"OMG Kamala is having huge rallies! Trump better do something!!!"

Kamala is paying 100 people to show up and filling in 9,900 fake people with AI. Then media spins "Well of course Kamala is polling ahead of Trump, have you seen the size of her rallies???"

Her entire campaign is AI. Don't fall for it.

don’t forget hillary clinton’s campaign woukd never have funded the steele dossier

but hey let’s go investigate trump obstruction lolz
Her entire campaign is AI. Don't fall for it.

I understand the desire that this is true, but personally, I’m not buying that her rally crowds all AI generated. This country is full of people who are a total mess, and don’t want to see DJT get elected. They’ll vote for anybody but Trump.
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I understand the desire that this is true, but personally, I’m not buying that her campaign is AI. This country is full of people who are a total mess, and don’t want to see DJT get elected. They’ll vote for anybody but Trump.
It's not a desire, it's reality. All of the pics of her massive crowds have been proven to be mostly AI.

Here's one from Detroit:

Zoom in on all the phones in the audience. Note that none of them are showing the hangar or plane on the screen. This pic was verified to be 75% AI-generated.

The vast majority of Americans love Trump. But the media has beaten over our heads for 8 years now that it's just the opposite, so we tend to believe.

Plane's reflection shows the hangar is actually empty.

Can you imagine if Trump got busted doing this? But Kamala does it, media is silent, and we still have people on 'our side' saying 'yeah but I could see people voting for Kamala cause they hate Trump'.

We gotta stop letting the media tell us how to think. They are prepping the steal once again. And we are unwitting contributors when we go along with it by telling ourselves that we believe the media spin that Kamala has support.

She has nothing. Everyone loves Trump.
If true, there sure are a lot of different photographers and photo journalists all using AI to embellish the Detroit rally. Type "Kamala Harris Detroit Rally" into Google and click on Images.

You correctly stated "They are prepping the steal once again." They don't need doctored up photos to accomplish that.

You incorrectly stated, "Everyone loves Trump". That puts a bit of doubt on your authenticity as a Trump supporter.
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I understand the desire that this is true, but personally, I’m not buying that her rally crowds all AI generated.

this entire 4year period has been AI generated

This country is full of people who are a total mess, and don’t want to see DJT get elected. They’ll vote for anybody but Trump.

because these ccp/dnc jim jones koolaid drinkers would have been burning sht to the ground

you couldn’t convince peeps on this very boardunder any circumstance sending 400M in cash to the mullahs was bad for America and bad for the Jewish people

and now those peeps have vanished
they got nothing to say
If true, there sure are a lot of different photographers and photo journalists all using AI to embellish the Detroit rally. Type "Kamala Harris Detroit Rally" into Google and click on Images.
Oh that's right. I forgot that Google results can be trusted.

You correctly stated "They are prepping the steal once again." They don't need doctored up photos to accomplish that.
They need everything. Because all eyes are on them, that's ironically how their AI efforts are being exposed. And today's AI tools that are available to you and I can absolutely create believable videos of a massive crowd for any Kamala event. And Kamala has access to far better AI tools than the average consumer, and we also know she is working with 'influencers' to pay them to seed pro-Kamala content on social media.

They are trying to seed the narrative that Kamala, the same Kamala that dropped out of the 2020 race with 2 percent, is now leading Trump. If they can make that narrative hold, stealing the election becomes far easier.

You incorrectly stated, "Everyone loves Trump". That puts a bit of doubt on your authenticity as a Trump supporter.
The vast majority of the country absolutely loves Trump. I was exaggerating my position in response to you exaggerating how many people are willing to vote for Kamala cause they refuse to vote for Trump.

Sadly, this reveals that the media still has way too much sway in this country.

At least 75% of this country loves Trump. Maybe 10% hate him and the other 15% really doesn't like either of them.

If you think those numbers are insanely off, you probably have long ago accepted that Biden got 81 M votes, or at least that there's nothing you can do about it.

As long as we stay on the porch and are scared to tell the truth about what's happening in this country, the steals will continue.
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Oh that's right. I forgot that Google results can be trusted.

They need everything. Because all eyes are on them, that's ironically how their AI efforts are being exposed. And today's AI tools that are available to you and I can absolutely create believable videos of a massive crowd for any Kamala event. And Kamala has access to far better AI tools than the average consumer, and we also know she is working with 'influencers' to pay them to seed pro-Kamala content on social media.

They are trying to seed the narrative that Kamala, the same Kamala that dropped out of the 2020 race with 2 percent, is now leading Trump. If they can make that narrative hold, stealing the election becomes far easier.

The vast majority of the country absolutely loves Trump. I was exaggerating my position in response to you exaggerating how many people are willing to vote for Kamala cause they refuse to vote for Trump.

Sadly, this reveals that the media still has way too much sway in this country.

At least 75% of this country loves Trump. Maybe 10% hate him and the other 15% really doesn't like either of them.

If you think those numbers are insanely off, you probably have long ago accepted that Biden got 81 M votes, or at least that there's nothing you can do about it.

As long as we stay on the porch and are scared to tell the truth about what's happening in this country, the steals will continue.

Oh boy! 🤣 You’re going to be a fun one to have around here until November.

This is how they manipulate people on 'our side'.

They deplatform anyone that expresses opinions they don't want to get coverage. If you talk about the election being stolen on YouTube, you get instantly banned. Same thing for talking about covid being a plandemic, or trannies being fake, etc.

Then guys like Tim Pool sit back and see this, and adjust their stances accordingly, in order to stay on YouTube.

Then guys on 'our side' listen to guys like Tim Pool agree with the left that the election wasn't stolen, and they believe it. I mean Tim is 'on our side!'

If you are getting your information about Trump and politics from a source that's never been banned on social media, you are being fed propaganda.
Video link below: Someone took a photo of Harris' plane on an empty tarmac with an empty hanger in the reflection of the plane. They super-imposed the Harris entourage at the rally, walking down the steps. What is taking place on the steps was super-imposed on the lonely plane image. Look how unnatural the steps look, like they are going upward like an escalator. The steps were "drawn" in, (a crappy job I might add.) so that they could eliminate the crowd below. The steps are fake until the crowd appears. Then they are the real steps + real crowd + the lonley plane image in the background.

Lonely plane on an empty tarmac, super imposed in the background of a real rally crowd. All meant to dupe you @GhostOfMatchesMalone.

Link to rally photos posted below.

Link to the video:

Link to rally photos.
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This thread is so crazy and absurd, @22LR actually became the voice of reason and common sense on it lol! Now that is saying something!
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I know right? The media says something completely different!

Thanks for playing.
No, reality says something completely different.

Trump received 46.1% support from Americans in 2016 and 46.8% support from Americans in 2020. He has never won the popular vote and won't win it this year either. When Trump was President, he never had an approval rating anywhere close to 75%.

To think that 75% of this country loves Trump is just flat out insane and delusional. And only 10% dislike him?🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, reality says something completely different.

Trump received 46.1% support from Americans in 2016 and 46.8% support from Americans in 2020. He has never won the popular vote and won't win it this year either. When Trump was President, he never had an approval rating anywhere close to 75%.

To think that 75% of this country loves Trump is just flat out insane and delusional. And only 10% dislike him?🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh that's right! I forgot that vote counts in 2020 were totally accurate!

Tell us again, how many Civil War veterans voted in Detroit?


Everyone loves Trump.
Oh that's right! I forgot that vote counts in 2020 were totally accurate!
Tell me, which vote counts were inaccurate? Just the ones that showed Biden winning a state or also the ones that showed Trump winning a state? Do you readily accept that Trump won the states he won but only cast doubt on the states Biden won?

On top of that, was 2016 stolen and inaccurate too? Because Trump only got 46% support then too, not 75%. Was 2016 part of the conspiracy to falsify Trump's support as well?🤣🤣

Look, it is a simple as this, you are believing a lie. There is a reason Trump failed to legally prove the election was stolen on 2020. Even Trump himself knows the election wasn't stolen. He got mad that he lost in 2020 and so he made up a lie. That is what Trump does. He is a conman. Always has been.

It's time for you to wake up and stop letting him play you for a fool. And this AI nonsense? C'Mon Man! Get real and stop believing every lie Trump throws your way.

Everyone loves Trump.
Make up your mind, does "everyone" love Trump or just 75% of everyone in America?


Boy, you are drunk on the kool-aid aren't you?
Tell me, which vote counts were inaccurate? Just the ones that showed Biden winning a state or also the ones that showed Trump winning a state? Do you readily accept that Trump won the states he won but only cast doubt on the states Biden won?
Let's find out. Let's do a full forensic audit of all ballots and all machines in every state. Let's clean up all voter rolls in all states. Let's enforce existing laws so that every legal vote is counted.

What would be the result? The entire election process would be much more secure, everyone would be much more confident in voting, and if any fraud did occur, we would find it and correct it.

It's funny how the left NEVER talks about wanting to do a thorough audit of the results. That should simply be SOP in order to deter fraud.

Oh wait...I just explained why the left doesn't want to do it, didn't I? :)
Oh that's right! I forgot that vote counts in 2020 were totally accurate!

Tell us again, how many Civil War veterans voted in Detroit?


Everyone loves Trump.
I'm not sure I can get to 75%, but there's a plurality that have come around this cycle. He's combined good policy with a much more Presidential demeanor...and then the assassination attempt showed his true colors.

My wife has even come around, and she HATED him.

If we had a real election system the 2024 election would be a Reagan-esque landslide.
I'm not sure I can get to 75%, but there's a plurality that have come around this cycle. He's combined good policy with a much more Presidential demeanor...and then the assassination attempt showed his true colors.

My wife has even come around, and she HATED him.

If we had a real election system the 2024 election would be a Reagan-esque landslide.
Anyone like your wife that can view Trump objectively eventually comes around. I hated him worse than any liberal here in 2015 when he announced.

But I was never emotional toward him, so I could research him and his policies objectively. That's what won me over. Liberals can only think emotionally, so they can't get there.

Good to see you here, BTW!
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It's funny how the left NEVER talks about wanting to do a thorough audit of the results.
Because there is no need to. There is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. Again, how many times did Trump fail to even show a small amount of legal evidence that could stand in a court of law? Every legal claim.and challenge brought by Trump failed. Every one of them. Not to mention, that it has been proven over and over again that the election was secure, fail, and accurate.

Stop believing in lies.

Two questions for you:
(1) Did you call for a nationwide audit after the 2016 election?

(2) If Harris wins in November, will you accept it or will you immediately claim the election was stolen?
Because there is no need to.
This is CLASSIC liberal thinking.

There's no need to secure elections if we are already winning* them!

This is what it looks like when you place your politics ahead of your country. Textbook example.

Real Americans understand the importance of election integrity. Real Americans want election integrity regardless of which 'side' wins.

Cheaters want zero oversight of the election process. They want votes being dumped into the system at 3am in the cover of darkness.

Because cheaters want to cheat. Real Americans don't want that.
I'm not sure I can get to 75%, but there's a plurality that have come around this cycle. He's combined good policy with a much more Presidential demeanor...and then the assassination attempt showed his true colors.

My wife has even come around, and she HATED him.
We shall see if a plurality has come around in November. I don't think it has and I think we are going to once again see Trump lose the popular vote.

btw, I know a number of individuals who supported Trump in 2016 (and a few who also supported him in 2020) but won't be voting for him in 2024. We even see public officials who supported him before now saying they won't support him in 2024.

If we had a real election system the 2024 election would be a Reagan-esque landslide.
We do have a real election system. And with the way things are going, we may end up seeing some type of a landslide in November, it just won't be for Trump.

Harris is building something impressive right now and her support just keeps growing. She may end up winning comfortably.

Still a ways to go, so we will see. Definitely looking good for Harris at the moment though.
This is CLASSIC liberal thinking.
Did you call for and demand the same thing after the 2016 election? Yes or no?

There's no need to secure elections if we are already winning* them!
Our elections are secure. All the evidence establishes this. We need to continue to ensure that all Americans have access to the voting booth and ensure that the rights of all voters are protected, but our elections are secure.

We don't have to commit to wasteful actions just because Trump told a lie after he lost.

Real Americans understand the importance of election integrity. Real Americans want election integrity regardless of which 'side' wins.
I agree and that is why the vast majority of Americans have rejected Trump's lies about the 2020 election.

With that said, again, did you call for and demand the same actions occur nationally after the 2016 election? (since you claim all of this should have nothing to do with which "side" wins)

And, if Harris wins in November, will you accept it or will you immediately claim the election was stolen?
Did you call for and demand the same thing after the 2016 election? Yes or no?
Yep. And I'll call for it again now.

Make it so that EVERY machine and ballot in the United States has to undergo a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT that must be completed within ONE WEEK of the election.

Because I understand that securing the election process in this country is more important than my politics.

Does doing so make it harder for 'my guy' to cheat in the future? Yep. But if my guy is going to cheat, he's not 'my guy'.

Seems you can't say the same.
In the world of a leftist election fraud is non existent because voter fraud is illegal. LMAO
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We shall see if a plurality has come around in November. I don't think it has and I think we are going to once again see Trump lose the popular vote.

btw, I know a number of individuals who supported Trump in 2016 (and a few who also supported him in 2020) but won't be voting for him in 2024. We even see public officials who supported him before now saying they won't support him in 2024.

We do have a real election system. And with the way things are going, we may end up seeing some type of a landslide in November, it just won't be for Trump.

Harris is building something impressive right now and her support just keeps growing. She may end up winning comfortably.

Still a ways to go, so we will see. Definitely looking good for Harris at the moment though.
The popular vote doesn't matter, plus the areas where the most harvesting and cheating occur are the population centers in deep blue cities.

Harris hasn't built anything. She's playing the Basement Biden game, and even though she's no doing interviews, no debates have happened, and she's not ever going off prompter the honeymoon phase is already waning.

Remember, when she didn't hide during the primaries Beto beat her. She didn't make it to Iowa. No one actually voted for her to be the Democratic Nominee. She's terrible, exceeding unlikeable and as soon as she has to come out of hiding those who forgot about the last primary will be reminded.

And her running mate is actually getting all the attention...for all the wrong reasons.

The AI and fake polling are just an attempt to sell another steal. The same people who told you Biden was ready for another 4 years and calling for Kamala to be replaced are now selling her as the answer. It's comical.