Murray hall renamed to al sharpton building west

Yeah technically I think you are right. The whole thing was called "Lewis field" before, but now the field itself is still technically Lewis Field in BPS. Point stands though that nobody gives a shit about renaming buildings when somebody donates money. But people see this as a battle within a larger cultural war...but sometimes you gotta realize that even in war the actions of your "enemy" can be for the greater good, and you don't HAVE to fight it.

If freaking Germany and the allies could agree to celebrate Chistmas during WW I, conservatives can atleast ponder if its really good to be fighting against renaming a building named after someone who says..

""We should adopt a provision prohibiting the mixed marriages of negroes with other races in this State, and provide for separate schools and give the Legislature power to separate them in waiting rooms and on passenger coaches, and all other institutions in the State ... As a rule they are failures as lawyers, doctors and in other professions...I appreciate the old-time ex-slave, the old darky – and they are the salt of their race – who comes to me talking softly in that humble spirit which should characterize their actions and dealings with the white man.""

You tell me then. What names and statues need to be taken down?
Everyone is chasing windmills. Don Quixote would be proud...


@CowboyUp is the don Quixote of the politics board
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You tell me then. What names and statues need to be taken down?

Is there a reason you think the building should be named after him? A name on a building is just that. Its not a building, a statue, or a monument that is being destroyed. Nothing is being torn down. Its nothing more than a way to say "We hold this person in high regard!"

Should oSu being stating that in this particular case?
Is there a reason you think the building should be named after him? A name on a building is just that. Its not a building, a statue, or a monument that is being destroyed. Nothing is being torn down. Its nothing more than a way to say "We hold this person in high regard!"

Should oSu being stating that in this particular case?

Is there an answer to my question hidden in there somewhere?
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Just a good start

Is that where we are in the lefty lunacy timeline? The start?

Why can’t you make parameters? Do you see how you people can never put a lid on your grievances? What can the rest of us do to make you shut the fvck up once and for all?

But there is no end. Your existence is poor me, poor this guy, poor that guy over there. You can’t even articulate the things you want to burn and change. It’s time to dissolve 60% of the federal government and let states do their thing. That would nullify a lot of the media and corporate bullying as well.
Is there an answer to my question hidden in there somewhere?

I've never tried to definitely state any set rules that can somehow be applied to all monuments, buildings, names etc. I don't think that's even possible.

I have another post in this thread that gives my general thoughts on destroying actual physical historical objects, and yes, my post you quoted did give my thoughts on what to consider when debating names on buildings.

Are you going to answer my question?
I've never tried to definitely state any set rules that can somehow be applied to all monuments, buildings, names etc. I don't think that's even possible.

I have another post in this thread that gives my general thoughts on destroying actual physical historical objects, and yes, my post you quoted did give my thoughts on what to consider when debating names on buildings.

Are you going to answer my question?

I will reread your question.

So you support something you’ve never thought out the long term ramifications of or possible parameters of and you chastise those who say let’s stop and decide if and how this ends. Good lord brother, we can’t share shit if you are gonna be like that?

Murray hall is the perfect way to explain historical context. What norms were and how they evolved over time and what we can learn from that movement. Alf Alfa Bill is one of THE MOST colorful people in Oklahoma history. Let’s come to grips with the degree of villain he would have been in his time among peers. That’s a dorm, it’s a study hall a classroom. It’s tradition, it hurts no one who isn’t looking to be offended by it. People from around the world have been in there under that name. It’s not a shrine it’s a snapshot in history and a very meaningful one at that. I encourage everyone to read about gov Murray.
Why can’t you make parameters? Do you see how you people can never put a lid on your grievances? What can the rest of us do to make you shut the fvck up once and for all?
Hahaha no nothing you can do. Just handle being on the wrong side of history with some grace.
Is that where we are in the lefty lunacy timeline? The start?

Why can’t you make parameters? Do you see how you people can never put a lid on your grievances? What can the rest of us do to make you shut the fvck up once and for all?

But there is no end. Your existence is poor me, poor this guy, poor that guy over there. You can’t even articulate the things you want to burn and change. It’s time to dissolve 60% of the federal government and let states do their thing. That would nullify a lot of the media and corporate bullying as well.

End? There is no end. People have been destroying statues and monuments of things they feel symbolize their oppression for thousands of years and will until that big meteor finally wipes us all out.
I've never tried to definitely state any set rules that can somehow be applied to all monuments, buildings, names etc. I don't think that's even possible.

I have another post in this thread that gives my general thoughts on destroying actual physical historical objects, and yes, my post you quoted did give my thoughts on what to consider when debating names on buildings.

Are you going to answer my question?
If you can't succinctly state a universal law for name/statue removal then we are just going to have to leave this racist name on the building.
If you can't succinctly state a universal law for name/statue removal then we are just going to have to leave this racist name on the building.


The racist name has been a victimless crime for decades on campus.
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End? There is no end. People have been destroying statues and monuments of things they feel symbolize their oppression for thousands of years and will until that big meteor finally wipes us all out.
Do these movements morph from changing names and knocking over statues to destroying employment of perceived real world enemies and screaming at them in public spheres?
I will reread your question.

So you support something you’ve never thought out the long term ramifications of or possible parameters of and you chastise those who say let’s stop and decide if and how this ends. Good lord brother, we can’t share shit if you are gonna be like that?

Murray hall is the perfect way to explain historical context. What norms were and how they evolved over time and what we can learn from that movement. Alf Alfa Bill is one of THE MOST colorful people in Oklahoma history. Let’s come to grips with the degree of villain he would have been in his time among peers. That’s a dorm, it’s a study hall a classroom. It’s tradition, it hurts no one who isn’t looking to be offended by it. People from around the world have been in there under that name. It’s not a shrine it’s a snapshot in history and a very meaningful one at that. I encourage everyone to read about gov Murray.

And that is where we disagree, I don't see a name on a building as a snapshot in history. Its just a way to honor someone. Its not the same as a painting, or a statue or a monument. We rename buildings all the time. Its just a way to say "We admire this person enough to put his name here". Was the building BUILT to honor him? Did he fund it? If so, maybe that changes the discussion.
Well let's see if it makes it another decade

When the threat is breaking the windows and burning down the building of its not changed our leadership has no choice. When you let toddlers run wild this is what is happening. Through violence and a (social) media takeover the leftist toddlers are in the middle of a Marxist rumspringa right now.
And that is where we disagree, I don't see a name on a building as a snapshot in history. Its just a way to honor someone. Its not the same as a painting, or a statue or a monument. We rename buildings all the time. Its just a way to say "We admire this person enough to put his name here". Was the building BUILT to honor him? Did he fund it? If so, maybe that changes the discussion.

He was admired in his time.

Are you prepared to rename every Martin luther king blvd in the country because of his anti gay convictions?
It took WWII to stop the people of Germany.

Good template to follow, Pilt, if you want 100 million deaths.
We all know Hitler was famously against buildings named after people known to be against interracial marriage
Thought provoking as usual.

You literally have no rules, no parameters no plan. Just perpetual fighting over something until everyone can marry their pets and identity as marshmallows. Numbers will be racist. Letters will be racist. Plants will be racist.

I say fight liberals at every step. Every day they spend protesting a governor who has been dead for a century they aren’t marching toward the next poor me cause.
When the threat is breaking the windows and burning down the building of its not changed our leadership has no choice. When you let toddlers run wild this is what is happening. Through violence and a (social) media takeover the leftist toddlers are in the middle of a Marxist rumspringa right now.
Better luck with the next building.
Just for the record Alfalfa Bill Murray was a Democrat as was his son Johnston who was also governor. Let us not forget that avowed racist Woodrow Wilson followed by Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger who wished to abort Black babies , something Planned Parenthood remains good at.
Just for the record Alfalfa Bill Murray was a Democrat as was his son Johnston who was also governor. Let us not forget that avowed racist Woodrow Wilson followed by Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger who wished to abort Black babies , something Planned Parenthood remains good at.
Ah damn nevermind then
sheesh...I thought this was a joke. They are really changing it. Brother oh brother. We've got a huge mess and it's gonna get worse. Ok, now that I'm a bit more enhanced with info, looks like they've been considering doing it for years. Might be a good thing to do to make some others happy.
They'll never be happy. Just encouraged.
Got this from @MegaPoke on the platinum board:

At least you got out before one by one we see:

Pete lose his guns

Statues of Pete and Spirit rider torn down

Frank Eaton is claimed to be racist and part of the patriarchy (hsh commentary Frank Eaton lists “Indian fighter” in his autobiography which drives a majority of his story found online today. it wouldn’t take long to find a silver bullet in his columns that ran in the perkins journal for years)

"Bullet" declared a violent name and rename either George or Floyd. And the riding of him is cruel and specist.

"Cowboys" declared to be sexist and racist and we are renamed and rebranded something bland and inoffensive like the OSU Pelicans.

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