Milo's views on pedophilia


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
No comments, spin, or fake news, just straight video.

Check out @ReaganBattalion's Tweet:
He's actually advocating for hebephilia which is just as sick imo. In fact, I consider the differences the same as the toe-may-toe/Tah-mah-toe argument.

Same thing. Trying to rename a subset of it is simply the first step in trying to excuse it.

Edit: not attacking you, I realize you are saying the same thing I am. I'm attacking those that try to marginalize pedophilia by carving it into subsets and renaming them.
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Same thing. Trying to rename a subset of it is simply the first step in trying to excuse it.

Edit: not attacking you, I realize you are saying the same thing I am. I'm attacking those that try to marginalize pedophilia by carving it into subsets and renaming them.

You're right on the money. You said it so much better than I did.

I find it interesting that he appears to have been molested by a grown man at 14 according to that video. Very revealing glimpse into the potential cause or motivation into the path he's taken. The human mind can do amazing things in order to cope with trauma.
Milo's views on adult-child sex are quite mainstream in the gay community. 73% of adult gays have had sex with boys under 19 as per The Gay Report, which was research done by a pro-gay, "feminist". The objective research stats show that 1 in 20 adult gays is a pedophile, vs 1 in 490 straight adult males.
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Milo's views on adult-child sex are quite mainstream in the gay community. 73% of adult gays have had sex with boys under 19 as per The Gay Report, which was research done by a pro-gay, "feminist".

Milo upset the dude on Bill Mahr when he said that sexual abuse of children is much more prevalent among homosexuals. Dude got pissed. He then said this isn't controversial, it's well established. But they would let him finish.
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Neither agreeing nor disagreeing but this is perhaps interesting.

Its some really interesting spin, deflection and fingerpointing.

The alt right has jumped all over and worked very hard to spreads some conspiracy theory about prominent dems being involved in a secret society pedophilia ring.. I'm really interested to see what those same people have to say about one of their leaders comes out, on tape, saying they support portions of pedophilia.
Color me so surprised. He's such a perfect representative of the "new" right.

Thor, I caught him saying that stats backed up transgenders committing more assaults (or close to that). Did he say that about homos too?

Has anyone seen @NZ Poke? I'm surprised he hasn't started a thread about this. He's probably just busy.
You know, I think you're right, he just referenced tranny's.

That really pissed off the black guy. Him or Maher should have shut it down and demanded someone produce the stats and then see who was right and wrong. As gd said -- go to the primary docs. I'm waiting for some politician or media member to do just that -- when an alternative fact is thrown out, shut down, pull out a phone, and google it up and see who's full of it. That would sure cut through a bunch of bullshit and expose propoganda.
The alt right has jumped all over and worked very hard to spreads some conspiracy theory about prominent dems being involved in a secret society pedophilia ring...

It's definitely not the just the "alt right" researching Pizzagate, and almost everything about it so far has said its across boundaries, not any sort of R vs D thing.

It's going to be interesting seeing what comes out.

I'll finally hold my nose tonight and wade through the pizza gate thread in here and see if indeed you guys aren't using it in any way to attack liberals.

Also....that clip you posted was not edited out of the video I posted. It's right there in the middle of it.
He said he agrees with consent laws and is against pedophilia. I also think his FB post helps clarify.

When you put it in context by viewing some of his other quotes on the topic, like thanking the priest who taught him how to give such "good head" at age 14, it's pretty clear that he's touting the same philosophy as much of Nambla, he's just not claiming the title.

Personally, I think he's got some severe mental problems, including, but not limited to:

1. Being a self-hating gay man.*
2. Being an attention whore of the highest order.
3. Showing obvious signs of narcissism
4. Basically just being a troll who doesn't really have any convictions, just someone who will say anything to create controversy. (See #2)

*Just my opinion, but I think a lot of his "swishing" is an affectation that he can turn on and turn-off at will. Showing up on Maher clutching at his pearls is just part of the act, an act that includes him acting more like a "rent-boy" than a responsible person to be taken seriously.
Haven't watched it yet but if it's as indefensible as it seems, it would likely be a deal killer for me.

I posted the cernovich tweet earlier that's supposed to add some context but it would have to be significant.
Maher was my first time to hear him. He's not American. He shouldnt even be a famous commentator of American politics. I didn't see why he's such a hot item, he wasn't any sharper than other guests on Maher.
Maher was my first time to hear him. He's not American. He shouldnt even be a famous commentator of American politics. I didn't see why he's such a hot item, he wasn't any sharper than other guests on Maher.

I've watched a bunch of his videos and think he's pretty intelligent. I even like his general message of "the only way we are going to get to the point of being able to have difficult discussions and solve some things is if we get rid of this idea that we simply cant say or hint at certain things because of pcism getting out of hand.... And the only way to do that is to simply overload everyone with incredibly offensive trolling material to the point that people who are easily offended figure out that they are being trolled and learn to shrug off the nasty words, and troll back. If you get to the point where you can shrug off obvious troll attempts you are also starting to toughen up enough that even honest to God disgusting attacks are easier to handle and refute rather than run away from screaming"

I mean... I think that's his point. But as I said in another thread, he contradicts himself by whining when he gets trolled as well as refuses to be honest about situations that paint his new party in a bad light. He loses his own message within his ego. He also cherry picks his opponents who are either just college kids unprepared for him or guest on shows who don't spend every waking hour doing this and with a team prepping them.
When an alternative fact is thrown out, shut down, pull out a phone, and google it up and see who's full of it. That would sure cut through a bunch of bullshit and expose propoganda.

That would make debates immensely more entertaining, though we would then hear non stop whining about biased fact checkers. Would still be so much better than the current method.
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The problem of course is that person a would pull up xyz facts on the internet and person b would pull up just the opposite set of facts. This would turn the debate into a set of "my facts are the most right" tire is argument.
Not defending Milo, but she does make a good point.

1. The prophet of Islam was a pedophile

2. Child marriage is common in many Islamic cultures in 2017 (and so is cousin marriage)

3. The age of consent in Mexico is 12

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Not defending Milo, but she does make a good point.

1. The prophet of Islam was a pedophile

2. Child marriage is common in many Islamic cultures in 2017 (and so is cousin marriage)

3. The age of consent in Mexico is 12

Every time someone says, I'm not defending X, BUT......

The next words said are always a defense....if nothing else but a defense by comparison or distraction.

Just saying...
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Every time someone says, I'm not defending X, BUT......

The next words said are always a defense....if nothing else but a defense by comparison or distraction...

Most of the time, yes.

But not "every time."
Ok. I'm not going to defend Milo on this, I watched your original clip and it disturbed me. (And of course, there are many disturbing statistics and tidbits about the gay community, such as terrifying disease levels, high suicide rates in trans people, extremely high domestic violence rates in lesbian couples)

Re Milo and CPAC, I think power structures are trying to get themselves ready for when the shit hits the fan. (Reports say a lot of powerful people are involved and blackmailed)

In three or six months (or whenever stuff happens) people associated with powerful people are going to be able to point back to their statements re Milo and CPAC to say "see, I'm against that sh*t too.)

We will see, but this is way beyond Milo IMO.

And so was this one.
Yes, he's against "Pedophilia." (In that he's against the technical meaning of the term, which would be attraction to or sex with PREPUBESCENTS.)

But he seems to be perfectly cool with Hebephilia and Ephebophilia, which is sexual attraction to, or engaging in sex with children between the ages of 12-17. His comments about being in a relationship with a priest when he was 14 and his claims about being the "aggressor" in that relationship are the most telling thing he could have ever written expressing his true thoughts on the topic. He even brags about "Father Michael" teaching him how to "give good head."

At this point, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that "Milo Yiannopoulos" is basically a "character" he plays looking for fame and fortune. (Think of Sacha Baron Cohen.) His birth name is actually Hanrahan and he changed it much later in life to his father's surname, even though his father abandoned him as a baby. He tried for a while in his home country of England using the nom de plume Milo Andreas Wagner, but I guess that wasn't catchy enough so he opted for the Greek name that few can forget.

He appears to have learned, from the P.T. Barnum School of Hucksterism, that the louder and more outrageous he is, the more money and attention he can receive. Other than being serious about getting a big paycheck and engaging in unrepentant self-promotion, I doubt he has a seriously, deeply held belief on about any topic.

Phony's often have a way of getting exposed and this Milli-Vanilli of political punditry may have finally exposed himself.
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Yes, he's against "Pedophilia." (In that he's against the technical meaning of the term, which would be attraction to or sex with PREPUBESCENTS.)

But he seems to be perfectly cool with Hebephilia and Ephebophilia, which is sexual attraction to, or engaging in sex with children between the ages of 12-17. His comments about being in a relationship with a priest when he was 14 and his claims about being the "aggressor" in that relationship are the most telling thing he could have ever written expressing his true thoughts on the topic. He even brags about "Father Michael" teaching him how to "give good head."

At this point, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that "Milo Yiannopoulos" is basically a "character" he plays looking for fame and fortune. (Think of Sacha Baron Cohen.) His birth name is actually Hanrahan and he changed it much later in life to his father's surname, even though his father abandoned him as a baby. He tried for a while in his home country of England using the nom de plume Milo Andreas Wagner, but I guess that wasn't catchy enough so he opted for the Greek name that few can forget.

He appears to have learned, from the P.T. Barnum School of Hucksterism, that the louder and more outrageous he is, the more money and attention he can receive. Other than being serious about getting a big paycheck and engaging in unrepentant self-promotion, I doubt he has a seriously, deeply held belief on about any topic.

Phony's often have a way of getting exposed and this Milli-Vanilli of political punditry may have finally exposed himself.

Caught part of his shtick on Tucker Carlson last week; what a f*king d-bag.
When the bigtime arrests start happening, public figures want to point back to their public statements about Milo ("see my Tweet from February!") to try to show innocence.

Corey Feldman: Corey Haim and I were ‘passed around’ to Hollywood pedophiles

May 26, 2016

Corey Feldman is backing Elijah Wood’s claim that Hollywood is full of pedophiles.

“With me, there were some molestations and it did come from several hands, so to speak, but with Corey [Haim], his was direct rape, whereas mine was not actual rape. I believe that Haim’s rapist was probably connected to something bigger and that is probably how he has remained protected for all these years.

Ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other. [Alison Arngrim] from ‘Little House on the Prairie’ said [in an interview], ‘Everybody knew that the two Coreys were just being passed around,'” Feldman told The Hollywood Reporter.

“They would throw these parties where you’d walk in and it would be mostly kids and there would be a handful of adult men. They would also be at the film awards and children’s charity functions,” he said, noting that the kids’ ages ranged from 10 to 16. While he doesn’t explicitly identify his abusers, he claimed one of the men was an employee of his father’s and often acted as his guardian, adding, “He’s still prominently in the business today.”

Feldman’s story echoes similar sentiments Elijah Wood expressed (and then backpedaled on) this week. The “Lord of the Rings” star told the Sunday Times, “There are a lot of vipers in this industry."


More defense by distraction.
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