According to you Obviously not. Why don't you share your legal opinion on why the DOJ didn't prosecute Trump. Naturally you will avoid this in an effort to keep from going on record that could be held against you later. That's what attorneys do.There is a very simple explanation for why the DOJ chose not to prosecute Trump, and it has nothing to do with whether the DOJ thought the case was open and shut. Do you even know what this simple explanation is?
It's real simple, Did or didn't Biden have classified documents he was not legally allowed to have? Since the answer is unquestionable yes, he broke the law and should be prosecuted. Nothing political about it.There is no open and shut guilt regarding President Biden and Hillary Clinton. The legal standard to charge both was not met. And the legal reasoning for this is sound and backed up by the evidence.
You believe it is open and shut because of your political biases. But we don't charge people in this country based on your political biases.
Did Hillary destroy evidence or did she not? Did she or did she not conduct government business on a private server? Again unquestionable, she did and broke the law. Nothing political about that at all, she should have been prosecuted.