Mr Stolen Valor

So you don't know if he has or not.
Again, Walz has never claimed or "heavily insinuated" that he was deployed in a combat role, from what I know of. He hasn't made the claim and it hasn't been shown that he ever did. Same goes for a tour in Iraq.

Yet, you defend the stolen valor claims. Hummmmm
I'm not defending the stolen valor claims. I think such claims are disgusting and clearly false. They have been made before (back in 2018) and were dismissed back then..

Why in the world would you think I'm defending such nonsense lol? Are you even reading my posts?

btw, once again, . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
Not at all. I'm never shocked or triggered by what the Republican programmers try to do and how low they will go. I was just surprised that wake would follow them on this one.

You don't think the Harris campaign, especially Walz, isn't already ready for this flawed line of attack? Come on man, do you know anything about politics?

If right-wingers keep pushing, it will backfire and blow up in your face. There is your warning. Remember who your nominee is.
Yea they are prepared they're ignoring it, refuse to address it and so far the press is covering for them. That will not last.
Again, Walz has never claimed or "heavily insinuated" that he was deployed in a combat role, from what I know of. He hasn't made the claim and it hasn't been shown that he ever did. Same goes for a tour in Iraq.

I'm not defending the stolen valor claims. I think such claims are disgusting and clearly false. They have been made before (back in 2018) and were dismissed back then..

Why in the world would you think I'm defending such nonsense lol? Are you even reading my posts?

btw, once again, . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?

Look at him go, trying to put out all the Dim Fires. 🤣🤣🤣

Why equivocate if you are so sure?
I didn't equivocate at all. I said, based on what I know right now, Walz has never claimed or "heavily insinuated" that he was deployed in a combat role or that he served a tour in Iraq. I'm not concealing the truth or refusing to commit myself (i.e. "equivocating") with that answer. I clearly committed myself.

Now, your turn. The question you have now dodged twice:

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
I didn't equivocate at all. I said, based on what I know right now, Walz has never claimed or "heavily insinuated" that he was deployed in a combat role or that he served a tour in Iraq. I'm not concealing the truth or refusing to commit myself (i.e. "equivocating") with that answer. I clearly committed myself.

Now, your turn. The question you have now dodged twice:

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
Toonces the shrieking, triggered, autist. 🤣😜🤣🤪
The soldiers he served with, who know more than you ever will on the subject, disagree.
Actually they don't. Many of the soldiers Walz served with came to his defense the first time right-wingers threw this junk at him in 2018.

And btw, this nonsense didn't work for you loons back in 2018. Walz easily won election as Governor.

But hey, make the same mistake twice. Go right ahead lol.
That's the very definition of equivicating.
Yes, I actually gave you the definition of equivocating in my last post lol! Exactly. To show that I wasn't doing it.

Do you need the definition of "dodging" now though? Because this is now the third time I've asked a question you keep dodging . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
Actually they don't. Many of the soldiers Walz served with came to his defense the first time right-wingers threw this junk at him in 2018.

And btw, this nonsense didn't work for you loons back in 2018. Walz easily win election as Governor.

But hey, make the same mistake. Go right ahead lol.
I guess you didn't watch the video, none of the media outlets would run the story even though they verified it was true. Of course those same media outlets endorsed him for governor.
Just be honest and say you don't care if he is stealing valor, I could at least respect your honesty.
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Yes, I actually gave you the definition of equivocating in my last post lol! Exactly. To show that I wasn't doing it.

Do you need the definition of "dodging" now though? Because this is now the third time I've asked a question you keep dodging . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
I answered your deflection question about Iraq already. And I've not made the claim he did because I have no idea. But go on deflecting by focusing on aspects that aren't germane to the topic and equivocating your answers.
I guess you didn't watch the video, none of the media outlets would run the story even though they verified it was true.
The story was greatly covered in Minnesota in 2018. Heck, one of the hit prices that from 2018 that was debunked back then has always been shared on this thread.

This is nothing new Bearcat. And it didn't work in 2018.

Just be honest and say you don't care if he is stealing valor, I could at least respect your honesty.
He isn't stealing anyone's valor.🙄

Did you serve your country in the military for 24 years? Did Trump?

See how foolish you sound right now.
I answered your deflection question about Iraq already. And I've not made the claim he did because I have no idea.
You are the one who jumped into the middle of a conversation with a deflection lol. Heck, you actually claimed I was defending the stolen valor claims.🙄🤣

With that said, I've now asked you a follow up question that you are seriously dodging and deflecting from. btw, we both know why you are, of course. Because you enjoy doing that which you claim others do.

So for the fourth time, . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
that you know of... right counselor? You wouldn't want to testify in absolutes at this point.
Heck, you won't even testify. You won't even answer the questions asked of you. No wonder you are voting for the convicted felon.🤣🤣

Fifth time . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
You are the one who jumped into the middle of a conversation with a deflection lol. Heck, you actually claimed I was defending the stolen valor claims.🙄🤣

With that said, I've now asked you a follow up question that you are seriously dodging and deflecting from. btw, we both know why you are, of course. Because you enjoy doing that which you claim others do.

So for the fourth time, . . .

Have you been shown any evidence that Walz has ever made the claim that he served a tour in Iraq?
You die on that hill like a good little soldier. Oh wait...
Did he say anything about Iraq here? Anything about a tour in Iraq?

Nope. Nothing. Nada.

Try again.

(btw, again, law school? No chance lol!)
☝🏻triggered again. ☝🏻dodged again.

He said he “carried weapons of war, in war” Was there some post 9/11 war in Italy that I and the world media outlets missed? The Minnesota guard deployed to Iraq, but Walz never made it any further than Italy. Sure as hell wasn’t carrying weapons of war in war.
He said he “carried weapons of war, in war” Was there some post 9/11 war in Italy that I and the world media outlets missed?
He was deployed to Italy in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He would have carried a weapon of war throughout his 24 years in the National Guard and in his deployment.

Note though, he never says he served a tour in Iraq. Not once.

Tell us, did you serve in the military for 24 years? How about Trump?

Y'all struggling bad right now. Repeating junk you already lost with in 2018 lol!🤣🤣
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He was deployed to Italy in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He would have carried a weapon of war throughout his 24 years in the National Guard and in his deployment.

Note though, he never says he served a tour in Iraq. Not once.

Tell us, did you serve in the military for 24 years? How about Trump?

Y'all struggling bad right now. Repeating junk you already lost with in 2018 lol!🤣🤣
☝🏻triggered. ☝🏻dodging again.

No I was never in the military, and I never claimed to “carry the weapons of war in war”. Walz’s statement is a misrepresentation of his record. Imagine if a naval longshoreman were to say something like that because he unloaded munitions from a ship. He’d be laughed out of town, and would get his ass licked by any combat vets present.
No I was never in the military
Yeah, no one is shocked liar.

Yet, here you are, spreading and apparently believing lies about a man who served our country for 24 years. A man who joined the military when he was 17. While you are also supporting Trump, another guy who never served in the military and got out of Vietnam. Bone spurs and all, right?

You sir, have no honor or dignity, as you repeatedly showcase on this board.

Walz’s statement is a misrepresentation of his record.
No it's not. Walz has been very clear about his record, about his service, and it has been public record for a long time. You and these right-wing goons you drink the kool-aid from are the ones lying and misrepresenting, as usual.

Again, this line of attack didn't work in 2018 and isn't going to work now. It is only going to backfire and hurt you with the type of people Trump needs to show up and vote for him. But hey, don't listen to me. Keep showing your true colors. Go right ahead liar.
it looks like he quit 2 months before they sent his squadron out. I'm betting he knew his unit was being deployed and wasn't going to take a chance of getting any live action and quit. They don't spring that on you a week in advance. And, the most important part was left out by numb nuts....carried a weapon of war throughout his 24 years in the national guard and his deployment......he left out "weapons of war, in war". "In War" is the critical part there, but let's just leave that part out...ha ha he he. A lot of kids were killed in that war so to even slightly hint you participated is repulsive...worse than lying. Being in the reserves for 24 years is a red flag as well. That's like a 2 and a half years active duty. He deceived and will continue to deceive so just get used to it. I'm sure any potential dirt on him on the internet has been gobbled up by the same ones who have consumed the cackling hen's positions. He's just a bernie sanders with hunting clothes. Let's hope his craziness is limited to these next few months. Well, he can still be crazy but be totally harmless. I'm not sure there is enough preparation for this vote to keep all the dem crooks out of the henhouse.
it looks like he quit 2 months before they sent his squadron out. I'm betting he knew his unit was being deployed and wasn't going to take a chance of getting any live action and quit.
Maybe you should just look a little bit more into this and you will see how your assumption is wrong. You act like all of this is something new and not already been researched and reported on.

Of course, even when presented with the facts you will still believe the lie your propagandists feed you. So there probably really is no point for you.

Being in the reserves for 24 years is a red flag as well. That's like a 2 and a half years active duty.
You right-wingers claim to love this country and support the military and those who serve in it. And then you go and make a comment like this and show your true colors.

Go say this to some senior National Guard servicemen to their face (not over some message board) and see what happens to you. Of course, we know you won't. You will just attack their service behind a computer while you turn around and vote for bone spurs.
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Yeah, no one is shocked liar.

Yet, here you are, spreading and apparently believing lies about a man who served our country for 24 years. A man who joined the military when he was 17. While you are also supporting Trump, another guy who never served in the military and got out of Vietnam. Bone spurs and all, right?

You sir, have no honor or dignity, as you repeatedly showcase on this board.

No it's not. Walz has been very clear about his record, about his service, and it has been public record for a long time. You and these right-wing goons you drink the kool-aid from are the ones lying and misrepresenting, as usual.

Again, this line of attack didn't work in 2018 and isn't going to work now. It is only going to backfire and hurt you with the type of people Trump needs to show up and vote for him. But hey, don't listen to me. Keep showing your true colors. Go right ahead liar.
So now I’m lying about not serving in the military? You’re so triggered you can’t even think straight. Did you catch Brandon’s cold when he sniffed your hair?
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