Milo's views on pedophilia

Why has Sarah Silverman not been attacked and boycotted and dissociated with? Why are we not able to just snort at his comments and move on with our lives like we all did with Sarah Silverman?
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Breitbart is still trying to decide whether or not to cut this guy loose?

HBO to cut ties with Lena Dunham after admitting she molested her sister.

Hillary Clinton cannot be democrat nominee after tape of her laughing about a child rape

The above are not headlines

Why are conservatives held to a higher standard? Are conservatives supposed to be better people?
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You don't think the partisan nature of outrage is relevant? What milo said was deplorable but the coordinated meltdown has zero credibility.

I think both the outrage and the outrage over the outrage is coordinated.
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Why has Sarah Silverman not been attacked and boycotted and dissociated with? Why are we not able to just snort at his comments and move on with our lives like we all did with Sarah Silverman?

I can quote you tons of right wing sites and posts that DEFINITELY didn't just snort at Silverman's comments and pretty much all of those are still calling Lena Dunham a child rapist....she may be, but let's not try to justify fighting hypocrisy with more hypocrisy.
I can quote you tons of right wing sites and posts that DEFINITELY didn't just snort at Silverman's comments and pretty much all of those are still calling Lena Dunham a child rapist....she may be, but let's not try to justify fighting hypocrisy with more hypocrisy.

I'm not justifying anything but I listen to all news sources. Has Fox News covered both stories? Are the op eds at nyt and wash po even handed? CNN? Right wing sites often identify as right wing sites. Main stream media cannot be believed on anything they say because they choose sides on despicable things like this.

Look at what will happen if briebart doesn't fire milo. It will be facemelting condemnation from what is supposed to be a free press that ignored the Hillary tape and legal tactics used in that case.

I get what you are saying but I'm being even handed in my outrage of both sides. You cannot tell me you don't want to gouge your eyes out watching Meryl Streep fake cry about the guy with the gammy hand and give Polanski a standing ovation. That is mental illness to be able to compartmentalize like that.
HBO to cut ties with Lena Dunham after admitting she molested her sister.

Hillary Clinton cannot be democrat nominee after tape of her laughing about a child rape

The above are not headlines

Why are conservatives held to a higher standard? Are conservatives supposed to be better people?

Lena Dunham wrote about her experiences as a SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD! What should the reaction be? Burn the Witch! Fire Her! Banish her from the Kingdom? I wouldn't know who she is if she sat down across the table with me unless I had an introduction. But this carrying on by people about her being a criminal or a molester for things she did as a 7 yr old and how she should be punished is ridiculous. Should we demand the same level of scrutiny and condemnation of every 7 yr old who "plays doctor?"

Clinton wasn't laughing about the victim or the rape. Her chuckling was in response to reciting the lesson she learned about how worthless polygraphs could be, in that her client actually passed the "test" administered to him. She was given the task of defending a person, a job she did not request, but was foisted on her by a judge. She defended her client as per her obligation. But her comments again, were not about the crime or victim, they were about being disabused of the notion that polygraphs were in any way reliable.

I for one do not ever remember holding 7 yr old conservatives to a higher standard than any other 7 yr old. Secondly, I've certainly had discussions with numerous conservatives where we discussed some pretty gruesome or disturbing things and we both laughed about an element or two as either a "defense mechanism" or in response to something that was truly ludicrous in the underlying narrative. I don't remember holding them to a higher standard as I was just as "guilty" as they were.
What's the age of accountability for molestation?

Your lawyer tactics are dispicable but I think that is part of your first year law school orientation. Hillary Clinton laughed at a child rapist passing his lie detector test because she knew he was guilty. Are you familiar with the details of the case? Just a short google if not. Not one thing is laughable about the whole case. You also left out the part about her accusing the child about fantasizing about older men and dreaming up the abusive rape. Oops.

Is it part of your law school background to attack someone you know is a victim to do your obligation?

What she did was way worse than Donald trump being pleasantly received by groupies whose pussies he grabbed but again where can I find this fair coverage by indignant lefties?
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HBO to cut ties with Lena Dunham after admitting she molested her sister.

Hillary Clinton cannot be democrat nominee after tape of her laughing about a child rape

The above are not headlines

Why are conservatives held to a higher standard? Are conservatives supposed to be better people?

I don't know who Lena Dunham or Sarah Silverman are. Guess I don't get out enough. And I don't care enough to look them up.

Just seems like an easy decision to me. You have a guy on staff who thinks predatory behavior is OK. If you agree with that, keep him. If you don't, boot his ass.
What's the age of accountability for molestation?

Your lawyer tactics are dispicable but I think that is part of your first year law school orientation. Hillary Clinton laughed at a child rapist passing his lie detector test because she knew he was guilty. Are you familiar with the details of the case? Just a short google if not. Not one thing is laughable about the whole case. You also left out the part about her accusing the child about fantasizing about older men and dreaming up the abusive rape. Oops.

Is it part of your law school background to attack someone you know is a victim to do your obligation?

What she did was way worse than Donald trump being pleasantly received by groupies whose pussies he grabbed but again where can I find this fair coverage by indignant lefties?
Gosh, I didn't know that accepting the view that children are not held to the same standards of conduct as adults was merely "lawyer tactics." So glad that only lawyers appear to believe that to be true. I feel better "infromed" already.

And yes, I've heard the clinton tape and actually understood the context not just the snippet. Again, the laughing was in relationship to the fact that the polygraph failed bigly.
Defend and deflect attention away from a key political figure who excuses child molestation in his own words, on video.

Get really huffy when someone points out how idiotic the idea is of the US being ran by a huge secret society that forces its members to rape children on video to keep them in check.
name the posters that are defending milo. Let's list them and let them have it. You and I as a team will publicly Shane them.
At the press level but not down here on the random message board level.

I could do the research....not gonna, but I could....

My bet there are been numerous posts on Lena Dunham's comments, Sarah Silverman's, and commenting on the entertainment industry's questionable moral stances.
I'm not justifying anything but I listen to all news sources. Has Fox News covered both stories? Are the op eds at nyt and wash po even handed? CNN? Right wing sites often identify as right wing sites. Main stream media cannot be believed on anything they say because they choose sides on despicable things like this.

Look at what will happen if briebart doesn't fire milo. It will be facemelting condemnation from what is supposed to be a free press that ignored the Hillary tape and legal tactics used in that case.

I get what you are saying but I'm being even handed in my outrage of both sides. You cannot tell me you don't want to gouge your eyes out watching Meryl Streep fake cry about the guy with the gammy hand and give Polanski a standing ovation. That is mental illness to be able to compartmentalize like that.

I really don't get what you are arguing here. I don't know how accurate your "often" qualification is when it comes to right wing sites identifying themselves as such. "Sometimes" would be more accurate to me. At the same time, is it okay to you to engage in biased, inaccurate (sometimes deliberately so) reporting simply because you identify your bias up front? The entire media....not just MSM is biased across the board, for or against. There is not a one that is consistently politically neutral.

IMO, if Milo doesn't pretty severely punish Milo, including the possibility of firing him, some facemelting condemnation is probably in order.
I would like to see someone address this aspect of Milo's stories.

He claims he attended a party in "Hollywood" where lots of gay men in the entertainment industry were present with underage boys and having sex with those boys.


1. Why didn't he leave the party and drop a dime to call the police and tell them what was going on?

2. Why didn't he leave the party so he was not an "accomplice" to what was going on?

3.Why won't he go public with the claims and name names?

4. Or, was the party just too "fabulous" to leave, or the criminality/abuse of young boys could be overlooked?

5. For everyone here who bitched about McQueery at Ped State not doing more or intervening to stop that boy from being raped in the showers, are you NOT going to hold Milo to the same standard?

If what he is saying is true, he should be drummed out of "polite" society for being part of such a party and not doing a damned thing about it!
It's not like you can clean out anybody else's house. You can't. But when you have the chance to clean out your own house, do it. If you want to claim the moral high ground all to yourself, distance yourself from illegal predatory behavior. Then throw all the rocks you want to at those who embrace such behavior.

If, as an adult, your standard of whether or not it's OK to molest a child is dependent upon the presence of pubic hair, then I want to kick your ass.
Milo resigns from Brietbart News and issues statement. Don't know if this has been mentioned here yet.

"My experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous. But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, “advocacy.” I am horrified by that impression.

I would like to restate my disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. "

He should have just stopped there.... That's a believable apology.

But no, he had to go on from there and finger point, spin and make excuses. Nothing has changed in his mind, and unfortunately, I doubt much has changed in many of his fan's minds. He's casting himself as a wichunt victim and most of his fans will eat it up after a 2 or 3 day pause.
"My experiences as a victim led me to believe I could say anything I wanted to on this subject, no matter how outrageous. But I understand that my usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy, a lack of care for other victims or, worse, “advocacy.” I am horrified by that impression.

I would like to restate my disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. "

He should have just stopped there.... That's a believable apology.

But no, he had to go on from there and finger point, spin and make excuses. Nothing has changed in his mind, and unfortunately, I doubt much has changed in many of his fan's minds. He's casting himself as a wichunt victim and most of his fans will eat it up after a 2 or 3 day pause.
You left out the part where he says he agrees with the current age of consent.
Watch (well, listen) to Alex Jones talking about how the world was falling apart on Y2K.

Trains of Army Troops moved into Austin that day to secure order and 6 or 7 nuclear reactors in the US failed, widespread failures of ATM's and Gas Pumps, 100,000 dead in Chechnya.... this and a lot more Bullsheet Jones claimed was going on back on that day.

Are you really going to ask people to take anything this guy says seriously?

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Alex jones works for the CIA and everything he says is to distract from what is really going on.
You left out the part where he says he agrees with the current age of consent.

No I didn't its in the original video I linked (I believe, I'll recheck). Milo's trying to spin that since some version of the video out there has that part edited out, its all a witch hunt.

The thing is...that line doesn't alter what he was saying at all. He's saying in the video... "I think the law is about right, but I think there are cases where its morally ok."

The "I think the law is about right" wasn't at odds with the rest of his statements. Its like me saying "I think dui laws are about right, but I'm don't believe someone is a bad person for driving home from their friends house 1 mile down a gravel road at 5pm."

The first half isn't at odds with the 2nd half.....that's the way Milo was using it as well. Except of course ... pedophilia ... instead of driving buzzed one mile down a gravel road.
No I didn't its in the original video I linked (I believe, I'll recheck). Milo's trying to spin that since some version of the video out there has that part edited out, its all a witch hunt.

The thing is...that line doesn't alter what he was saying at all. He's saying in the video... "I think the law is about right, but I think there are cases where its morally ok."

The "I think the law is about right" wasn't at odds with the rest of his statements. Its like me saying "I think dui laws are about right, but I'm don't believe someone is a bad person for driving home from their friends house 1 mile down a gravel road at 5pm."

The first half isn't at odds with the 2nd half.....that's the way Milo was using it as well. Except of course ... pedophilia ... instead of driving buzzed one mile down a gravel road.
So someone a day shy of 17 isn't ever mature enough but anyone 18 years is?
So someone a day shy of 17 isn't ever mature enough but anyone 18 years is?

Your going to have to actually form a relevant question for me to understand what you are getting at. I don't see what this has to do with this thread.
Your going to have to actually form a relevant question for me to understand what you are getting at. I don't see what this has to do with this thread.
Are there instances where it's morally ok with someone shy of 18?
I'll probably get in trouble for this but how many times have we seen an underage boy hook up with a hot female teacher and say "that lucky bastard" while fully admitting that a male teacher with a female student was more alarming and should be prosecuted differently. I'll admit Ive said that a lot. Now throw that into male teacher and male student. According to our biology and accepted differences we say women are emotional about sex and males are more physical. We know why gay bath houses were aids factories in the eighties because there is no female in the relationship saying slow down, let's talk, take me out to the movies, rub my back. I cannot imagine having a partner as horny as me or let alone having a whole room full of them. I've had some horny ones but they were still females.

Maybe this is something we don't understand. What's the age? Who knows, the law is the law and everyone should respect that but human nature or gay human nature is a different thing. There is probably some nuance in what milo is saying but he is wrong when he says thirteen or fourteen.

It is odd to think about who was hooking up at fourteen/fifteen at my school. If I had any offers I would have been for sure. And it would have been another 14/15 or a thirty year old teacher and I would have loved it. I only knew one gay guy and supposedly he was messing around with everyone in town according to him now. The whole town was gay according to him.
I'll probably get in trouble for this but how many times have we seen an underage boy hook up with a hot female teacher and say "that lucky bastard" while fully admitting that a male teacher with a female student was more alarming and should be prosecuted differently. I'll admit Ive said that a lot. Now throw that into male teacher and male student. According to our biology and accepted differences we say women are emotional about sex and males are more physical. We know why gay bath houses were aids factories in the eighties because there is no female in the relationship saying slow down, let's talk, take me out to the movies, rub my back. I cannot imagine having a partner as horny as me or let alone having a whole room full of them. I've had some horny ones but they were still females.

Maybe this is something we don't understand. What's the age? Who knows, the law is the law and everyone should respect that but human nature or gay human nature is a different thing. There is probably some nuance in what milo is saying but he is wrong when he says thirteen or fourteen.

It is odd to think about who was hooking up at fourteen/fifteen at my school. If I had any offers I would have been for sure. And it would have been another 14/15 or a thirty year old teacher and I would have loved it. I only knew one gay guy and supposedly he was messing around with everyone in town according to him now. The whole town was gay according to him.

The problem here is your confusing a kids desire with the morality of the adults actions. I'm sure there are plenty of 12 old girls that want to get with (name some Hollywood hunk here). Just because the 12 year old girl sees herself as lucky, if it happens doesn't release the adult of guilt.

When I was 13 or 14 I wanted to get with 30 year old women as well....But a 30 year old woman who wants to get with a 13 year old boy is seriously farked in the noggin and should be treated as such.

Even if she's hot and we joke that the boy wasn't "victimized" the woman's actions are seriously wrong and disturbing.
you are probably right but that is a cultural issue. If you and I had been born in Ancient Greece we would be banging kids as casually as we drink coffee. If we were born in Shakespeare's time 14 year olds would be the norm. My wife's great uncle was 19 when he married his fourteen year old bride. They have been married 60 years and seem to have a great time together.

Are we evolved into a perfectly civilized culture that has hit the nail on the head with the 18 year old birthday being the benchmark? Given our late blooming adolescents and inability to socialize face to face we should probably raise the age of consent to 21. The human brain on average isn't fully formed until we are 25. There is probably a test we can take that gives our actual maturity to handle adult situations like war or sex or marriage.

I read one of the worst articles in my life a couple weeks ago about a man and a six year old boy. Those kind of people need to just be killed. I also know a man who molested all three of his daughters. Again someone like that should just be killed and forgotten as quickly as possible.

I dont really have an argument just stream of conscience tonight.
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