Mini-Me Declares War On AP African American Studies

Indoctrination is not freedom. Indoctrination is one of the tools of a totalitarian system. And you just advocated for indoctrination over education.

As usual, you advocate for that which will lead directly to what you claim to oppose. Totalitarianism. I've never met someone as confused as you are.
Id be willing to bet you have pink or purple hair. Green maybe. Pirced face, maybe nose, eyebrow?
This is such a mealy mouthed juvenile half brained self mis-directed argument it deserves no reply. You’re showing your ass, Counselor.
Hey, you are the one that claimed you wanted to see children indoctrinated. Don't go getting mad now because I'm simply reading your own words and exposing how they completely contradict your other claims.
Stop trying to dodge my simple question. You are the one who automatically thinks leftist indoctrination when you hear "African American Studies."

So again, what is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
Stop dodging my question. Again, why are you so fearful that there would be right-wing indoctrination if the curricula is developed by objective right-wing historians?
Yes that’s why I just asked “what’s this about”
I didn't see the question mark after the sentence. Oh yeah, there wasn't one.

But ok. I agree with you. I think DeSantis and his cronies should explain what is so objectionable about this AP African American Studies course instead of giving no explanation at all.
Hey, you are the one that claimed you wanted to see children indoctrinated. Don't go getting mad now because I'm simply reading your own words and exposing how they completely contradict your other claims.
I made no such claim, but I’m sure that’s how your addled brain saw what I said.
Again, why are you so fearful that there would be right-wing indoctrination if the curricula is developed by objective right-wing historians?
I'm not. Never said I was.

Now, once again, what is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
I made no such claim,
Yes you did.

Yes, I believe all schools should be private. That way left wing kooks like yourself could send your kids to be indoctrinated into leftist ideology and any subjects of secondary importance to you. And I could send my kids to schools that teach the values and subjects I prefer my children learn.
You want centers of indoctrination, not education.
Yes you did.

You want centers of indoctrination, not education.
I want you to let your kids be indoctrinated by left-wing kookiness if that’s what you want. And if there’s time left over for readin’, ritin’’ and ‘rithmetic that’s fine. In the meantime I‘ll choose a school that values the three r’s over left-wing woke nuttiness, and in it’s spare time explains the value of liberty to a society. You see, I’m perfectly willing to let you live your life your best way. You, OTOH, afford me no such grace. And that, my man, is why we’d always have to be enemies, never friends.
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I want you to let your kids be indoctrinated by left-wing kookiness if that’s what you want.
But I don't want this. I don't want my kids indoctrinated. I want them educated.

Again, you are the one advocating for indoctrination. Not me.

You, OTOH, afford me no such grace.
If you wish to indoctrinate your children, there are private schools available where you can choose to do just that. That is freedom and it is available for you in this country. No one is stopping you or anyone else from doing this.

Freedom isn't getting rid of public education though and replacing it with only indoctrination centers as you advocated for. That is a tool of totalitarian systems.and one you readily embrace.
Could the fear of getting the hell beat out of you be a cause?
Perhaps in some schools, but those teachers usually just go to another school where they don't have that fear or get out of teaching altogether.

The major problems in Florida and our teacher shortage relates to teacher pay and the craziness being recently mandated by Mini-Me and his cronies as they seek to create and appeal to a fringe conspiratorial element in their party. They care more about attacking public education for political reasons instead of providing educators with a positive and competitive educational environment.
Still waiting, Counselor. Why are you so afraid to let right-wing historians develop the program?
I already answered your question on this.

You asked: Again, why are you so fearful that there would be right-wing indoctrination if the curricula is developed by objective right-wing historians?

My answer:
I'm not. Never said I was.

Now, stop dodging and deflecting and do what you demand others do when you ask a question. Give an answer.

What is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
Perhaps in some schools, but those teachers usually just go to another school where they don't have that fear or get out of teaching altogether.

The major problems in Florida and our teacher shortage relates to teacher pay and the craziness being recently mandated by Mini-Me and his cronies as they seek to create and appeal to a fringe conspiratorial element in their party. They care more about attacking public education for political reasons instead of providing educators with a positive and competitive educational environment.

It’s a national problem.

You just have a narrow focus.
I already answered your question on this.

You asked: Again, why are you so fearful that there would be right-wing indoctrination if the curricula is developed by objective right-wing historians?

My answer:

Now, stop dodging and deflecting and do what you demand others do when you ask a question. Give an answer.

What is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
Stop dodging. Answer the question. I answered yours, now you answer mine. Why the fear of objective history from right-wing historians?
It’s a national problem.
This is not true. It is a problem in some states, not all states. And Florida led the nation in teacher shortage for 2021-2022.

Yeah, just part of the DeSantis record you don't hear a lot about over at The Epoch Times but you definitely will if DeSantis decides to run for President.
Stop trying to dodge my simple question. You are the one who automatically thinks leftist indoctrination when you hear "African American Studies."

So again, what is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
Dude, you dodge almost as much as the lardful dodger. BTW, we’re still waiting on you to define common sense gun control.
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Why the fear of objective history from right-wing historians?
For the third time now, I have no such fear. Never said I did.

Once again, the question you just can't answer for some reason . . . What is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
This is not true. It is a problem in some states, not all states. And Florida led the nation in teacher shortage for 2021-2022.

Yeah, just part of the DeSantis record you don't hear a lot about over at The Epoch Times but you definitely will if DeSantis decides to run for President.

Nope, it’s national.

And what I linked was true.

If anyone is Trumps mini me, it’s Biden.

He’s everything you accuse Trump of only small.
Nope, it’s national.
It is not. It depends on the state. But whatever, I don't expect you to admit or accept the truth.

If anyone is Trumps mini me, it’s Biden.
Nah, DeSantis is definitely Trump's Mini-Me. Even some of your fellow conservative posters have called him this. It is common knowledge Styrofoam.

Check with The Epoch Times if you must.
It is not. It depends on the state. But whatever, I don't expect you to admit or accept the truth.

Nah, DeSantis is definitely Trump's Mini-Me. Even some of your fellow conservative posters have called him this. It is common knowledge Styrofoam.

Check with The Epoch Times if you must.

Bless your heart.
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For the third time now, I have no such fear. Never said I did.

Once again, the question you just can't answer for some reason . . . What is it about "African American Studies" that is leftist indoctrination in your opinion?
For the umpteenth time it’s plain as the substantial nose on your Pinocchio face you’d have a stroke if your beloved pilot program could not use the 1619 Project as its primary focus. Everybody that has ever paid the slightest attention to you knows it. So it’s ridiculous for you to pretend otherwise. AAS is nonstop left wing racist indoctrination that has no place in government schools. At least right wing historians would inject truth and objectivity into what would be taught. If DeSantis proposed allowing the class in Florida schools so long as it came from objective historians, but not left wing fruitcakes you’d fight against it tooth and nail.
AAS is nonstop left wing racist indoctrination that has no place in government schools.
But why do you think this? Why do you automatically think "African American Studies" is "left-wing racist indoctrination"? You keep saying this but you are providing no reasoning or evidence to back up your claim. Back up your ridiculous claim for once.

Or maybe, just admit what is really behind all of this. Perhaps be honest with yourself and others for once.

If DeSantis proposed allowing the class in Florida schools so long as it came from objective historians, but not left wing fruitcakes you’d fight against it tooth and nail.
Do you have any evidence that the College Board is not using objective historians to create this course? Any evidence at all? Provide some links.
This is an AP course, which allows high school students who are going to college to earn college credits alongside their high school diploma. This helps college bound students prepare for college and it helps reduce undergraduate tuition costs for these students. There are numerous AP courses that high school students routinely take, such as AP American History, AP European History, AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology, AP Calculus, etc. Students choose these classes, they are not forced into them.

African American Studies is taught in college just as these other subjects are. Some students desire to eventually major in this subject at college or wish to take this class to fulfill a college requirement and save on undergraduate tuition costs.

There is clear educational value present here along with economic value for individual students.

What harm do you see in offering such a class to these future college students?
Let's just say I do not see the same value in African American studies in high school as I do classes in Math, Science or other tradition subjects.
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Let's just say I do not see the same value in African American studies in high school as I do classes in Math, Science or other tradition subjects.

Remember too, this is an AP course. It really is a college level course. Do you not see a value in African American Studies in college too?

Remember too, this is an AP course. It really is a college level course. Do you not see a value in African American Studies in college too?
Simple, public education is constantly begging for more money. The money spent on your leftists demanded indoctrination takes away money that would be better spent teaching traditional subjects. Hell you leftist are pushing to get rid of AP course in public schools to insure smart kids are as uneducated as the kids and parents that do not value education. You should make up your mind.
The Florida public education system is a miserable failure, as I found in 47 other states. As a "professional tourist" for 12 years, less than 1% of bank employees I quizzed could teach me to count US currency. We don't teach the structure and history of the US buck.

Please name me one US Supreme Court Justice. I had to name all 9 before I could dream of moving to Grade 7. Not today.

Name the smartest of all the primates. Since primates have walked the earth, how much of our water supply have we exhausted? This is elementary. Good luck with these.

98% could tell me to whom Brad Pitt was married.

On a piece of paper I would write .99 cents and ask a bank employee how much US currency did I write. 99 cents was the answer. "Are you sure?" "Yes." Final answer?" "Yes." With a thumb I would cover the dot. "This is 99 cents. I wrote point 99 cents which is less than 1 penny. In 1792, Congress based the dollar on the meter." The US was arguably first with a decimal metric currency.

We have all these bright young people and we don't teach.
The Florida public education system is a miserable failure, as I found in 47 other states. As a "professional tourist" for 12 years, less than 1% of bank employees I quizzed could teach me to count US currency. We don't teach the structure and history of the US buck.

Please name me one US Supreme Court Justice. I had to name all 9 before I could dream of moving to Grade 7. Not today.

Name the smartest of all the primates. Since primates have walked the earth, how much of our water supply have we exhausted? This is elementary. Good luck with these.

98% could tell me to whom Brad Pitt was married.

On a piece of paper I would write .99 cents and ask a bank employee how much US currency did I write. 99 cents was the answer. "Are you sure?" "Yes." Final answer?" "Yes." With a thumb I would cover the dot. "This is 99 cents. I wrote point 99 cents which is less than 1 penny. In 1792, Congress based the dollar on the meter." The US was arguably first with a decimal metric currency.

We have all these bright young people and we don't teach.
Oh they teach them, kids are now experts in climate change, racism, and LGBTQ topics. Of course they can't read, write, solve a math problem, know nothing of real history, nothing about civics and have zero critical thinking skills. Great job the leftists have done with public education.