mask vs no mask

This was recently published...

Yes, that refers to PPE worn by healthcare providers including N95 masks. The point is that PPE protects healthcare providers working in very close proximity to covid patients, including performing procedures that are known to cause aerosolization. Wearing a mask while being socially distanced does provide at least some degree of protection.
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That's the realy good one. Those need to stay in medical and first responders hands.

Funny story about the trump rally related to this. A media guy was walking around in a full face covered respirator type mask with change out filters. He was taking pictures of those not wearing mask for what ever reason. I had to stop him and ask if he was aware of his exhaust vents and he was not. I also asked when the last time he replaced his filter. He didn't know. He was either trying to ignore me or he just was completely clueless about his fear. Either way he could have been spreading the virus around to anyone and all the while he was just walking around like he owned the place.

It's easy to start hating on the media when you start to look behind thier curtains.
This is the big picture. Few people are using top of the line masks and are mostly wearing the 50 for $3 kinds. They are not changing them with each foray to get groceries, to shop, to eat, and all the other places they go. Whatever is out in the air is settling on each mask and then gets transported to a different location to infect those there.

NY found, although now denying, that the majority of cases and deaths occurred from those staying indoors. The faster more people get this the sooner it will be over. Death rates are declining. They are hyperventilating in Dallas about the numbers of positive cases yet the ICU's and Hospitals have capacity and ventilators. As the nurse at the Dallas hospital I went to yesterday said, they have more people on ventilators due to Saharan Dust than Wuhan. They also have a larger number of pneumonia cases they believe came from inhaling their own spit which saturates a cloth mask quickly.
This is the big picture. Few people are using top of the line masks and are mostly wearing the 50 for $3 kinds. They are not changing them with each foray to get groceries, to shop, to eat, and all the other places they go. Whatever is out in the air is settling on each mask and then gets transported to a different location to infect those there.

NY found, although now denying, that the majority of cases and deaths occurred from those staying indoors. The faster more people get this the sooner it will be over. Death rates are declining. They are hyperventilating in Dallas about the numbers of positive cases yet the ICU's and Hospitals have capacity and ventilators. As the nurse at the Dallas hospital I went to yesterday said, they have more people on ventilators due to Saharan Dust than Wuhan. They also have a larger number of pneumonia cases they believe came from inhaling their own spit which saturates a cloth mask quickly.
Agree that outdoor activity should be encouraged. Probably going to have to be early morning or evening though if you live in Oklahoma
This was recently published...

Yes, that refers to PPE worn by healthcare providers including N95 masks. The point is that PPE protects healthcare providers working in very close proximity to covid patients, including performing procedures that are known to cause aerosolization. Wearing a mask while being socially distanced does provide at least some degree of protection.
Show me a study that says that two people wearing a bandanna standing six feet apart have any significantly less risk of transmission than one person wearing a bandanna and one person not wearing anything standing six feet apart.

Edit: P.s. The people pissing on each other picture does not count as a "study".
Agree that outdoor activity should be encouraged. Probably going to have to be early morning or evening though if you live in Oklahoma
The virus is not going to go away. The longer people stay indoors and transport it via masks form place to place the longer we will see the angst spread in the media about cases and hospitalizations. IF you are at risk stay isolated but the rest need to get out and resume living. Nor is there any guarantee of a viable vaccine being produced. Still waiting on HIV and Lyme Disease vaccines and those for West Nile, Zika, EEE, WEE, StLE and the previous 18 Covids.
Show me a study that says that two people wearing a bandanna standing six feet apart have any significantly less risk of transmission than one person wearing a bandanna and one person not wearing anything standing six feet apart.

Edit: P.s. The people pissing on each other picture does not count as a "study".
In the absence of evidence I would advise precaution
Oh I agree totally. I advise caution too. Especially those at risk for higher mortality rates. But in the absence of evidence I do NOT advise government entities to overstep their power.
In this case those government entities sound like they are being precautious
Bloomberg called it a "global obesity epidemic." Seems like pretty similar rhetoric.
Did he make any claims about it being infectious?

Either way the city was well within it's rights. Did you know I can't buy hard liquor on a Sunday? Of all days.

If you think public masks and soda size limits are bad, let me tell you about this little thing called the war on drug and the military draft.
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Did he make any claims about it being infectious?

Either way the city was well within it's rights. Did you know I can't buy hard liquor on a Sunday? Of all days.

If you think public masks and soda size limits are bad, let me tell you about this little thing called the war on drug and the military draft.
I think government requirement to wear a mask or government rules on the size of a soft drink I can buy are bad. Not bad to the degree of the war on drugs or the military draft, but bad. I’m not in the habit of dismissing bad behavior by my government because one bad thing is not as bad as another bad thing. There are degrees of badness to be sure, but that doesn’t alter the fact that bad is bad.
I think government requirement to wear a mask or government rules on the size of a soft drink I can buy are bad. Not bad to the degree of the war on drugs or the military draft, but bad. I’m not in the habit of dismissing bad behavior by my government because one bad thing is not as bad as another bad thing. There are degrees of badness to be sure, but that doesn’t alter the fact that bad is bad.
Glad to get your perspective Dan
Dr fauci who has fifty years of virus experience and dr birx who is an expert did not wear a mask around the most powerful person in the world until June. @Medic007 why is that?

I was contacted about being close to someone who was close to someone who tested positive. I went to get tested and was in a waiting room of people who were all getting tests. As I chatted up the receptionist a dr came up and told her “this next person (coming up to check out) is positive so be careful.” So I was immediately more exposed by this guy than I was by indirect exposure that had me there in the first place.
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Dr fauci who has fifty years of virus experience and dr birx who is an expert did not wear a mask around the most powerful person in the world until June. @Medic007 why is that?

I was contacted about being close to someone who was close to someone who tested positive. I went to get tested and was in a waiting room of people who were all getting tests. As I chatted up the receptionist a dr came up and told her “this next person (coming up to check out) is positive so be careful.” So I was immediately more exposed by this guy than I was by indirect exposure that had me there in the first place.

I am sure his (The doctor’s) HIPPA compliance would love to hear about that. They should not be sending a case out through waiting areas, they should have a side door or alternate exit. Also, are they not doing drive through testing there? And a contact of a contact (that has no positive test or probable case classification?)? So much of that does not make sense.
I am sure his (The doctor’s) HIPPA compliance would love to hear about that. They should not be sending a case out through waiting areas, they should have a side door or alternate exit. Also, are they not doing drive through testing there? And a contact of a contact (that has no positive test or probable case classification?)? So much of that does not make sense.

no drive through at this location.

The original positive test was 2 degrees away from me. I spent an hour with the middle man.
no drive through at this location.

The original positive test was 2 degrees away from me. I spent an hour with the middle man.

I am curious as to why you were notified. There is no need to contact someone who was not identified as a named contact of a case. Still bothered by the physician’s office if this all happened as you described.
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I am curious as to why you were notified. There is no need to contact someone who was not identified as a named contact of a case. Still bothered by the physician’s office if this all happened as you described.

I won’t say where the dr office was because I know someone there and I don’t need PoKEaBEar calling cnn.
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This is the big picture. Few people are using top of the line masks and are mostly wearing the 50 for $3 kinds. They are not changing them with each foray to get groceries, to shop, to eat, and all the other places they go. Whatever is out in the air is settling on each mask and then gets transported to a different location to infect those there.

NY found, although now denying, that the majority of cases and deaths occurred from those staying indoors. The faster more people get this the sooner it will be over. Death rates are declining. They are hyperventilating in Dallas about the numbers of positive cases yet the ICU's and Hospitals have capacity and ventilators. As the nurse at the Dallas hospital I went to yesterday said, they have more people on ventilators due to Saharan Dust than Wuhan. They also have a larger number of pneumonia cases they believe came from inhaling their own spit which saturates a cloth mask quickly.
Not a big fan of mandatory masks. Personally I think it provides a false sense of security. Add the touching and you realy dont have a solution you have a bigger problem. Like you pointed out.

If you realy want to protect people mass produce masks that filter and allow proper breathing. Make them so you can switch filters after a 3 to 4 days use. Also make them to cover the eyes. Then mandate every one wear these. Better solution to the problem.
Love that movie. Are you the six fingered man?

I know I come across as against the ordnance. That's because I am. I will follow the law. I'm not going to rebel over a mask ordnance that has a sunset clause. I think that puts me squarely on the sideline for now. Ask me again later if the town approves a protest while this order is in place and I may be put me in coach.
Love that movie. Are you the six fingered man?

I know I come across as against the ordnance. That's because I am. I will follow the law. I'm not going to rebel over a mask ordnance that has a sunset clause. I think that puts me squarely on the sideline for now. Ask me again later if the town approves a protest while this order is in place and I may be put me in coach.

And as much as I am for wearing masks when in public, I would be right there with you if protests are approved.
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So the Trump rally caused the increase in Tulsa but what about rest of state. Trying to remember what was going on in other cities around the same time that could be the cause for their increases. The media tells me that the protests are safe so just racking my brain on the reasons.
So the Trump rally caused the increase in Tulsa but what about rest of state. Trying to remember what was going on in other cities around the same time that could be the cause for their increases. The media tells me that the protests are safe so just racking my brain on the reasons.

President Donald Trump's campaign rally in late June, as well as the accompanying counterprotests, likely contributed to the area's recent spike in coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday.

"In the past few days, we've seen almost 500 new cases, and we had several large events just over two weeks ago, so I guess we just connect the dots," Dart said at a press conference.
President Donald Trump's campaign rally in late June, as well as the accompanying counterprotests, likely contributed to the area's recent spike in coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday.

"In the past few days, we've seen almost 500 new cases, and we had several large events just over two weeks ago, so I guess we just connect the dots," Dart said at a press conference.

Did you connect the dots?
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Did you connect the dots?

Yep. As did Dr. Dart.

I watched GMA this morning. They reported that Dr Dart had stated that there is a Covid spike in OK and they are attributing that primarily to the Trump rally and to protests. Seems obvious today. Seemed obvious prior to the rally and protests.
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Yep. As did Dr. Dart.

I watched GMA this morning. They reported that Dr Dart had stated that there is a Covid spike in OK and they are attributing that primarily to the Trump rally and to protests. Seems obvious today. Seemed obvious prior to the rally and protests.

Did they have demographics?
Yep. As did Dr. Dart.

I watched GMA this morning. They reported that Dr Dart had stated that there is a Covid spike in OK and they are attributing that primarily to the Trump rally and to protests. Seems obvious today. Seemed obvious prior to the rally and protests.

I assume you are basing this on hospitalizations and not increased testing?
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