Next year, lets see what clears out from graduation.
25 - 2 of the top 8
33 - eh...2 of the top 10
41 - 4 of the top 8
49 - 4 of the top 8
57 - nasty. 1 top 8 guy graduates.
65 - 5 of the top 8...but the two hammers at the top will be back.
74 - 4 of the top 8.
84 - 4 of the top 8 but this weight is buzzsaw next year.
97 - 5 of the top 8.
HW - 5 of the top 8 and this weight is super open.
25 - Cowboy Troy is again a strong favorite as a darkhouse. Richie Figs is back but Ramos who has the strength of an 84 pounder is gone. The rest, Troy is a threat to them in any given bout.
33 - Sakamoto will have a tough time. He is a bit away from Ayala. I'd really like to see him Wrestle a mid-ranked guy before I get visions of Uetake dancing in my head.
41 - Some talent leaves out. Bartlett, Alirez, Happel and that leaves Tagen in a good spot if he were to stay here.
49 - Besides Parco, some of the guys that leave are longer/lanky guys.
57 - Travis would upset this weight IMO. Teemer is gone and Chumbley (dangerous guy) is gone. But, I think he Wrestles great against the rest of the field.
65 - I'd rather not send Dee in here. Can he win it, absolutley, but Mesenbrink and Caliendo are tough.
74 - Kind of the same here. If Dee could RS, the following year, Haines, Pinto, PK are all gone. Next year, those 3 are, its a similar level of comp.
84 - I'll pray for BT. McEnelly is a beast. Berge is a hard out and Ferrari is okay. Top 4 guys here are going to be fun for a few years.
97 - CM needs to stay here for a year at least. He can beat Barr and AJ, who are the top two returners at #3 and #4.
HW - I think Doucet AA's here. 11 of the top 15 leave, including 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8...which gives Doucet a really good shot.
Either way, still going to be a fun year.