a couple of willing vessels who’ll have to agree to disagree.

Difference though. I’ve been right about every failed attempt to get him. How’ve you fared?
So if my crew and I are planning a bank robbery, and a concerned citizen overhears me and tells the cops, all I have to do is say no, I was absolutely not planning a bank robbery, and it's all good? Nothing else matters at that point?

Try again.
Huh? Did you pull the bank robbery? Does the concerned citizen have anything other than his word? Would it matter if I accused you of planning a bank robbery even though you weren’t? Is all it takes is for someone to make an accusation to bring the matter to court? Not being a lawyer I don’t know the answers. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
Difference though. I’ve been right about every failed attempt to get him. How’ve you fared?
I’ve made no predictions about “getting him”, or if they ever will.

I believe the Senate majority will only vote remove if that’s what gets them another term.

I do think he held up congressionally foreign aid contingent on coercing a dubious and politically motivated statement from the recipient of that aid, and only released the after that plan blew up. And I don’t believe that is acceptable conduct for the President of the United States, regardless of party. The only question now is do the R’s in the Senate agree? Or are they ok with it as it’s their guy?

But FWIW, Feds repeatedly failed at getting Gotti & Capone, et all too...until they did.

Nothing else to discuss, I suppose.
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Huh? Did you pull the bank robbery? Does the concerned citizen have anything other than his word? Would it matter if I accused you of planning a bank robbery even though you weren’t? Is all it takes is for someone to make an accusation to bring the matter to court? Not being a lawyer I don’t know the answers. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
No, the point is it takes a hell of a lot more than a single unsubstantiated whistleblower complaint to get that far.
"The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”

Thank you for eliciting that testimony that somehow didn't make into the 23-page opening statement, Congressman Schiffkatine.

The same day the congressional investigation into qpq went public, Biff claims there was no qpq. sure the timing is irrelevant.

Sounds like a question for these guys.

We are a free and self-governing people. If a president can be impeached based on an anonymous bureaucrat (who may or may not have his own political agenda) filing a form, with the accompanying adverse effects on the country, then we are less free. For sure, I realize you'll never be convinced of this until an anomymous Republican blows the whistle on a dmocrat president, but in the meantime do not confuse yourself with people who believe fairness and justice.

Bullshit. If he had one hair on his ass, he'd March in there, raise his hand to heaven and tell us what happened. He's afraid if big bad Schiff, lol. Why isn't he gonna testify??

If that is in fact the case, then he should be removed from office, after fair and open proceedings, with the American people being privy to ALL the witnesses, and other evidence.

All the witnesses including trump?

Why all witnesses?

Ciaramello needs to answer some questions, and if there's no there there (spoiler - there's not. We've seen this movie before), he needs to share a cell in Leavenworth with Lt Col Flounder.

Lol there ya go. Scream to lock them up, them watch Biff's inner circle go to prison one after another. Everybody that doesn't kiss his ass needs to go to jail.
I’ve made no predictions about “getting him”, or if they ever will.

That's good, because the guys who are sniffing your butt on this board are wrong every day. I have no idea how bought into the Russian collusion like you were or were not, but that alone should raise massive suspicion for you on this current less interesting lie.

I believe the Senate majority will only vote remove if that’s what gets them another term.

Zero chance they vote him out. That is guaranteed to cause civil unrest and undermine confidence in the system beyond repair. Tell you what else, this won't actually make it to the senate. The goal here is to harangue him and retard his polling numbers (not really working at that) and keep the water muddy as long as possible and then censure him so he's got a PR albatross around his neck. No way the d reps in Trump states want their actual vote to impeach on record. It's a show man. Nobody... no serious person... truly believes this is an adequate basis for removing a president. As stupid as the Clinton impeachment was, there was a legit, proven underlying crime. I was against that impeachment too. Nixon committed a crime. There is no crime here. Just listen to the #resistance. They've said right up front, they would find something to impeach him on. This is nothing more than that.

I do think he held up congressionally foreign aid contingent on coercing a dubious and politically motivated statement from the recipient of that aid, and only released it after the plan blew up.

It's your right to believe that. Nothing concrete supports that, but even if it did.... so? Who really cares? Everything in foreign policy is a quid pro quo, and obviously everything is political - including by definition - this silly impeachment circus. The insane thing is that everything being alleged here actually did happen, but it was Biden's corruption and Dem senators pressuring Ukraine to undermine Trump.

And I don’t believe that is acceptable conduct for the President of the United States, regardless of party

Man, I didn't vote for this guy to be head boy scout. I voted for results. And the 2016 election was sketchy AF in ways that are now claimed falsely to be conspiracy theories. They aren't. Ukraine was the center of much of this corruption and I would be quite pissed off if Trump et al were not trying to get to the bottom of it. It's literally his job. Biden... give me a gotdam break. Who has to cheat to beat Joe Biden?? It goes beyond Biden.

The only question now is do the R’s in the Senate agree? Or are they ok with it as it’s their guy?

Maybe they are OK with it because the case is bullshit and they don't have any reason to disagree..

But FWIW, Feds repeatedly failed at getting Gotti & Capone, et all too, until they did.

Gotti and Capone. Dude... we are talking about a reality TV star who was a new york liberal until he wasn't. And now he's a nazi, a gangster, a fascist etc. etc. No. He's just a guy who isn't establishment and the best way to demonize him to drive by political observers is to libel him as a criminal.
Holding up congressionally approved foreign aid until the recepient of that aid makes a public statement advancing a batshit crazy conspiracy theory against your personal political opponent is not “foreign policy”... it’s a shakedown.

It was never about the investigation. It was about getting the announcement to run.

Regardless of identity, the WB report still had to be reviewed and deemed credible by the ICIG and the DNI. It is now being corroborated by witnesses under oath. The substance of their collective testimony has yet to be challenged by anyone else under oath.

You support sending foreign aide to countries that are corrupt and pilfer our aide into their own corrupt pockets? While you may not care that untold millions of dollars on our foreign aide is lining the pockets of corrupt leaders of other countries some of us do. Delaying payment for a period of time to insure our money is being spent in ways we see fit is not a bad thing, it's actually a good thing.
I'm sorry but it has been proven that Trump didn't ask for anything, I think the phrase was he wanted nothing, case closed. But please by all means go ahead and impeach this President after this clown show,, you will have all but insured Trump's re-election.
You are wasting your time. At this point, the Trumpsters can't refute any of the testimony, so they have nothing to hang their hat on other than...
-but the identity of the WB
-but Vindman is a Ukraine nationalist
-but Sondland

You aren't going to change their minds. Of course, you already know that. Carry on.

Oh they change... AFTER the narrative is blown. Then they go quiet. Ask for a roll call of birthers. They were so aflame here time.
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You are wasting your time. At this point, the Trumpsters can't refute any of the testimony, so they have nothing to hang their hat on other than...
-but the identity of the WB
-but Vindman is a Ukraine nationalist
-but Sondland

You aren't going to change their minds. Of course, you already know that. Carry on.

BJ, I think I have been pretty consistent in my abssolute disdain of Trump, GOP, and the DNC. This impeachment has done nothing but illustrate the worst in both sides. Mueller report was bad (Re: people seeing what they want to see), but the impeachment has put both sides at their very worst. I find it funny (partly funny haha, partly funny in a holy shit our species is doomed way) that Trump is getting railed on a lot, as I find him to be an awful human. He wants to take childish jabs but cries foul when he gets return fire.

All of that to say, both sides look like hot dog shit in this one. Trump, Schiff, Pelosi, Nunez, IC, etc. I do not care who the whistleblower is, as I have zero doubt it is nothing but political motivation. Everybody from both sides keeps grasping on every “gotcha” word or phrase or something. Same thing happened with Hillary and Benghazi. This whole thing is typical politics at usual, just open for all of us to see. This, as every other investigation over the past 5-7 years is going to end in a predictable giant thud where nobody “wins.” Nothing will change the minds of either side. We do not have a mature president, nor is the other side willing to put one up (I have to think Warren is the go to if the Biden stuff is accurate).

This thread is entertaining, though :)
Difference though. I’ve been right about every failed attempt to get him. How’ve you fared?

No offense, but the same can be said about the GOPers on Hillary. They haven’t “locked her up” and there is no way it happens. Anybody, literally anybody that predicts a “get him/her” in politics has whiffed marvelously.
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That's good, because the guys who are sniffing your butt on this board are wrong every day. I have no idea how bought into the Russian collusion like you were or were not, but that alone should raise massive suspicion for you on this current less interesting lie.

Zero chance they vote him out. That is guaranteed to cause civil unrest and undermine confidence in the system beyond repair. Tell you what else, this won't actually make it to the senate. The goal here is to harangue him and retard his polling numbers (not really working at that) and keep the water muddy as long as possible and then censure him so he's got a PR albatross around his neck. No way the d reps in Trump states want their actual vote to impeach on record. It's a show man. Nobody... no serious person... truly believes this is an adequate basis for removing a president. As stupid as the Clinton impeachment was, there was a legit, proven underlying crime. I was against that impeachment too. Nixon committed a crime. There is no crime here. Just listen to the #resistance. They've said right up front, they would find something to impeach him on. This is nothing more than that.

It's your right to believe that. Nothing concrete supports that, but even if it did.... so? Who really cares? Everything in foreign policy is a quid pro quo, and obviously everything is political - including by definition - this silly impeachment circus. The insane thing is that everything being alleged here actually did happen, but it was Biden's corruption and Dem senators pressuring Ukraine to undermine Trump.

Man, I didn't vote for this guy to be head boy scout. I voted for results. And the 2016 election was sketchy AF in ways that are now claimed falsely to be conspiracy theories. They aren't. Ukraine was the center of much of this corruption and I would be quite pissed off if Trump et al were not trying to get to the bottom of it. It's literally his job. Biden... give me a gotdam break. Who has to cheat to beat Joe Biden?? It goes beyond Biden.

Maybe they are OK with it because the case is bullshit and they don't have any reason to disagree..

Gotti and Capone. Dude... we are talking about a reality TV star who was a new york liberal until he wasn't. And now he's a nazi, a gangster, a fascist etc. etc. No. He's just a guy who isn't establishment and the best way to demonize him to drive by political observers is to libel him as a criminal.
Like I said, we have nothing else to discuss. You believe what you believe to be true and now I’m on record with what I believe to be true.


Go Pokes!
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No. Yes. I would expect narratives to change as facts are discovered. At least, that is how litigation works.

So, yes, you admit the narratives change from both camps (I think that is the correct interpretation.....). Facts, opininions, not sure which we get these days.
No offense, but the same can be said about the GOPers on Hillary. They haven’t “locked her up” and there is no way it happens. Anybody, literally anybody that predicts a “get him/her” in politics has whiffed marvelously.

I don't disagree per se as nobody's been gotten, but I would suggest the incidence and intensity of the two things are not close to the same. The corporate media, entertainment industry, academic institutions etc. didn't line up against Hillary or label her a nazi, so that's different.
I don't disagree per se as nobody's been gotten, but I would suggest the incidence and intensity of the two things are not close to the same. The corporate media, entertainment industry, academic institutions etc. didn't line up against Hillary or label her a nazi, so that's different.

Two sides of the same coin. You just get too deep into the mire to see it.
You support sending foreign aide to countries that are corrupt and pilfer our aide into their own corrupt pockets? While you may not care that untold millions of dollars on our foreign aide is lining the pockets of corrupt leaders of other countries some of us do. Delaying payment for a period of time to insure our money is being spent in ways we see fit is not a bad thing, it's actually a good thing.
I'm sorry but it has been proven that Trump didn't ask for anything, I think the phrase was he wanted nothing, case closed. But please by all means go ahead and impeach this President after this clown show,, you will have all but insured Trump's re-election.
“Trump doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine. He cares about the Biden stuff”.

If Congress conditioned the aid on meeting certain requirements, and those requirements were not met, that would be a reasonable pretense to hold up the aid. But Congress did not.

*Trump* didn’t personally & explicitly ask, you say? Of course not. Even the worst crooks are familiar with intermediaries & plausible deniability.

He wanted Ukraine to advance his personal interests, not the general interested of the US.

Holding up aid outside the normal channels of government for his personal indulgence means we have a king, not a president.

One more thing...

Holding up the aid for that long, then releasing it right after the WB report, despite not getting the requested investigation has a “why did Santiago need to be transferred?” ring to it....
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In my state, attorneys are pretty much required to disclose unfavorable evidence to the other side when requested, unless one is representing a criminal defendant, of course. This is probably not inconsistent (double neg) with your point.

It doesn’t appear to be. I would also point out that some “unfavorable” evidence....even in civil cases....are subject to various claims of privilege, etc. Thus my statement re: not necessarily. I would agree with your characterization of “pretty much.
And how would the defense go about demonstrating that the identity of the WB/CI is exculpatory, rather than just a sideshow to distract & conflate?

As soonerinlouisian pointed out previously, it is my contention that impeachment proceedings are uniquely political in nature with the only mandated rules (procedural or discovery issues) being the very short mentions in the Constitution. Consequently Brady v Maryland decisions regarding exculpatory evidence in criminal proceedings wouldn’t necessarily apply in an impeachment proceeding.

That being said, a credible argument that police mischaracterize the confidential information provided or that the CI didn’t meet the legal definition of a reliable credible CI could lead to an in camera examination of that information to the judge that could then decide whether or not it would be disclosed to Defendant.
As soonerinlouisian pointed out previously, it is my contention that impeachment proceedings are uniquely political in nature with the only mandated rules (procedural or discovery issues) being the very short mentions in the Constitution. Consequently Brady v Maryland decisions regarding exculpatory evidence in criminal proceedings wouldn’t necessarily apply in an impeachment proceeding.

That being said, a credible argument that police mischaracterize the confidential information provided or that the CI didn’t meet the legal definition of a reliable credible CI could lead to an in camera examination of that information to the judge that could then decide whether or not it would be disclosed to Defendant.
So in our admittedly square-peg-into-round-hole example, whose role would it actually be to make such a determination?
“Trump doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine. He cares about the Biden stuff”.

If Congress conditioned the aid on meeting certain requirements, and those requirements were not met, that would be a reasonable pretense to hold up the aid. But Congress did not.

*Trump* didn’t personally & explicitly ask, you say? Of course not. Even the worst crooks are familiar with intermediaries & plausible deniability.

He wanted Ukraine to advance his personal interests, not the general interested of the US.

Holding up aid outside the normal channels of government for his personal indulgence means we have a king, not a president.

One more thing...

Holding up the aid for that long, then releasing it right after the WB report, despite not getting the requested investigation has a “why did Santiago need to be transferred?” ring to it....

Well you seem to have bought the Democrat narrative hook line and sinker. Never mind Ukraine is a well known corrupt country, never mind Ukraine elected a new President in April of 2019. Never mind that it would only be prudent to place a hold on funds until the new President can be properly evaluated. Never mind that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in Ukraine. The fact the a Biden relative has a cushy job collecting millions of dollars a year insures no one in the US can even express a desire they be investigated for corruption. Wake up. People do not get million dollar a year jobs with no experience in anything the company does unless they bring something to the table. What Hunter brought was protection from investigation and you are going right along with it. Thankfully the Ukrainian President is actually trying to clean up the corruption within their government. First step is the indictment of Burisma's President. In the words of Reverend Jerimiah Wright, "Your chickens are coming home to roost" and they are going to shit all over you.
So in our admittedly square-peg-into-round-hole example, whose role would it actually be to make such a determination?

There is NO ONE that plays the role that the judge plays in criminal adversarial proceedings in impeachment IMO.

The square peg is so square that there is no way I can rationally try to jam it in that round hole.
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There is NO ONE that plays the role that the judge plays in criminal adversarial proceedings in impeachment IMO.

The square peg is so square that there is no way I can rationally try to jam it in that round hole.
Thanks, appreciate it, not trying to put words your mouth.
Well you seem to have bought the Democrat narrative hook line and sinker. Never mind Ukraine is a well known corrupt country, never mind Ukraine elected a new President in April of 2019. Never mind that it would only be prudent to place a hold on funds until the new President can be properly evaluated. Never mind that Burisma is one of the most corrupt companies in Ukraine. The fact the a Biden relative has a cushy job collecting millions of dollars a year insures no one in the US can even express a desire they be investigated for corruption. Wake up. People do not get million dollar a year jobs with no experience in anything the company does unless they bring something to the table. What Hunter brought was protection from investigation and you are going right along with it. Thankfully the Ukrainian President is actually trying to clean up the corruption within their government. First step is the indictment of Burisma's President. In the words of Reverend Jerimiah Wright, "Your chickens are coming home to roost" and they are going to shit all over you.
If it was prudent to hold the funds, then why were they released?

Congratulations, you have bought the Trumpistan narrative hook line & sinker.

Time will tell, nothing more to discuss.
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If it was prudent to hold the funds, then why were they released?

Congratulations, you have bought the Trumpistan narrative hook line & sinker.

Time will tell, nothing more to discuss.
About 36 million in funds are still being withheld. Why?
Trump delivered lethal force aid that Zero withheld. Why?
The Javelins are sitting hundreds of miles from the front line, unused! The Trump Administration won’t let the Ukrainians use them against “Russian separatists/little green men” only if Russia, wrapped in full banner Invades instead of the bullshit guerrilla war game they are playing now.
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The havilns are sitting hundreds of miles from the front line, unused! They Trump Administration won’t let the Ukrainians use them against “Russian separatists/little green men” only if Russia wrapped in full banner Invade instead of the bullshit guerilla war game they are playing now

hmmm.... and can you see these *checks notes... little green men right now pinkobead?


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