Over/under for yrs sbf does in prison?


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
He’s a liberal, democrat, big demorat donor and member of the tribe. He gives lip service to helping his clients recover “some” of their $$$.

ANd does less than 6 yrs in prison.

If this was a gop donor? Hanging from the nearest tree.

Over/under for how long til he’s suicided? That’s a Better question.

Only white actors in avatar? Guess all the blue actors were busy playing smurfs.

One bullet at a time snowflake, one bullet at a time.
Considering his partners in crime are turning on him I would guess he gets the maximum, whatever that is.
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Whilst the true instigators skate. Know what I'm sayin? This dumb little bitch will get off though.😂
That's the way the game is played now days. When things go to shit, you run to the feds and they will cut you a deal for testifying against the fall guy.
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So, would someone explain to me WhereTF the $250mil. bail came from? Does he have that much property to pledge or what??
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"He’s a liberal, democrat, big demorat donor and member of the tribe."

How did that work out for Bernie Madoff?
He's free on bail and will stay that way for quite some time. The actual criminal trials probably won't start until '24. The sentence he'll get will depend on the economic situation at the time. If we're neck deep in a recession still, then he'll get hammered so that Biden will have some positive story to run on. If the economic environment is satisfactory, then he'll get 5 years or less.

That's my expectation.
He’s a liberal, democrat, big demorat donor and member of the tribe. He gives lip service to helping his clients recover “some” of their $$$.

ANd does less than 6 yrs in prison.

If this was a gop donor? Hanging from the nearest tree.

Over/under for how long til he’s suicided? That’s a Better question.

Only white actors in avatar? Guess all the blue actors were busy playing smurfs.

One bullet at a time snowflake, one bullet at a time.
If you believe what is typed on this here web site you would come to the conclusion that you guys are the biggest bunch of dopes on the planet. Dems steal. Dems cheat. They rape, pillage, and murder on the reg. All you guys can do about it apparently is type lots of words here.
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If you believe what is typed on this here web site you would come to the conclusion that you guys are the biggest bunch of dopes on the planet. Dems steal. Dems cheat. They rape, pillage, and murder on the reg. All you guys can do about it apparently is type lots of words here.

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His parents posted it. Used their home to secure it.

Charlie Gasparino who usually appears on FoxBus. w/Cavuto was on Tucker tonight. There's a helluva lot more put up on that bond besides the parents home. Inquiring minds should want to know the rest of the story!
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he had to post 10%, so where did the $2.5 million come from? That was my question from the beginning. Did Ukraine send it?
  • Haha
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he had to post 10%, so where did the $2.5 million come from? That was my question from the beginning. Did Ukraine send it?
10% would be 25 million not 2.5.

Guy stole billions of dollars from his investors, ruining people's lives, destroying their life savings and he's allowed some BS bail agreement. Meanwhile people who didn't do much more than walk around in the Capital building on January 6th have been held in jail, in horrid condition going on two years. SMFH.
  • Angry
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what if this guy was "conservative, republican, maga gop donor, and baptist"? again, if this guy was a maga conservative,,,,, no bail, lousy food, (why am i not suprised this spoiled little momma's boy is a vegan?) rotting in bahama's prison, with roomie, big luther.

random thots:

what a smile on hairplugs shumer's face after BANKRUPTING our grandchildren with this omnibus crapola.

funny how upset the media was after the censorship shoe was on their foot, go musk go!

glad this inflation is transitory

o yea, per nanshee (must have been into the whiskey already) happy schwannzee.

one bullet at a time snowflakes, one bullet at a time,,,,,,,,
If you believe what is typed on this here web site you would come to the conclusion that you guys are the biggest bunch of dopes on the planet. Dems steal. Dems cheat. They rape, pillage, and murder on the reg. All you guys can do about it apparently is type lots of words here.
Lol…now do you and Trump

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