

2nd Team
Sep 8, 2006
Christian Carroll is leaving and I would think that he is not the only one. Hope not too many enter the portal.
Christian Carroll is leaving and I would think that he is not the only one. Hope not too many enter the portal.

Taylor took the job May 7th, so today is the 30th and final day (if I'm not mistaken) to enter the portal after a coaching change. Not sure why he waited until the last day unless he was really torn about staying or leaving, but I imagine anyone else already would've entered.
Taylor took the job May 7th, so today is the 30th and final day (if I'm not mistaken) to enter the portal after a coaching change. Not sure why he waited until the last day unless he was really torn about staying or leaving, but I imagine anyone else already would've entered.
He like others got the call to hit the Portal and leave DT & staff high and dry.
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I think the portal is closed. Christian will do what is best for him. I am sure that Chris Perry will have influence, he and David Taylor did not see eye to eye on things.
I think the portal is closed. Christian will do what is best for him. I am sure that Chris Perry will have influence, he and David Taylor did not see eye to eye on things.
Someone alluded to the fact that CC was a bit of a partier, is that true? Unfortunately, that can correlate with our lack of consistency and under in the past.
this board is really ranking them out today. lol.
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lol. how AM I TRIGGERED over this?

this Perry thing is an all time bad take chock full of disinformation, orange colored glasses, and lack of perspective.

it rivals some of the best HR meltdowns.

i talk about wrestling. that's my job. and i'm certainly going to talk about this.
So how many guys has Perry talked to about leaving and how many would be considered ok? I have no idea about the first…seems like at least one.
Perry appears to have possibly been just lurking about trying to sow discontent. He talked Carrol into making a big mistake for his future.
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lol. how AM I TRIGGERED over this?

this Perry thing is an all time bad take chock full of disinformation, orange colored glasses, and lack of perspective.

it rivals some of the best HR meltdowns.

i talk about wrestling. that's my job. and i'm certainly going to talk about this.
A couple posters made comments and you run to twitter acting like the entire fan base is claiming “Perry ruined the program.” Seems pretty triggered to me.

Just giving you a hard time. I appreciate you posting here and the info you bring. I don’t have any info on the situation and would find it interesting to know CC’s thinking.
Been offline all day and come back to all the Chris Perry slander. Come on yall
Slander? Pretty sure it’s all very close to correct. The differing of opinion seems to be whether him recruiting CC away is actually a big deal or not. Smalls seems to think we’re delusional for caring about “one single” wrestler being led away by the halter.
lol. how AM I TRIGGERED over this?

this Perry thing is an all time bad take chock full of disinformation, orange colored glasses, and lack of perspective.

it rivals some of the best HR meltdowns.

i talk about wrestling. that's my job. and i'm certainly going to talk about this.
You do seem a bit triggered by running to your Twitter and acting like the opinions of random people on a small message board means anything. It’s a very weird flex and kind of dumb.

I’m pretty new to perusing this board on a daily basis but I don’t think everyone is losing their minds like you are intimating.

Losing CC sucks, but he just won a major tournament wearing orange and black and I’m fairly certain most on here appreciate that and will cheer for him throughout the rest of his career except when he wrestles us.

The Perry stuff is also dumb. He’s been a long time cowboy. I don’t think that people are acting like he killed a program, but we shouldn’t be airing any of his dirty laundry also. He’s a cowboy that just got booted by the university he loves.

As a casual watcher of the program historically, I had no idea that our team had this perception of being a bunch of drunken misfits. I just assumed that all wrestlers were like that overall. Now I see that everyone is trying to be one step away from becoming Jesus Christ like PSU and having a drink is blasphemous. It’s a great standard and a pretty difficult one. Don’t think we should be knocking anyone that can’t get to that standard. We obviously have not been holier than thou.
You do seem a bit triggered by running to your Twitter and acting like the opinions of random people on a small message board means anything. It’s a very weird flex and kind of dumb.

I’m pretty new to perusing this board on a daily basis but I don’t think everyone is losing their minds like you are intimating.

Losing CC sucks, but he just won a major tournament wearing orange and black and I’m fairly certain most on here appreciate that and will cheer for him throughout the rest of his career except when he wrestles us.

The Perry stuff is also dumb. He’s been a long time cowboy. I don’t think that people are acting like he killed a program, but we shouldn’t be airing any of his dirty laundry also. He’s a cowboy that just got booted by the university he loves.

As a casual watcher of the program historically, I had no idea that our team had this perception of being a bunch of drunken misfits. I just assumed that all wrestlers were like that overall. Now I see that everyone is trying to be one step away from becoming Jesus Christ like PSU and having a drink is blasphemous. It’s a great standard and a pretty difficult one. Don’t think we should be knocking anyone that can’t get to that standard. We obviously have not been holier than thou.
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I do have to go with Smalls on this one. The way everyone was talking, we were braced to lose quite a few kids. Sucks we lost one of our top prospects, but it could have been much worse.
I just don’t see this as some big melt down like he is saying it is. Go check out message board geniuses on twitter and you’ll see what meltdowns look like. I saw a whole lot more of wishing CC well than I did posts about Perry. I’d rather not read dirty laundry about our own but I also am not close enough to the situation to know if any of those rumors have any truth to them.
I've been following the discussions on this forum pretty closely about CC, Perry, Thompson, Williams, partying, lifestyle, culture, PSU etc...
Here's my 2 cents. I have no facts about individuals I want to share, these are just my opinions based on following OSU throughout John's tenure as a coach. Back in the day it was mainly Iowa vs OSU in wrestling, then Minnesota under JRob got into the mix then more of the Big 10 schools started rising like tOSU and finally PSU took everything over. My simple view on why OSU has gone from being a top 1-2 program under John to being a top 10ish, headed toward a top 20ish program under John is that a large number of wrestling programs evolved over those years and OSU's program did not evolve in any meaningful way. During the course of those 25-30 years I saw OSU teams that had tremendous talent, top recruiting classes, coaches that were very technically sound, but except for a few years in the early 2000s, in which OSU simply had FAR more talent than any other team in the nation, OSU teams in my opinion did not generally reach their full potential. I saw too many teams with wrestlers who were gassing out, having poor performances at Nationals, too many injuries, not physically strong enough etc... I speculated over the years it was from any number of causes - not properly conditioned, too much weight cutting, poor nutrition, partying, not dedicated enough, over training, not training during the off season, poor strength training etc... who knows, but something wasn't right, there was too much talent under performing for many years.
So now, based on everything I know about Taylor and following wrestling for years, OSU is at a historic point in time. We have, what I perceive to be a monumental shift in culture, a modern vision of what OSU wrestling wants to become, and resources and coaches that I believe can actually make that happen. I believe the vision (now) is to actually compete for team titles, individual titles and age level world championships. In order to do that, OSU must go down a far different path than it has been going down the last three decades. It will be very uncomfortable for many, especially in the beginning. To achieve this vision, some steps backward will have to be taken before moving forward is possible. Taylor, in my opinion has done exactly what he needed to do so far - cleaning house is a big first step to instilling the necessary culture. There is no getting around it - if the goal is truly to be #1 again, there can be no party culture any more. Wrestlers and coaches alike must be 100% on board with this and must "live the life". This means a lot of sacrifices that a lot of folks will not want to make and just flat out don't agree with, but that is what being #1 requires these days. The bar has been raised.

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