Rasmussen: Respondents in both GA and PA list DEMOCRATS as America's greatest enemy, ahead of China

I’ve been saying it for years, Democrat voters and their stupidity are the greatest threat this country faces. While I do not wish violence or ill will on anyone I wouldn’t piss on a Democrat voter if they were on fire.
Are Republican voters who reject Trump and blindly support RINO Trump haters any better? I think not, in fact I think you could argue they do far more damage to the right's efforts to save America.
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Are Republican voters who reject Trump and blindly support RINO Trump haters any better? I think not, in fact I think you could argue they do far more damage to the right's efforts to save America.
Good point. The Lindsey Grahams, Mitch McConnells and Paul Ryan’s of the party might as well be Democrats.
Are Republican voters who reject Trump and blindly support RINO Trump haters any better? I think not, in fact I think you could argue they do far more damage to the right's efforts to save America.
We have a winner. You are correct that those so called conservatives will do more damage to the conservative movement than Kamala.
ole tent plenty big enough for the nyc elite ccp/dnc commie wanna bees

only the country club rino’s and tranny’s are the opp now

Maybe when the illegal Haitians are bussed next door to the 'bonafide conservatives' here and start sticking their smelly fingers in their Grey Poupon, then maybe they will understand why sane voters overlooked Trump the asshole and focused on saving America.
being viewed as “deplorable” by country club “conservatives” who don’t have the stomach for the work that needs to be done is ultimate irony

being viewed as “deplorable” by country club “conservatives” who don’t have the stomach for the work that needs to be done is ultimate irony
I suspect most of the 'bonafide' conservatives don't have the slightest clue what 'work' needs to be done. I suspect most of them think to themselves "Ok, I'll support Trump just cause Kamala sucks. But if Trump loses, then we can run a REAL conservative next time! Then we'll win!"

How many of 'you guys' think that? That Trump losing wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, cause you think that would officially kill the MAGA movement and we could go back to running 'real' conservatives?

I hate to break it to 'you guys', but if Trump doesn't return to power, we very likely won't have any more elections. That's how serious this is, and you guys are clueless, sitting back plotting how you can get back to having Mitt Romneys and John McCains running the pubs.

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