Penn State

You old crotchety turd…I know you love this and are super excited like the rest of us!

I just wish @oberebo would jump in here!
Yes, there is more light and therefore hope. I don't know where Oberebo is or Wrassler. I hope that they are okay. I have been hoping for a name change with this forum for a long time. Maybe it will occur shortly. Many good things are happening but I need to see this development in these wrestlers and 25 or 26 great recruiting classes. The old staff got a special 25 class recruit, Lockett. I will get way more excited to see great 25 and 26 recruiting classes.( Forrest, Bassett and Mocco to name a few. Pulling in these portal guys is a very good sign.
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Yes, there is more light and therefore hope. I don't know where Oberebo is or Wrassler. I hope that they are okay. I have been hoping for a name change with this forum for a long time. Maybe it will occur shortly. Many good things are happening but I need to see this development in these wrestlers and 25 or 26 great recruiting classes. The old staff got a special 25 class recruit, Lockett. I will get way more excited to see great 25 and 26 recruiting classes.( Forrest, Bassett and Mocco to name a few. Pulling in these portal guys is a very good sign.
I forgot about @Wrassler17 and @MiccoMacey please check on your Dad!

Yes, the staff we lost did an outstanding job of filling the room with talent. I hope they know we love them for it.

I’ll wager that you’re happy with the results by your 100th bday! Happy late 98th though! I love ya man!
Oberebo is just fine and next door as we speak. He's been laying low and getting in shape. After DT asked him to join the staff and Coach the upperweights he has been bulking up! Expect news on that front soon!
Bulking up or trimming down to 285? ;)
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