Just For You, Bearcat

Why am I struggling to find any real conversation about the fact that Hamas is obviously holding its hostages in civilian surrounded areas? Can someone show me where the UN, or CJ, or any of the other prominent anti-Israel voices are condemning Hamas for their obvious tactic of putting civilians between themselves and their opponent.
Why am I struggling to find any real conversation about the fact that Hamas is obviously holding its hostages in civilian surrounded areas? Can someone show me where the UN, or CJ, or any of the other prominent anti-Israel voices are condemning Hamas for their obvious tactic of putting civilians between themselves and their opponent.
Where in Gaza should Hamas keep its hostages?
They shouldn't have taken hostages and damn sure shouldn't be holding hostages. Duh

They should have thought about that before they took the hostages, don't you think.

You guys aren't getting it. He supports the violence and kidnapping of these Jews and feels that Hamas is fully entitled to continue holding them.
True. I agree.

Now, is there anything Israel shouldn't be doing or shouldn't have been doing to Palestinians in your opinion? Note, Palestinians, not Hamas.
Depends on how I look at it. If I look at it from the perspective of an outsider, yea Israel should have done many things differently but If I look at from the perspective of Israel I can't really blame them for going overboard protecting their country. After October 7th the dynamic changed.
yea Israel should have done many things differently
Such as?

Give some examples please.

but If I look at from the perspective of Israel I can't really blame them for going overboard protecting their country. After October 7th the dynamic changed.
I'm not just asking about after October 7th. I'm asking about both before and after.
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What part do you not get? They shouldn't have hostages but since you ask, damn sure not in a refugee camp.
Then where should they keep them? I agreed with you they should not have taken the hostages. But they did take hostages even though neither of us think they should have. Since they took hostages - even though we both agree they should not have - and since you say not in a refugee camp, and others say not within populated areas, my question, which is perfectly reasonable, is where should they be hiding the hostages they should not have taken, as we both agree they should not have done? Have I shown to your satisfaction that I *do* get they should not have taken hostages? Now please be so kind as to say where they should be keeping them - since they took hostages even though both of us say they should not have.
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Now you’re using Taliban logic:

“If the international community didn’t want us executing women in the soccer stadium that they built, then they should have built us an appropriate structure in which to shoot women through the head.”
I'm not sure logic is in the equation, at least as you're saying here. Hamas captured hostages. Many on this board opine that the hostages should not be kept in populated areas of Gaza. It is not unreasonable or illogical to ask where they should be kept. Yours is Comment No. 16 and so far all anyone says is where they should *not* keep them. As passionate as the "where they should not keep them" crowd is, it is both reasonable and logical to ask where they *should* be kept.
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Then where should they keep them? I agreed with you they should not have taken the hostages. But they did take hostages even though neither of us think they should have. Since they took hostages - even though we both agree they should not have - and since you say not in a refugee camp, and others say not within populated areas, my question, which is perfectly reasonable, is where should they be hiding the hostages they should not have taken, as we both agree they should not have done? Have I shown that I *do* get they should not have taken hostages to your satisfaction? Now please be so kind as to say where they should be keeping them - since they took hostages even though both of us say they should not have.

They should keep the hostages in the same location as the Hamas leaders. Since the cowardly leader of Hamas are all hiding out in luxury in places like Qatar, the hostages would be safe and no Palestinian civilians would be killed in rescue attempts.
They should keep the hostages in the same location as the Hamas leaders. Since the cowardly leader of Hamas are all hiding out in luxury in places like Qatar, the hostages would be safe and no Palestinian civilians would be killed in rescue attempts.
So Israel should kill Qatari civilians instead.?
I don't know are the Qatari civilians going to try and kill the Israeli soldiers? If they do sure, Israeli soldiers shouldn't allow themselves to be killed.
Oh, i see. You think all 274 Palestinians who were killed by the IDF during the raid, and the roughly 500 who were injured by the bombs, the tanks, the IDF soldiers, etc. were equally armed and fought back with ferocity, trying to kill the soldiers. Damn they were bad at it! 274 dead to 1, 500+ injured to what, zero? I do give you credit for finding an answer no matter how bizarre it is.
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Oh, i see. You think all 274 Palestinians who were killed by the IDF during the raid, and the roughly 500 who were injured by the bombs, the tanks, the IDF soldiers, etc. were equally armed and fought back with ferocity, trying to kill the soldiers. Damn they were bad at it! 274 dead to 1, 500+ injured to what, zero? I do give you credit for finding an answer no matter how bizarre it is.
274 eh? Still sticking to your Gazan Health ministry sources I see.
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They should keep the hostages in the same location as the Hamas leaders. Since the cowardly leader of Hamas are all hiding out in luxury in places like Qatar, the hostages would be safe and no Palestinian civilians would be killed in rescue attempts.
As opposed to in Al Jazeera news reporters homes, right?
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Your daily dose of Caitlin:

Genocide! Genocide! Genocide! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Maybe Israel should just start the Carpet Bombing. It worked wonders waking the German Citizens out of their Fascist Coma. Maybe the Palestinians would get rid of Hamas and come out of their Terrorists Supporter Coma?
Nah, they wouldn't.

Should have taken care of it back is 1967. :)
They couldn’t take care of it in 1967. The Zionist lobby had not yet sufficiently softened up the American public, nor had it yet completely corrupted both the Legislative and Administrative branches of the American government to accept genocide as a workable solution to their desire for a Palestinian-free “Greater Israel.” It has taken half a century for the softening and corruption to get to that point.
They couldn’t take care of it in 1967. The Zionist lobby had not yet sufficiently softened up the American public, nor had it yet completely corrupted both the Legislative and Administrative branches of the American government to accept genocide as a workable solution to their desire for a Palestinian-free “Greater Israel.” It has taken half a century for the softening and corruption to get to that point.
Sounds familiar. Oh yeah! Classic “Jewish Conspiracy” theory!!!!

They couldn’t take care of it in 1967. The Zionist lobby had not yet sufficiently softened up the American public, nor had it yet completely corrupted both the Legislative and Administrative branches of the American government to accept genocide as a workable solution to their desire for a Palestinian-free “Greater Israel.” It has taken half a century for the softening and corruption to get to that point.
C'mon Dan! No need for dog whistles anymore. Just say it! "The Joooooos. The Jooooooooooos..." 🤣
Sounds familiar. Oh yeah! Classic “Jewish Conspiracy” theory!!!!

Actually AIPAC has bled so many Jewish members in the last few years it’s rapidly becoming a Fundamentalist Christian Zionist conspiracy. So I don’t know if it’s a Jewish conspiracy or a Christian one. Regardless of which it is there is no doubt it it one of the most powerful lobby organizations around, lobbying for a foreign government in ways many people believe is illegal.
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Actually AIPAC has bled so many Jewish members in the last few years it’s rapidly becoming a Fundamentalist Christian Zionist conspiracy. So I don’t know if it’s a Jewish conspiracy or a Christian one. Regardless of which it is there is no doubt it it one of the most powerful lobby organizations around, lobbying for a foreign government in ways many people believe is illegal.
So now Christians are the villains. I knew it would get there eventually. 🙄

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