Regarding Vivek Ramaswamy

LMAO, Vivek is only right in the sense Trump was part of the government, the deep state, Washington cartel, Washington Establishment or however you want to refer to them hate Trump.
LMAO right back at you. One can't spend time inside the government and then claim to be an outsider. Of course the "deep state" hates him. He hates them back, and hated them while he was president. Does that make the "deep state" a bunch of outsiders? This whole mess is nothing more than inside hardball politics by a whole mess of insiders as they jockey for power. And that includes Trump. I don't care if you like him and support him, your opinion has no effect on the outcome, but quit fooling yourself that you like and support him because he's an outsider. He's not. Admit to yourself that you like him and support him because you prefer his version of inside politics.
LMAO right back at you. One can't spend time inside the government and then claim to be an outsider. Of course the "deep state" hates him. He hates them back, and hated them while he was president. Does that make the "deep state" a bunch of outsiders? This whole mess is nothing more than inside hardball politics by a whole mess of insiders as they jockey for power. And that includes Trump. I don't care if you like him and support him, your opinion has no effect on the outcome, but quit fooling yourself that you like and support him because he's an outsider. He's not. Admit to yourself that you like him and support him because you prefer his version of inside politics.
I guess that depends on your perception. Mine is the entire government is corrupt, everyone from elected and appointed to those who have careers in government behind the scenes. Trump was and is a direct threat to those currently in power. Never said what I think Trump's intentions are, if anything Trump is not part of the Washington Cartel.
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I guess that depends on your perception. Mine is the entire government is corrupt, everyone from elected and appointed to those who have careers in government behind the scenes. Trump was and is a direct threat to those currently in power. Never said what I think Trump's intentions are, if anything Trump is not part of the Washington Cartel.
I know you don’t like hearing it, but the truth is the Trump family has shown to be every bit as corrupt as the Bidens. I agree with you that DJT is perceived (correctly) to be an imminent threat to deep state power and control (how big a threat is debatable; he certainly had no effect the first time around), but they perceive it that way because he wants to wrest that control away from them and use it himself. So we have a classic standoff between two sides that each are eager to have the power to rub the noses of the other side in all the poo they can find.
Did he say "How he would end the war in Ukraine" on day 1? You have to understand WHY there is a war in Ukraine before you can end it. There is war in Ukraine because the only way to prevent Ukraine's membership into NATO was to enact a war that would immediately trigger the Article V NATO obligations to put US troops on the ground. The fact that Biden has since stated that Ukraine can't join NATO until the war is over means that Putin got exactly what he wanted. Russia doesn't care if the war is a slog. Outside of Crimea, they don't particularly care for the territory. A stalemate is fine for Russia, as long as the war continues.

So to end the war in 1 day, is Vivek (or Kennedy) going to announce that Ukraine will no longer be part of NATO and that they will be declared a neutral country (like Switzerland)? Or are we going to immediately admit them to NATO, and escalate the war to force Putin to withdraw? Those are basically the two options, and I'm not seeing either of them (or any other candidate) honestly talk about this.

Just saying "I'll end the war on day 1" is political lip service.
Sleepy would rather the war continue. His virtue.