Nov 5, 2024: Trump vs Kamala

No, it is evidence. That was actually the whole point of the article I shared. It was about the poll.

And right-wingers love polls when the polls say what they want to believe. Hence the reason right-wing posters post those polls on this board often.

Remember four weeks ago? All those right-wingers bragging about polls showing Trump beating Biden. I'm sure you were too.

Now that the polls are changing, and you guys start attacking polls again lol!🤣🤣

With all that said, I'm not one to trust every poll I read. I look at the trends. And I pay attention to the likely voter polls as we get closer to the election, especially battle ground state polls. But don't act like it is only individuals on the left who love polls. Right-wingers do too, as long as the poll backs up their presuppositions.
I wasn't here 4 weeks ago.

Anyone that follows politics even casually knows how difficult it is to accurately poll Trump supporters. They are almost always under-represented in polls. Sometimes it's intentionally on the part of the pollsters, sometimes its intentional on the part of the respondents.

Polls are about shaping narratives. Narratives are for people who need to be told how to think.

I suspect you like polls when they fit the narrative you want to believe, and reject them when they don't.

I just don't place much stock in them regardless of what they say. See the difference?
I wasn't here 4 weeks ago.

Anyone that follows politics even casually knows how difficult it is to accurately poll Trump supporters. They are almost always under-represented in polls. Sometimes it's intentionally on the part of the pollsters, sometimes its intentional on the part of the respondents.

Polls are about shaping narratives. Narratives are for people who need to be told how to think.

I suspect you like polls when they fit the narrative you want to believe, and reject them when they don't.

I just don't place much stock in them regardless of what they say. See the difference?
I 100% would NEVER tell a stranger over the phone I'm voting for Trump.

I have no idea who they are and leftists are the most politically violent people on the planet.
I wasn't here 4 weeks ago.
Great, but what were you claiming four weeks ago? Were you claiming Trump was beating Biden in the polls? Or were you sitting around telling everyone you had no clue who was winning?

I think we both know what you were doing. I'm just curious if you can be honest enough to admit it now.

Anyone that follows politics even casually knows how difficult it is to accurately poll Trump supporters. They are almost always under-represented in polls.
This is also true of Democratic voters. It is actually true for both sides now.

The vote for Democratic candidates were under-represented in the 2020 polls and the 2022 polls. Biden out-performed in some areas in 2020. And then, of course, no red wave showed up in 2022, did it?

Polls are about shaping narratives. Narratives are for people who need to be told how to think.
I would say that polls help shape media narratives, not that polls "are about" shaping media narratives. Yes, the media (both left and right-wing sources) places a lot of focus on the polls. Because the media is following the horse race day in and day out. Thus, they rely on the polls.

That is why we have seen a complete change in the media narrative over the past four weeks. The polls have changed, and therefore, so has the media marrative.

I suspect you like polls when they fit the narrative you want to believe, and reject them when they don't.
I've already told you how I approach polls.

Again, this far out from an election, I look for trends in the polls. Because I do think that tells us the dynamics of the race at this point and where it is headed, given the here and now. Of course, all of that could change, which I readily understand. I also don't trust every poll or place stock in every poll. Again, this early, it is about trends.

As we get closer to the election, I only look at likely voter polls and in presidential campaigns, I pay attention to the battle ground polls. Again though, even then, I'm looking at the trends. This is one reason I could tell the weekend before the 2022 midterms that a red wave was probably not going to materalize. The trend had shifted away from Republican candidates late.

I just don't place much stock in them regardless of what they say. See the difference?
Ok, fair enough.

Moving forward then, I don't want to see you quoting polls or talking about how popular or not popular one of the candidates are. I don't want to see you claiming who is leading and who isn't. Because if you don't place much stock in polls, you can't start quioting them (or relying on them) when you need some evidence to back up your claims.
The January 6 traitors say hello.
5 million views plus I bet. Saw it when I was listening it was 4.5 and that was when they finally started

Sounds like it’s wrapping up
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Name them.
I've named them before for you. I've told you before that I look at numerous sources from both the left, the center, and the right.

I even look at Faux News every now and then, as I've told you before. I don't put much stock into their "reporting," but Faux News is a good source if one wants to understand what is being talked about among right-wingers at any given moment.
I've named them before for you. I've told you before that I look at numerous sources from both the left, the center, and the right.

I even look at Faux News every now and then, as I've told you before. I don't put much stock into their "reporting," but Faux News is a good source if one wants to understand what is being talked about among right-wingers at any given moment.

The ones you named are all confirmed serial liars.

Do you have any that aren’t known propagandists?
The ones you named are all confirmed serial liars.
So you believe that Faux News and National Review are confirmed serial liars? How about the Wall Street Journal? Breitbart? Articles on American Thinker?

Again, I look at numerous numerous sources from both the left, the center, and the right.
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So you believe that Faux News and National Review are confirmed serial liars? How about the Wall Street Journal? Breitbart?

Again, I look at numerous numerous sources from both the left, the center, and the right.

This just got better.

You can compare.

Of those, which told you the truth about Biden?
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This just got better.

You can compare.

Of those, which told you the truth about Biden?
Answer my questions first.

So you believe that Faux News and National Review are confirmed serial liars? How about the Wall Street Journal? Breitbart? Articles on American Thinker?
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Also, @2012Bearcat, care to comment on this? Granted, it hasn't been confirmed yet and it might not be true. But a Trump/Vance spokesman did not deny that the first photo posted was authentic when approached. Apparently, they aren't commenting at all at the moment.

@soonerinlOUisiana any thoughts on this?
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Also, @2012Bearcat, care to comment on this? Granted, it hasn't been confirmed yet and it might not be true. But a Trump/Vance spokesman did not deny that the first photo posted was authentic when approached. Apparently, they aren't commenting at all at the moment.

@soonerinlOUisiana any thoughts on this?

Thought you were one of those that supported gender dysphoria, strange you would think this is any sort of issue.
Answer my questions first.

So you believe that Faux News and National Review are confirmed serial liars? How about the Wall Street Journal? Breitbart? Articles on American Thinker?

No, we’re gonna see if you can be honest.

If you can’t there isn’t any point going forward.

I know which lied constantly about Biden.

So do you.
biggest Harris lead I’ve seen on the RCP average—1.1% avg

I would suggest not looking at these for awhile.

Typically a Dim to win the electoral college has to be up in the GE by at least 4%. The GE percentages really don't mean much.

Despite all that, this race will be determined by about 7 states, and you know who they are. 7 states and some will be decided by very close margins. In this day of motivation campaigns versus persuasion campaigns, it will come down to which base actually can get a slightly higher percentage of their base to for vote for their candidate. That is the one thing polls can not accurately predict, even when they limit their polling to "likely voters", which helps. Huge wild card here. I can promise you, you have people polled on both sides of the aisle that will not vote, even if they claim to be a likely voter. 45% of the population does not vote, when over 60% vote in the US that is a high percentage.

After the assassination attempt on Trump his base will walk over coals to vote for him. He had more votes than any Rep Candidate in history in the last election, we know he will turn out the vote and good chance more this year. We have yet to see what Kamala can do in even a primary, no matter how much the media tries to polish that turd.

The media LIES about everything. Universities have a heavily political slant. Many polls are tied to media entities and universities, and the ones that are not usually have some inherent bias.

We can see right now how heavily slanted media coverage is, if anyone thinks the polls are immune to being the one place that will not be manipulated for political gain? Not sure what to say.
Have you tried thinking?

You should give it a shot.
The middle class is stronger than when Trump left office. ????? Credit card debt is a staggering all time record $1.2 trillion with interest rate a shade under 21%. With such high interest, banks can afford all the defaults.

Gasoline is more than a buck higher than when Trump left office. My Cefco was $1.74. Today $2.99. Electricity costs are at record highs. The middle class is being battered by this ilegitimate PINO. Kumala has stopped bragging about Bideomics. Now she's gonna fix it if elected. Why not fix it now?

Does the board's slow have a clue about reality?
Thought you were one of those that supported gender dysphoria, strange you would think this is any sort of issue.
What are your thoughts on it? If it is Vance, does it matter to you? Are you shocked or horrified by it?

Or do you not care?
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No, we’re gonna see if you can be honest.

If you can’t there isn’t any point going forward.

I know which lied constantly about Biden.

So do you.
Sure I can be honest and I have the simple answer ready for you.

Once you answer the questions I asked first about your prior comment. We're gonna see if you can be honest first. Because if you can't, there isn't any point going forward.

So once again, . . .

Do you believe that Faux News and National Review are confirmed serial liars? How about the Wall Street Journal? Breitbart? Articles on American Thinker?
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What are your thoughts on it? If it is Vance, does it matter to you? Are you shocked or horrified by it?

Or do you not care?
Not at all. Believe it or not I don't care about a person's sexuality, you know the whole individual freedom thing. My concerns come when that sexuality is pushed on others, especially children.
Not at all. Believe it or not I don't care about a person's sexuality, you know the whole individual freedom thing. My concerns come when that sexuality is pushed on others, especially children.
Got it. So it is a Republican and the Republican's Vice President nominee, therefore, according to you, this is dIfFeReNT.

I'm not surprised at all btw. I will though remind you of this next time you engage in faux outrage over drag queens.

btw, if that is Vance, lol, that weirdo is the gift that keeps on giving.