OK GOPers thoughts on proposed bill

You are sort of mixing ethnicity and race. White latino vs other latino. Terming as asian, white, black, etc is a simple way to categorize at a simple, easy to understand at almost any education level. It is a very simplistic way at terming phenotypes. How much of the global population do you think understands the term “phenotype” versus white, black, etc?

Ethnicity, such as latino is an entirely different subject.
Is the AMA wrong here?

By acknowledging that race is a social construct and not an inherent risk factor for disease, we can truly make progress toward our goal of attaining health equity for all patients
Is the AMA wrong here?

By acknowledging that race is a social construct and not an inherent risk factor for disease, we can truly make progress toward our goal of attaining health equity for all patients


It starts with an assumption.
Is the AMA wrong here?

By acknowledging that race is a social construct and not an inherent risk factor for disease, we can truly make progress toward our goal of attaining health equity for all patients
To a degree, yes. We know certain diseases occur more in certain races due to genetics. Sickle Cell Anemia comes to mind. The AMA is trying to correct some race-related issues and is working on terminology that is more palatable.
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Pink and beige.
Maybe your skin pigmentation actually came from your parents DNA? That's the most likely case.

Since you have refused to engage in anything I asked, the Human Genome Project determined that humans are 99.9% identical in their genetic makeup. Look around you. Everyone has their own unique DNA. DNA variability is what gives us the diversity of humans that we see. That 0.1% is why we're individually unique.

You're obviously hung up on the negative societal applications of "race." I get that because we're actually more similar in our political beliefs than our exchanges on here indicate. The genetics that create skin pigmentation are not the social construct, david. That's science. The social construct part comes from how "race" has been used to exploit and dehumanize people.
Iron Eyes Cody, the tearful Indian was not Indigenous American. He was Italian and and European Caucasian. He played an American Indian on screen. We're not always what we appear.

I have A-positive blood. The lab guys tell me my blood matches up to anyone with the same blood type.
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