Omar introduces legislation to boycott Israel

Her bill actually allows people to boycott Isreal if they want to. Which they wrongly should have the right to do.

Still not smart for her to sponsor it with all her anti semitic leanings.

You would think that the DNC would have muzzled the attention whore by now.

Or maybe she is just a Republican plant
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From Urban dictionary:

Meaning 'to prevent' or 'guard against' . This word is often misunderstood as lying or deceiving non Muslims for the benefit of Muslims. However lying in Islam is such a serious sin, it is said to be a greater offense than missing the 5 daily prayers,which is the most important pillar in islam. Taqiyya is one of the most misrepresented words, a bit like 'jihad' that many people still believe means holy war, when actually means to struggle. Also note: be aware of websites like thereligionofpeace,who disguise as Islamic representatives,but who are actually anti-muslim as their main objective is to misguide the masses.
Taqiyya, in Islam, is sacred lying. Muslims are allowed, according to Islamic doctrine, to lie to protect themselves or their ideology from being harmed by those who believe differently. In the Muslim world, this might mean Shias lying to Sunnis, in order to protect themselves. And in the non-Muslim world, this generally means Muslims and their apologists lying to non-Muslims in order to protect themselves or the goals of their jihadist faith.
Her bill actually allows people to boycott Isreal if they want to. Which they wrongly should have the right to do.

Still not smart for her to sponsor it with all her anti semitic leanings.

You would think that the DNC would have muzzled the attention whore by now.

Or maybe she is just a Republican plant

Republicans aren’t smart enough or savvy enough to come up with a ruse like this.

They can’t muzzle her, that’s the point. They literally cannot tell her to do anything because of her skin color. It means so much to them, they have created a class of people that can’t be criticized.
Taqiyya, in Islam, is sacred lying. Muslims are allowed, according to Islamic doctrine, to lie to protect themselves or their ideology from being harmed by those who believe differently. In the Muslim world, this might mean Shias lying to Sunnis, in order to protect themselves. And in the non-Muslim world, this generally means Muslims and their apologists lying to non-Muslims in order to protect themselves or the goals of their jihadist faith.
Messed up society.

I mean, we lie here in the US, at least we're conflicted.

They lie with the frequency and casualness of a bodily function.
She should be removed from her position Immediately and the good folks of Minngadishu can decide on her punishment/banishment/deportation from the US

Nevertheless she will be an albatross on Skeletor through 20 if she remains
Her district is 67% white. I wonder if those people are embarrassed? Probably not given the people that state sends to DC. They hold onto liberal democrats at all costs and the repubes they elect are RINOs.
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