Murray hall renamed to al sharpton building west

He was admired in his time.

Are you prepared to rename every Martin luther king blvd in the country because of his anti gay convictions?

Again.... this is the difference between names on buildings and monuments. Names on buildings, tacked on after the fact, are just ways to honor people. So yes, if perception of a person changes over time, IMO it is perfectly fine to take heir name off of something. I'm not familiar with MLK's anti gay convictions. Did he often speak about it, actively try to create legislation to oppress them? Personally I would say MLK's positive influences FAR outweighed his negative ones so I would be against removing his name from anything. Can you say that about Murry?

That is why I am asking you why should OSU publicly honor him? Was he heroic in some way that completely overshadows his actual efforts to harm African Americans? He may well deserve a space in an Oklahoma historical museum, so people can learn of his very colorful career, but does it reflect well on oSu to "honor" him?
You literally have no rules, no parameters no plan. Just perpetual fighting over something until everyone can marry their pets and identity as marshmallows. Numbers will be racist. Letters will be racist. Plants will be racist.

I say fight liberals at every step. Every day they spend protesting a governor who has been dead for a century they aren’t marching toward the next poor me cause.

You are a sad cartoon character at this point. No actual rational thought or discussion, just a screaming echo of the mouthpieces you serve.
Or maybe.... We keep our history intact and we learn from both the good and the bad. As an institution of learning, you'd think that would be part of the mission as well.
I'm perfectly OK with Mr. Murray remaining in the books and history curriculum
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Or maybe.... We keep our history intact and we learn from both the good and the bad. As an institution of learning, you'd think that would be part of the mission as well.

I'm perfectly OK with Mr. Murray remaining in the books and history curriculum
"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

Every time a statue is torn down or a building renamed, people lose the opportunity to learn from it. Its not as if these are being actively celebrated. I venture to say that none of these statues or buildings have racists coming from far and wide to worship or pay respects. Lets also not act like textbooks and history curriculum aren't being scrubbed so as not to offend the hypersensitive youths of today. Lesson's learned from ones past should not be carelessly erased. It hasn't been too long ago since a Democrat put American Minorities in internment camps.
Lets also not act like textbooks and history curriculum aren't being scrubbed so as not to offend the hypersensitive youths of today.
Then you should probably spend your energy on that not Murray hall.
I'm pretty sure the field is still called Lewis Field, but I could be wrong. I don't care about the changing of the name, as I never even wondered who Murray hall was named after. I just ask where this ends? Are we going to have to tear down Mount Rushmore since Jefferson and Washington owned slaves? I guess the Washington monument would have to go too. Shit, do we need to rename Washington, D.C. as well? There's never an end to this stuff, it's always on to the next thing to be outraged about and tear down. I just don't like to see all of our history being erased because flawed humans did some really good things as well as some really bad things since those bad things were normal at the time it occurred.
Lewis stadium gets renamed to BPS stadium.

"Oh ok, cool"

A building named after (apparently) a racist might get renamed..


Well that didn't take long.
The only post that I’ve had deleted on this forum that I can think of was making fun of the rangers pitching staff. This might get @Jeff J. up in arms.

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The only post that I’ve had deleted on this forum that I can think of was making fun of the rangers pitching staff. This might get @Jeff J. up in arms.

If the owners cave to that mob, they might as well shut down the franchise because Texas baseball people don't go in for that shaming, cancelling shit. The Texas Rangers are icons of peace, justice, and the fu*&ing American Way for 150 years and revisionist history won't change that.
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There's no slippery slope:

Texas Rangers facing pressure to change their name. They will come for Cowboys and Pistol Pete's guns at some point.

I’ve got a lucky horseshoe—how about

Texas Ringers?? ;-)

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And another one. I’m sure this is the last change that needs to be made before racism is over forever.

OSU should rename the building after Murray's son, the first Native American governor.

The namesake spent most of his money feeding people during the Great Depression. No one is entirely good or bad
OSU should rename the building after Murray's son, the first Native American governor.

The namesake spent most of his money feeding people during the Great Depression. No one is entirely good or bad

He also participated in the Sequoyah convention that would have made a state for native Americans. The constitution written at that convention was used for the basis of the Oklahoma constitution which was extremely progressive.

The search for perfect heros continues though.

@07pilt @CowboyUp @Cowpoke can you all explain to me the rules on what gets to stay and what doesn’t?

Leader of the Union Army? Tear it down.
Enslaved an entire country? Leave it up, he promoted communism and it’s private party (lol)!

No I cant tell you, because I'm not part of some hive mind. I've stated that I think, in general, tearing down statues and monuments is BS, but renaming things is fine.
No I cant tell you, because I'm not part of some hive mind. I've stated that I think, in general, tearing down statues and monuments is BS, but renaming things is fine.
You thinking that's okay allows others to think taking it a step further is okay.
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