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Now I'm confused. You get your climate alarmism vis a vis fossil fuels by people that died before fossil fuels came into use?
They were used, just not widely and intensively like they are today. A lot of the important work on thermodynamics, heat transfer, and chemistry happened in the 19th century.
You would know everything about being a blind swallower.
That's pretty aggressive.
You don’t think what has happened in the Catholic Church has hurt Catholic membership? Stop following the teachings? Or not going to church and practicing their faith in private and to be more questioning of hypocritical men and what they tell you to believe?
I believe in one God,*
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,*
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,*
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.*
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

*Not valid if certain fallen and imperfect men are hypocrites.
If we stop emitting CO2 today the earth will continue to warm for a few decades until it reaches the equilibrium temperature for the level of CO2 in the atmosphere (If we stop cold turkey today that equates to less than 0.7C more warming). From there the climate will be subject to natural fluctuations. Natural fluctuations over the last 10,000 years have been minimal. Of course unforeseen things can happen but they are unlikely.
Is that your prediction or someone else's?
What action would you take to prevent unforeseen changes in climate?
You mean like apocalyptic type events? Humans have planned for and adapted to climate change since humans have been in existence.
Climate change from greenhouse gas
So to summarize you're saying that the biggest threat to the climate is fossil fuel burning and that only once we eliminate it can the earth return to "natural fluctuations?"
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They were used, just not widely and intensively like they are today. A lot of the important work on thermodynamics, heat transfer, and chemistry happened in the 19th century.
Last two or three times I visited whataburger they couldn't get my order right. There's an analogy in my post. 👍
You mean like apocalyptic type events?
Yes, slow moving low magnitude changes are adaptable.
Humans have planned for and adapted to climate change since humans have been in existence.
Human civilization as we know it has not dealt with large (2C) changes in the global climate and definitely not over a 100 year time period
So to summarize you're saying that the biggest threat to the climate is fossil fuel burning and that only once we eliminate it can the earth return to "natural fluctuations?"
The most tractable threat. Huge natural threats exist but are very hard to predict/prevent.
Yes, slow moving low magnitude changes are adaptable.
Volcanos are the biggest threat to humans on an apocalyptic scale. The temperature isn't going to change 6 degrees across the globe overnight. Just like homo sapiens endured ice ages and some warm temperatures of the past when we were much less equipped, we'll be ok. Well, those of us that aren't too frail to adapt will.

Human civilization as we know it has not dealt with large (2C) changes in the global climate and definitely not over a 100 year time period
Says who? You do know homo sapiens have lived through shit like ice ages, right?

The most tractable threat. Huge natural threats exist but are very hard to predict/prevent.
Thanks for assuring me that things will be able to return to "natural fluctuations" once we get rid of cars (I left out the "cow" part so we won't have to do this again).
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Volcanos are the biggest threat to humans on an apocalyptic scale. The temperature isn't going to change 6 degrees across the globe overnight. Just like homo sapiens endured ice ages and some warm temperatures of the past when we were much less equipped, we'll be ok. Well, those of us that aren't too frail to adapt will.
Yeah I'm not trying to be a caveman
Says who? You do know homo sapiens have lived through shit like ice ages, right?
Before human civilization.
Thanks for assuring me that things will be able to return to "natural fluctuations" once we get rid of cars (I left out the "cow" part so we won't have to do this again).
Ah I see what you did there. You said people were assuring you of unreasonable things like the climate not changing, and I assured you of something reasonable like the climate continuing to change. They are not equivalent.
Yeah a whopping 31 inches of tilt.
Oh My Love GIF by WWE
Yeah I'm not trying to be a caveman
Volcanos don't discriminate. You'll have what they serve you when they serve you.
Before human civilization.
Yes, there were climate changes then too. Who caused those? Must have been some hella animal and fish farts to get us out of a couple of ice ages. Or maybe there's something to the whole alien thing. Tough to be for sure for sure.
Ah I see what you did there. You said people were assuring you of unreasonable things like the climate not changing, and I assured you of something reasonable like the climate continuing to change. They are not equivalent.
Do you realize that alarmism isn't science and isn't even minimally based on science?
Wow so emotional. Rich? Elitists? Trust? Preach? Where is the logic there?

Rich elitist who burn jetful and preaching has no bearing on the science of climate change at all. If the pope is a hypocrite are you giving up on God?

Meanwhile opponents of climate action relying solely on dumb and misinformed arguments is a good indicator that there are no good arguments against climate action.
Misinformed arguments? How about being against misinformed solutions. The issue is carbon footprint is it not? So instead of outlawing new combustion engines, gas stoves, and hot water heaters, why not address the most inefficient carbon footprint activities performed by humans (Space exploration, Yachting and private planes). Prove that those making the rules have skin in the game. My hot water heater is about to outlawed in the name of climate change, but Mr. Green Czar Kerry will still fly private everywhere he goes and have 100X my carbon footprint. Why am I paying the price for HIS actions? That's the question. Its not elitism. Its not conservatism. Its common sense. John Kerry has generated more carbon dioxide since Biden's been in office, than I have in my ENTIRE life. Yet, he asks me to change my eating habits, sacrifice my lifestyle, and pay more for lesser quality shit, just so he can keep doing what he does. Bullshit.

Go ahead libs and tell me where I'm wrong.
Volcanos don't discriminate. You'll have what they serve you when they serve you.

Yes, there were climate changes then too. Who caused those? Must have been some hella animal and fish farts to get us out of a couple of ice ages. Or maybe there's something to the whole alien thing. Tough to be for sure for sure.

Do you realize that alarmism isn't science and isn't even minimally based on science?
How do you define alarmism?
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Misinformed arguments? How about being against misinformed solutions. The issue is carbon footprint is it not? So instead of outlawing new combustion engines, gas stoves, and hot water heaters, why not address the most inefficient carbon footprint activities performed by humans (Space exploration, Yachting and private planes).
You maybe surprised to learn that the people who enjoy those things have lots of political influence. You may also be surprised to learn that while those activities are very carbon intensive on a percapita basis, their absolute contribution to carbon emissions are very low.

Also let's not pretend that there wouldn't be howls of fascism and class warfare from the right if private aviation and yachting were banned.
Prove that those making the rules have skin in the game. My hot water heater is about to outlawed in the name of climate change, but Mr. Green Czar Kerry will still fly private everywhere he goes and have 100X my carbon footprint.
Switching everyone to heat pump water heaters will reduce carbon emissions far more than eliminating Mr Hienz
That's the question. Its not elitism. Its not conservatism. Its common sense. John Kerry has generated more carbon dioxide since Biden's been in office, than I have in my ENTIRE life. Yet, he asks me to change my eating habits, sacrifice my lifestyle, and pay more for lesser quality shit, just so he can keep doing what he does. Bullshit.
What would you propose we do about John Kerry? I support you.
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How do you define alarmism?
Making stupid predictions to scare stupid people, like the earth will end in 12 years, we're all going to bake, man (not hyperbole), etc. Pretty much the entire Church of Climate narrative. It's weird. You guys even mimic the religious right's language.
Seems like a meh to me, but I'm open to debate on the subject
I haven't read enough to know much about it yet since the article was just published. I plan on reading more when I have time. If it has anything to do with findings published back in the mid 2010s about increased sea levels and glacial melt in the northern hemisphere, I suspect it'll be more than meh. Here's an article I read previously...

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Making stupid predictions to scare stupid people, like the earth will end in 12 years or we're all going to bake, man (not hyperbole), etc. Pretty much the entire Church of Climate narrative. It's weird. You guys even mimic the religious right's language.
The half of all people are below median intelligence. Gotta meet them where they are.
I haven't read enough to know much about it yet since the article was just published. I plan on reading more when I have time.
The tilt phenomenon is well known, but the models they used to predict it were off by 31 inches until they accounted for water pumping. I think it's more relevant for astronomy and navigation than climate.
How many child miners does it take to make a solar panel
I hear China is very selective on which Uyghurs they use for slave labor. I'm sure you can safely bet the farm that China does extensive age verification on all of its forced labor.
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I hear China is very selective on which Uyghurs they use for slave labor. I'm sure you can safely bet the farm that China does extensive age verification on all of its forced labor.
More likely to find Uyghur labor in your closet than on your roof.
I didn't realize it mattered what was made with forced labor. Good to know it does, I guess.

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