Non sports- censoring

but but but...the vaccine lol
I can’t fathom how to talk about credibility when I see the websites you reference. It’s mind bottling
I loved Bill Burr’s take on the anti vaccine conspiracy. He said the one world conspiracy wouldn’t want to kill the compliant sheep they’d want to kill the disobedient. He expects another virus to come through and wipe out the unvaccinated, maybe that’s the Delta variant.
Prob so- this one better be more than 99.96 survivability like Yalls last global killer lol. Let's see how you drones that now have Fauci altered spike protein producing lab cells fare- I sure like me and Gods immune system better than Yalls Gates/Fauci Special of the year lmao

Isn't it time for booster shot 3 or 4 for y'all?!
Prob so- this one better be more than 99.96 survivability like Yalls last global killer lol. Let's see how you drones that now have Fauci altered spike protein producing lab cells fare- I sure like me and Gods immune system better than Yalls Gates/Fauci Special of the year lmao

Isn't it time for booster shot 3 or 4 for y'all?!

I just figured you out. You’re a Scientologist.
Lol well we will see who is right- they couldn't tackle me and force the shot in me. No treatment is needed for 99 plus percent of big bad covid cases- but HCQ or Ivermectin over Gates and Fauci Lab rat shots anyday for us with common sense. Just think- you are on the same side of CNN and MSNBC lmao
You really should read the last article I linked very carefully.
I just figured you out. You’re a Scientologist.
Wrong again- Tom Cruise wanna be Im not. many times can you be wrong? You missed on covid, missed on the lockdowns, missed on the shots, now you miss on the Dianetics?
You really should read the last article I linked very carefully.
The one where they couldn't get enough subjects so got all the way down to 200?!

Dude post all you want- you're a "nanny govt take care of me", Scared Of a 99.96 survival rate virus, Lock downed, masked up, taking 2 shots and 3 boosters a year And regurgitating what CNN and the main stream media says- all that is not even debatable. You can list 100 articles but at the end of the day you're scared and a govt subservient CDC loon along with all your cronies trying to discredit me.
I'm not scared and don't have experimental propagating spike proteins Running though my body.....I win...y'all lose.

Such total wimps- do y'all email the cdc each day and ask permission to go out of the house? I mean really guys? What wimps- y'all fell hook, line and sinker- all those bureaucrats are laughing their collective Ar$es off at y'all- do y'all really think they give one iota about you?! Really? Hell they really didn't have to try that hard- y'all are so weak and gullible- my Lord I hope none of y'all are parents , grandparents or so called role models for our young people- y'all would prob give your 5 year old kid and dogs permission to be shot up with the Fauci/Gates.
If I was y'all I would just quit talking and save what little dignity - if any y'all have left
Wrong again- Tom Cruise wanna be Im not. many times can you be wrong? You missed on covid, missed on the lockdowns, missed on the shots, now you miss on the Dianetics?

Why so ashamed? Be loud, be proud. All hail Xenu.
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Y'all keep up the good fear mongering- it's worked out swell so far. No lingering effects from y'all bowing down to the corrupt entities eh?

Y'all keep up the good fear mongering- it's worked out swell so far. No lingering effects from y'all bowing down to the corrupt entities eh? You have a wealth of credible sites. You must have struggled at community college of the hills when listing sources for papers
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Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Good lord it isn’t that difficult of a concept.
Ooo "correlation doesn't equal causation"...trying to sound all smart with that quote lol. I repeat- 4 pilots from the same airline die in the same week days after taking the poison- now you repeat your cute phrase while everyone else is thinking of what un fathomable astronomical odds that is so correlate that out of yalls Govt zombie hack ar$es
Ooo "correlation doesn't equal causation"...trying to sound all smart with that quote lol. I repeat- 4 pilots from the same airline die in the same week days after taking the poison- now you repeat your cute phrase while everyone else is thinking of what un fathomable astronomical odds that is so correlate that out of yalls Govt zombie hack ar$es

So what level are you? I’m genuinely curious. Obviously all of the recent documentaries and shows about Scientology the last few years were MSM tainted. I’m eager to hear a true believers retort to all of that manufactured bad press.
But I'm gonna call out the cancel culture when I see it for sure and yes it is dang sure rampant on this board I promise
If you think posters on this board silencing you is in any way related to (or remotely as dangerous as) actual cancel culture, then I'm not really sure what to say to you beyond this useless post I'm making.
Who doesn't know mRNA "vaccines" have had two animal tests through the years and 100 percent of the cats and let's see- 100 percent of the ferrets died either right after the injection or when re introduced to the corona virus. 100 percent 😬. Think there's a reason we've never had a corona virus vaccine in all the years and then in 6 months voila?! Yeah y'all aren't sheep
Well fvck me, I had one of the mRNA vaccines. I guess I should probably get my affairs in order.

@osuintx Can you let me know how many days/weeks/months left I have? I just want to make sure I spend every last moment with my kids before I'm gone.

Thank God I didn't get cancer (again). I can only imagine how that would exacerbate the effects of the vaccine. But considering the alternatives, a 2nd bout with cancer would probably be better than what I'm about to experience from the vaccine side effects.

Y'all, please scent your prayers to me.
Rubbing a peppermint leaf on your forehead and drinking some "natural" concoction from Mike will kill you a lot faster than chemo will if you have cancer.
As someone who was cured by chemo, I have to say that I disagree. Rubbing peppermint on my forehead and drinking natural concoctions likely would have cured me much faster and with a much higher success rate than the chemicals I was given. I only wish I had known this at the time.

Please don't pretend you're a doctor. @osuintx knows what he's talking about.
He straight up pissed me off. His “sources” kill hundreds of people a year giving homeopathic remedies for life threatening diseases, and he claims the polio vaccine was introduced after polio wasn’t a problem anymore.

He literally is the Dunn - Kruger Effect perfect example and too stupid to know it even after I sent him links to descriptions of the effect. He’s so self-unaware that he can’t see it.

I realized arguing with him would do no good whatsoever and quit.