Nancy Pelosi Says They Are Working on Funding Border Security But the Wall is Immoral

Bitter Creek

Heisman Candidate
Apr 24, 2008
Nancy Pelosi Says They Are Working on Funding Border Security But the Wall is Immoral

I am curious if anyone would care to weigh in on if they think Nancy is correct an why she is correct. Why would border security be moral and worthy of funding but a wall would be immoral? What is the purpose of border security if not to control immigration?
Should we let the ones that aren't violent across?
99% of them are honest, hardworking, God fearing people....

During the 1960s and 70s my dad owned a cotton farm (irrigated) in the desert of far southwestern New Mexico, near Columbus, three miles north of the Mexican border. During summer months and Christmas breaks between semesters at OSU, my brother and I worked on the farm with a crew of Mexicans, chopping cotton in summer, plowing up stalks in the winter. The ranch foreman and Border Patrol agents called us “Mex 1” and “Mex 2”.

Once a month or so Border Patrol would “raid” the farm in search of illegals. In those days it was a little different than it is now, to say the least...Between raids, the workers, as many as 12 of them, lived in a one-room adobe casa with a butane stove and indoor plumbing. They had a sixth sense about the Border Patrol. Somehow they seemed to know when they were coming and would head for the tumbleweeds or lie down in the irrigation ditches to keep from being rounded up and returned to Mexico.

One morning after they scattered Mex 2 and I were the only ones still hoeing cuckleburrs.. Pretty soon a Border Patrol officer wheeled up and rolled down his window: “Tell your Mexicans I just added some water,” he said, “they were burning their beans!”
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99% of them are honest, hardworking, God fearing people....

During the 1960s and 70s my dad owned a cotton farm (irrigated) in the desert of far southwestern New Mexico, near Columbus, three miles north of the Mexican border. During summer months and Christmas breaks between semesters at OSU, my brother and I worked on the farm with a crew of Mexicans, chopping cotton in summer, plowing up stalks in the winter. The ranch foreman and Border Patrol agents called us “Mex 1” and “Mex 2”.

Once a month or so Border Patrol would “raid” the farm in search of illegals. In those days it was a little different than it is now, to say the least...Between raids, the workers, as many as 12 of them, lived in a one-room adobe casa with a butane stove and indoor plumbing. They had a sixth sense about the Border Patrol. Somehow they seemed to know when they were coming and would head for the tumbleweeds or lie down in the irrigation ditches to keep from being rounded up and returned to Mexico.

One morning after they scattered Mex 2 and I were the only ones still hoeing cuckleburrs.. Pretty soon a Border Patrol officer wheeled up and rolled down his window: “Tell your Mexicans I just added some water,” he said, “they were burning their beans!”

Lol your dad exploited undocumented workers and basically employed modern day slaves.
How many of them are nonviolent and looking to live, work and buy stuff here?

Two questions:

How many of the 7 billion people on earth qualify based on this criteria?

What would happen to our economic engine if we let those people in?
Here's the deal, if Dems cared at all about immigrant children they would build the wall tomorrow.

The cartels run kids across the border by the truck load to pimp out.

Then there's the H and Chinese fentanyl pouring across the border that some jack knob was complaining about Trump not doing enough about.

If libs would educate themselves about what's actually happening on the border they would see how a wall would help tremendously.

Mexico is the Wild West. The only reason they portray immigration the way the do in the media is to divide, it's not based in reality.

Google either subject, if you still come down against the wall, you're not good at reason.
Cup when you went back to your dorm did you think about those 12 Mexicans without healthcare in their shared shanty?
Wrong. Each of those obreros had HC back home.

Mexicans had/have one of best health care systems in the world—single payer.

Those guys made more money than 98 percent of the population.
Here's the deal, if Dems cared at all about immigrant children they would build the wall tomorrow.

The cartels run kids across the border by the truck load to pimp out.

Then there's the H and Chinese fentanyl pouring across the border that some jack knob was complaining about Trump not doing enough about.

If libs would educate themselves about what's actually happening on the border they would see how a wall would help tremendously.

Mexico is the Wild West. The only reason they portray immigration the way the do in the media is to divide, it's not based in reality.

Google either subject, if you still come down against the wall, you're not good at reason.

Here’s the rest of that deal:

That wall will NEVER be built. Not ever. Not by the Mexicans and damn sure not by the Americans.

Not happening.

So discussing it is moot.
Here’s the rest of that deal:

That wall will NEVER be built. Not ever. Not by the Mexicans and damn sure not by the Americans.

Not happening.

So discussing it is moot.

You're a complete fake. You don't give a crap about the real problems those kids are facing, it's just about some trivial pointless political win against Orange Man.
Board Leftists....they lie to you bigly on meaningful things:

He's loudly reneging on his most specific, loud, repeated campaign promise. If he reneges with some veins bulging out the Maga apes will believe it, but he said over and over we're gonna build a big, beautiful, wall and Mexico would pay for it. 100%. He's supposed to be a brilliant negotiator. Two years in, we should be mixing mortar, inking that bond issue on the 20 year revenue stream from Mexican taxes or tariffs or whatever. This is as pristine an example for him to produce as there is and... two congresses come and go. Something? Anything? An idea, maybe?

Brad, flat earthers don't have credibility.
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He's loudly reneging on his most specific, loud, repeated campaign promise. If he reneges with some veins bulging out the Maga apes will believe it, but he said over and over we're gonna build a big, beautiful, wall and Mexico would pay for it. 100%. He's supposed to be a brilliant negotiator. Two years in, we should be mixing mortar, inking that bond issue on the 20 year revenue stream from Mexican taxes or tariffs or whatever. This is as pristine an example for him to produce as there is and... two congresses come and go. Something? Anything? An idea, maybe?

Brad, flat earthers don't have credibility.

You can't look yourself in the mirror can you.
You can't look yourself in the mirror can you.
