Regarding Vivek Ramaswamy

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Does it seem as obvious to you as it does to me that he’s trying too hard to walk the tightrope of “challenging” Donald Trump without offending him or his myriad disciples because what he’s really after is to have Trump name him as VP, which would set him up for a legitimate run in 2028? I guess I like him a little. But he seems to me to come off as too calculating. It seems he’s trying too hard to hide what his real goal is, but the harder he tries to hide it the more obvious it becomes.
Why does it not surprise that you don't get one the more honest and refreshingly honest person running for President.

I don't agree 100% with him but I respect him and would vote for him over Trump but the bullshit election interference procecutions of Trump force me to support him first. This bullshit has to be dealt a defeat.
Why does it not surprise that you don't get one the more honest and refreshingly honest person running for President.

I don't agree 100% with him but I respect him and would vote for him over Trump but the bullshit election interference procecutions of Trump force me to support him first. This bullshit has to be dealt a defeat.
He comes across as a refreshingly honest politician, of that there's no doubt. He's extraordinarily likeable. But if you think about it how honest can any politician be? Being an effective liar is one of the prerequsites of the job. How much do you know about him? Are you aware he made his millions by being tied at the hip with Big Pharma? Does that concern you at all? If he were president and another Covid-like outbreak occured would you trust him to put your best interest at the top of the priority list? To me he comes across as a little too slick, a litle too practiced, gives answers to questions a little too quickly, as if he's practiced in front of a mirror a million times until he got everything just right.

But that's me, what do I know, I'm for RFK, Jr.

I have a question for you, honestly intended. How does voting for Trump over your actual preferred candidate deal defeat to the election interference prosecutions? If you vote for him, he wins the nomination but loses the general how has the "bullshit" been defeated? And if he wins the general how do you think he will respond to the "bullshit" as president? Do you think he will set his grievances aside and concentrate on getting the country back on its feet, or will he go on a crusade to punish those who punished him, using whatever means are available to him in his position? Will his personal vendetta put constitutional protections at risk?
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People need to face the fact that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee.

These bulshit indictments are fueling a rage in the electorate that I think gives Trump more than a 50/50 chance to beat brain dead buffoons named Biden and Harris.
Please understand I'm asking questions purely out of curiosity. I have no intention to put you on a spot. If you are so sure Trump is going to win the nomination why are you going to vote for him instead of the candidate, Ramaswamy, that you would prefer? In what way does that vote deal defeat to those harassing Trump?
People need to face the fact that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee.

These bulshit indictments are fueling a rage in the electorate that I think gives Trump more than a 50/50 chance to beat brain dead buffoons named Biden and Harris.
Watch this!

Russell Brand gives us a real picture of the real Vivek, and damned he’s impressive! You’re foolish to choose Trump over him.
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Watch this!

Russell Brand gives us a real picture of the real Vivek, and damned he’s impressive! You’re foolish to choose Trump over him.
It's not that I am choosing Trump over Vivek. I think Vivek is the future but he is not going to beat Trump in 2024.

So I'll support Trump because the socialist POS Democrats have to go.

carry on
The great thing about the interview is Brand would ask a question and then sit back and let Ramaswamy answer, let him talk until he quit talking. He didn't turn the interview into a series of soundbites. The man was vey impressive. I particulary was interested when Brand asked him about his connection to Big Pharma and he debunked it without equivocation. He also said flatly that he would end the war in Ukraine on day one. Kennedy is the only other candidate I know of that has said the same thing. This country would be in such better shape if the election were between Ramaswamy and Kennedy. Unfortunately that's not going to happen.
Sleepy joe considered himself "refreshing". Along with 81 million who supposedly voted for his incompetent ass.
The great thing about the interview is Brand would ask a question and then sit back and let Ramaswamy answer, let him talk until he quit talking. He didn't turn the interview into a series of soundbites. The man was vey impressive. I particulary was interested when Brand asked him about his connection to Big Pharma and he debunked it without equivocation. He also said flatly that he would end the war in Ukraine on day one. Kennedy is the only other candidate I know of that has said the same thing. This country would be in such better shape if the election were between Ramaswamy and Kennedy. Unfortunately that's not going to happen.
Did he say "How he would end the war in Ukraine" on day 1? You have to understand WHY there is a war in Ukraine before you can end it. There is war in Ukraine because the only way to prevent Ukraine's membership into NATO was to enact a war that would immediately trigger the Article V NATO obligations to put US troops on the ground. The fact that Biden has since stated that Ukraine can't join NATO until the war is over means that Putin got exactly what he wanted. Russia doesn't care if the war is a slog. Outside of Crimea, they don't particularly care for the territory. A stalemate is fine for Russia, as long as the war continues.

So to end the war in 1 day, is Vivek (or Kennedy) going to announce that Ukraine will no longer be part of NATO and that they will be declared a neutral country (like Switzerland)? Or are we going to immediately admit them to NATO, and escalate the war to force Putin to withdraw? Those are basically the two options, and I'm not seeing either of them (or any other candidate) honestly talk about this.

Just saying "I'll end the war on day 1" is political lip service.
The great thing about the interview is Brand would ask a question and then sit back and let Ramaswamy answer, let him talk until he quit talking. He didn't turn the interview into a series of soundbites. The man was vey impressive. I particulary was interested when Brand asked him about his connection to Big Pharma and he debunked it without equivocation. He also said flatly that he would end the war in Ukraine on day one. Kennedy is the only other candidate I know of that has said the same thing. This country would be in such better shape if the election were between Ramaswamy and Kennedy. Unfortunately that's not going to happen.
Not trying to promote Trump to you but Trump has said he would and could end the Ukraine war on day 1.
Did he say "How he would end the war in Ukraine" on day 1? You have to understand WHY there is a war in Ukraine before you can end it. There is war in Ukraine because the only way to prevent Ukraine's membership into NATO was to enact a war that would immediately trigger the Article V NATO obligations to put US troops on the ground. The fact that Biden has since stated that Ukraine can't join NATO until the war is over means that Putin got exactly what he wanted. Russia doesn't care if the war is a slog. Outside of Crimea, they don't particularly care for the territory. A stalemate is fine for Russia, as long as the war continues.

So to end the war in 1 day, is Vivek (or Kennedy) going to announce that Ukraine will no longer be part of NATO and that they will be declared a neutral country (like Switzerland)? Or are we going to immediately admit them to NATO, and escalate the war to force Putin to withdraw? Those are basically the two options, and I'm not seeing either of them (or any other candidate) honestly talk about this.

Just saying "I'll end the war on day 1" is political lip service.
Of course saying he’ll end the war on day one is an unfortunate rhetorical flourish. No one could end the war on day one. What he means by it is he will take steps from day one to end the war. Those steps include declaring NATO will not admit Ukraine, Ukraine will become a neutral country, Russia will pull back from much of the territory it currently occupies. There is no way he can go into great depth on how he will end the war in a far reaching one hour interview that covers multiple topics. The key feature of his attitude centers around understanding the importance of keeping Russia and China separated. I am butchering what he said. I advise you watch the interview. I bet you’ll come away from it as impressed as I was.
Pedos: Joe Biden
Trump Epstein GIF
Those steps include declaring NATO will not admit Ukraine, Ukraine will become a neutral country, Russia will pull back from much of the territory it currently occupies. There is no way he can go into great depth on how he will end the war in a far reaching one hour interview that covers multiple topics.
Did he actually state that he would not admit Ukraine to NATO or is that your extrapolation?
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Weird, you show this image on the day that it was that Obama's White House lawyer was recommended to JPM by none other than Epstein himself. In fact, it was quite the list of "friends" that he recommended JPM onboard.

Among the high-powered names listed in the court filing are Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem of Dubai, former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, former Treasury Department Secretary Larry Summers and television journalist Katie Couric.

I assume CNBC is an acceptable news source for libs today, right?

Edit: Why was I completely not surprised to find Bill Gates' name on that list?
Didn't Ramaswarmy say he would consider pardoning Hunter Biden? That would also mean he would have to Pardon the "Big Guy" gtfoh with that Rino shit.
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Did he actually state that he would not admit Ukraine to NATO or is that your extrapolation?
He said Ukraine would not be admitted to NATO. But you should watch the interview yourself and hear what he says with your own ears.
Lets say a Republican wins the Presidency in 2024 and one of their first actions is to end the Ukraine war, what is the narrative Democrats and their propaganda mouthpieces in the MSM come out with? My prediction, RUSSIAN COLLUSION. LMAO.
Lets say a Republican wins the Presidency in 2024 and one of their first actions is to end the Ukraine war, what is the narrative Democrats and their propaganda mouthpieces in the MSM come out with? My prediction, RUSSIAN COLLUSION. LMAO.
You may be onto something!
Didn't Ramaswarmy say he would consider pardoning Hunter Biden? That would also mean he would have to Pardon the "Big Guy" gtfoh with that Rino shit.
He didn't say that in this interview, but he said he would pardon Trump. At the beginning of the interview he claimed to be more Trump than Trump. Brand laughingly agreed with him when he said he'd pardon Trump because he thought Trump would not be able to pardon himself.
The great thing about the interview is Brand would ask a question and then sit back and let Ramaswamy answer, let him talk until he quit talking. He didn't turn the interview into a series of soundbites. The man was vey impressive. I particulary was interested when Brand asked him about his connection to Big Pharma and he debunked it without equivocation. He also said flatly that he would end the war in Ukraine on day one. Kennedy is the only other candidate I know of that has said the same thing. This country would be in such better shape if the election were between Ramaswamy and Kennedy. Unfortunately that's not going to happen.
Gee. Maybe you should go out and vote for him.
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I haven’t heard V’s plan on tackling the problem with an unbalanced unelected policy makers.

That was Obamas biggest success. He stacked the unelected positions with one team and added provisions to make them hard to move.

We see the effects of that every day.

It’s what took down Trump.
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I haven’t heard V’s plan on tackling the problem with an unbalanced unelected policy makers.

That was Obamas biggest success. He stacked the unelected positions with one team and added provisions to make them hard to move.

We see the effects of that every day.

It’s what took down Trump.
One thing he said: if an American president is allowed to serve only eight years maximum, then the same standard should apply to every government employee. Eight years and you're out.
One thing Vivek said that Trump supporters should consider: you only get to be an "outsider" once. When you've spent four years on the inside you can no longer claim to be on the outside looking in. In this race Vivek is the outsider.
Trump is still outside the swamp and the deep state. Vivek Circle K is FOS on that one.
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One thing he said: if an American president is allowed to serve only eight years maximum, then the same standard should apply to every government employee. Eight years and you're out.

That’s as vague as “draining the swamp.”

I need a plan, because it’s a massive undertaking.

Without a concrete plan you end up with those morons on your cabinet like Trump.
That’s as vague as “draining the swamp.”

I need a plan, because it’s a massive undertaking.

Without a concrete plan you end up with those morons on your cabinet like Trump.
Maybe you can ask him. I don’t think anyone spends time laying out a comprehensive plan during the course of an all encompassing interview.
He did a good job discussing his beliefs about the “tyranny of the minority” with the orange headed tranny at the IA state fair a few days ago
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An answer one would expect from a true-blue Trump supporter, you miss the point entirely. Vivek was absolutely right.

The answer I’d expect from a Trump hater.

You’ve bought into a lot of the contrived crap that produced the labeling by the new non left left.
An answer one would expect from a true-blue Trump supporter, you miss the point entirely. Vivek was absolutely right.
LMAO, Vivek is only right in the sense Trump was part of the government, the deep state, Washington cartel, Washington Establishment or however you want to refer to them hate Trump.
The answer I’d expect from a Trump hater.

You’ve bought into a lot of the contrived crap that produced the labeling by the new non left left.
Trump was deeply involved in politics for a year or two before he became president as he spent the time campaigning, spent four years as the most insider of all insiders because he was in charge of the whole show, and has followed that up by spending another couple of years playing hardball inside politics. Whether you love him or hate him it is preposterous to think he's an outsider. He was an outsider in 2015; he's an outsider no more. But you're right about one thing: I can't stand the sight of the man. I can't stand the sight of any of them.

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