Mr Stolen Valor

2 putas we need a Turd Polished on aisle 3. 🤣🤣🤣

@tlwwake you should be ashamed of this. I understand this is the current approach some Republican propagandists are wanting to take to try to attack Walz, but you are better than this to follow them down this disgusting road. At least I thought you were.

This isn't going to work for right-wingers and will only backfire. Walz served his country and served in the national guard for 24 years, joining when he was 17 and obtained the rank of Command Sergeant Major. Remind me, what did Trump do?

There is no stolen valor. Again, you are better than this wake.
he's a lying sack of shit...what the funk is wrong with you. Deceiving and lying is the democratic way, I understand, but when you do it to fellow comrades, it don't work. That 214 will reveal it all....the golden rule is don't try to be something you're not. He's pissed off every veteran out there.
@tlwwake you should be ashamed of this. I understand this is the current approach some Republican propagandists are wanting to take to try to attack Walz, but you are better than this to follow them down this disgusting road. At least I thought you were.

This isn't going to work for right-wingers and will only backfire. Walz served his country and served in the national guard for 24 years, joining when he was 17 and obtained the rank of Command Sergeant Major. Remind me, what did Trump do?

There is no stolen valor. Again, you are better than this wake.
You seem highly triggered, muffin.
You seem highly triggered, muffin.
Not at all. I'm never shocked or triggered by what the Republican programmers try to do and how low they will go. I was just surprised that wake would follow them on this one.

You don't think the Harris campaign, especially Walz, isn't already ready for this flawed line of attack? Come on man, do you know anything about politics?

If right-wingers keep pushing, it will backfire and blow up in your face. There is your warning. Remember who your nominee is.
Who claimed a tour in Iraq?
A National Guard article on his unit’s deployment states that it received alert orders to deploy to Iraq in July 2005, two months after Walz retired. The unit first mobilized in the fall of 2005 to Camp Shelby Mississippi to prepare for deployment, according to the unit’s history, and then deployed in March 2006 for 22 months, which the Guard said was the longest continuous deployment of any military unit during US operations in Iraq.

Walz filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission as a candidate for Congress on February 10, 2005

Get ready for it and I feel dirty. From cnn

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Not at all. I'm never shocked by what the Republican programmers try to do and how low they will go. I was just surprised that wake would follow them on this one.

You don't think the Harris campaign, especially Walz, isn't already ready for this flawed line of attack? Come on man, do you know anything about politics.

If right-wingers keep pushing, it will backfire and blow up in your face. There is your warning. Remember who your nominee is.
You better calm your triggered self down before you pop a vein in you head. That would just be so awful. 🤪🤣🤪
A National Guard article on his unit’s deployment states that it received alert orders to deploy to Iraq in July 2005, two months after Walz retired. The unit first mobilized in the fall of 2005 to Camp Shelby Mississippi to prepare for deployment, according to the unit’s history, and then deployed in March 2006 for 22 months, which the Guard said was the longest continuous deployment of any military unit during US operations in Iraq.

Walz filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission as a candidate for Congress on February 10, 2005
Ok. This doesn't answer the question I asked.

Again, who claimed a tour in Iraq?
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@tlwwake you should be ashamed of this. I understand this is the current approach some Republican propagandists are wanting to take to try to attack Walz, but you are better than this to follow them down this disgusting road. At least I thought you were.

This isn't going to work for right-wingers and will only backfire. Walz served his country and served in the national guard for 24 years, joining when he was 17 and obtained the rank of Command Sergeant Major. Remind me, what did Trump do?

There is no stolen valor. Again, you are better than this wake.
Not at all. I'm never shocked or triggered by what the Republican programmers try to do and how low they will go. I was just surprised that wake would follow them on this one.

You don't think the Harris campaign, especially Walz, isn't already ready for this flawed line of attack? Come on man, do you know anything about politics?

If right-wingers keep pushing, it will backfire and blow up in your face. There is your warning. Remember who your nominee is.
So triggered.
Ok. This doesn't answer the question I asked.

Again, who claimed a tour in Iraq?

NY times this time with is going on?

Mr. Walz was deployed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, but not in a combat zone.

“The governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times,” Mr. Moussa said. “Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”

NY times this time with is going on?

Mr. Walz was deployed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, but not in a combat zone.

“The governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times,” Mr. Moussa said. “Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”
Ok, thanks for all of this, but I'm still waiting on you to tell me who claimed a tour in Iraq?

Are you claiming Walz made such a claim?
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DUI happened back in 1995 when he was 31, driving home after watching college football with some friends. After that, he quit drinking. He also offered to resign his teaching position at the time, but the principal supported him.

Walz regularly talks about this incident btw and talks about how his wife (had just been married for a year at the time) told him then that he’s married, has obligations and can’t make dumb choices.

Run with this story right-wingers. Please, give Walz the opportunity to talk all about this to the American people.
Actually not. That article was debunked at the time by many of those who served with Walz and other reporting regarding the biases (and employment jealousy) on the part of those behind that hit piece.

None of this is new for Walz, they tried to use all this junk against him in 2018 when he ran for Governor. Note, that article is from 2018 lol.

Walz went on to easily win the 2018 election for Governor, beating the Republican 53.84% to 42.43%.

Not eviscerated at all, except maybe for the Republican candidate running for Governor.🤣🤣
I have no idea. Now you.
Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?

So you insist that he never claimed or heavily insinuated that he was deployed in a combat role?
He has never claimed or "heavily insinuated" that he was deployed in a combat role, from what I know of to date.
He claimed he carried a weapon of war in war. It was explained pretty clearly early on in this thread of his lying. Now, maybe he had a Time Machine and went back to wwII or maybe a quick jaunt to Vietnam. I’m trying to explain it as I would to a child. The only war going on at that time was Iraq. You misrepresent yourself like that and you are lower than dog shit.

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