Johns Hopkins: No evidence people are born gay or transgender

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If being gay is not a choice, why is finding it repulsive a choice? .

What difference does it make whether it's a biological urge that can't be helped, or discretionary? We don't let pedophiles off the hook because they say it's just a real overwhelming urge.

*edit to ask - what if you are a straight guy who has had (several) threesomes with women. Does that make you guilty of gay sin or just the regular fornicating kind?

I actually wanna hear a response to this.


Can I think open marriages are wrong? Do I have to make a cake with two males and three females on it? What about rough sex, choking and punching between consenting adults? Can I think that’s wrong? Teach my kids it’s wrong? Can I tell others I think it’s wrong without losing my career and friends?



What about it?



Maybe, maybe not. If you're a disruptive dick and moron about it, you can't "tell others you think it's wrong" without losing my career and friends. Let's play with your statement.

Can I think screwing extremely fat women is wrong? Do I have to make a cake with a 700 lbs of bride and groom on it? What about donut sex, choking and gobbling between consenting adults? Can I think that’s wrong? Teach my kids it’s wrong? Can I tell others I think it’s wrong without losing my career and friends?

Same exact answers. You deal with the same stuff regarding what seems like outlier sexual habits to you, without all the pearl clutching.

Cake bakery case. Teaching homosexuality as an option to kindergarteners in public schools. Using public property for gay pride parades. Flying rainbow flags on government buildings that are co owned by people who find it immoral.

Mandatory prayer at shcool, before a game, before every meeting, using public property for devotionals. Flying crosses on flags everywhere. If I object to this am I being a twat? Kind of. A little bit. Maybe you just quit trying to be offended and find some basis to pearl clutch at every turn?
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The Bible says it's wrong.

Look, no one in this thread wants to make homosexuality illegal. I just want to have the freedom to disagree with that lifestyle. You and I both know the radical gay lobbyists are not going to stop with "agree to disagree." They're going to press the issue.
But don't you? I'm guessing you voted for the defense of marriage Oklahoma constitutional amendment that would forbid gay marriage.

A few things. I am for SOGIE legal protections for housing and employment. It should not be legal to fire an employee or deny them a rental because of one's sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Short of that, you are free to disagree with their lifestyle just as they are with yours. I'm good with that. I don't think universal acceptance is the goal - at least not a forced goal. You are free to disagree with them as long as you don't use those innate traits as reasons to discriminate against them.
If being gay is not a choice, why is finding it repulsive a choice? I would totally get down with five playboy playmates, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Christians thought it was a sin.

Why we moved from tolerance to rainbow flags on government buildings and forcing the one Christian bakery in town to make a cake is asking for trouble. We seek these fights out because we personally dislike the other side. Its sad.
Totally agree that if you find it repulsive then you do. That's totally okay with me as long as they have the freedom you do to live their lives as they see fit. Today if someone comes out as gay or transgender then they can be fired from their job or be denied housing - legally. That's just unacceptable to me.

I think the cake thing was BS too. Just dumb logic.
Agreed. Leaning on “but the Bible sez” to repudiate the behaviors one finds personally gross while overlooking/rationalizing other behaviors seems quite disingenuous to me.
I've asked many times this question. Why the focus on homosexual activity as opposed to lying, cheating, stealing, coveting, etc. Since we are all sinners and come short of the glory of God, then we shouldn't focus on any one sin over another. If people showed the same level of outrage for those actions as they do for homosexuality then I'd at least find them constant and not hypocrites on the seductiveness of what sins they focus on.
You know damn well it doesn’t count if both chicks are hot.

*edit to ask - what if you are a straight guy who has had (several) threesomes with women. Does that make you guilty of gay sin or just the regular fornicating kind?
What if your thing is getting pegged by your wife? Is that a sin? >things that make you go hummmm?<
Cake bakery case. Teaching homosexuality as an option to kindergarteners in public schools. Using public property for gay pride parades. Flying rainbow flags on government buildings that are co owned by people who find it immoral.
I find over taxation immoral. It is tantamount to theft. How is that different than putting a rainbow flag on a building? Is it something I'm personally endorsing. If you take that stance then you empower anyone who's offended by anything. You don't want that.
Just because you’re offended by it doesn’t mean your sensibilities carry more importance than anyone else’s.

If a gay pride group gets a permit for a parade, that’s their right. I find the Westboro loonies even more repulsive, but the law still protects their right to assemble.

Who co-owns a government building? If the owner of the building wants to do it, what’s the issue?

We all own government buildings. I’m not arguing legality. I’m arguing culturally. People have to apologize on twitter for eating chick fil a. Why can’t the gay mafia just be happy with a flag on their house? Why the pushyness and satisfaction from sticking it in the faces of Christians? What’s the reward here? It makes certain groups hate them more. It promotes animosity. Why is that what the gay mafia wants?

Be gay, be feminine but understand it makes people uncomfortable. We all curb our outbursts to get along in society, but for some reason the gay mafia is looking for universal celebration or bust.
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I find over taxation immoral. It is tantamount to theft. How is that different than putting a rainbow flag on a building? Is it something I'm personally endorsing. If you take that stance then you empower anyone who's offended by anything. You don't want that.

I don’t see the taxation versus a culture war battlefield as the same I guess.
I don’t see the taxation versus a culture war battlefield as the same I guess.
They are simply two things that we would disagree with the government on. That's the comparison.

Edited to add there are many others who are offended by the US having a military. So should we stop having one? I'm offended by the welfare nanny state. Should me being offended by that stop it from happening?
I've asked many times this question. Why the focus on homosexual activity as opposed to lying, cheating, stealing, coveting, etc. Since we are all sinners and come short of the glory of God, then we shouldn't focus on any one sin over another. If people showed the same level of outrage for those actions as they do for homosexuality then I'd at least find them constant and not hypocrites on the seductiveness of what sins they focus on.

Being gay is much much much less common and involves an act that is statistically extremely rare. The other sins are all committed before kindergarten by everyone.
They are simply two things that we would disagree with the government on. That's the comparison.

Edited to add there are many others who are offended by the US having a military. So should we stop having one? I'm offended by the welfare nanny state. Should me being offended by that stop it from happening?

The military is in the constitution. Welfare is a government program and is a type of economic governance. The flags are a decoration.
Be gay, be feminine but understand it makes people uncomfortable. We all curb our outbursts to get along in society, but for some reason the gay mafia is looking for universal celebration or bust.
I agree that there are pushy gays; just as there are pushy Christians, and Mormons, and Greeks (vs GDI), and every other subsection of society.

I don't think they are looking for universal celebration. Just equal rights. Now, the in your face tactics I disagree with. As do many in the community. I'm in our company's Pride employee group that promotes diversity and inclusion. Not acceptance. But you don't get to exclude someone.

I think the flamboyance of some gets painted on the majority since they are the visible ones. From what I've seen, that's not a significant portion of that population. When there is a pride event, people are going to show their 'real selves'. That's only natural. If that's off putting then fine. I sometimes get uncomfortable with it as well. Being uncomfortable is natural and totally okay. Just don't discriminate based on that uncomfortable feeling. I'd be uncomfortable hanging out in a biker bar. So, I don't go to biker bars. No big deal.
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The military is in the constitution. Welfare is a government program and is a type of economic governance. The flags are a decoration.
So what about those folks who are offended by the US flag? Should we remove it? What about statues? Should we remove them because someone is offended?

I think that gives people too much power.
Being gay is much much much less common and involves an act that is statistically extremely rare. The other sins are all committed before kindergarten by everyone.
I don't get it. So what is my reply. I would bet that there is more lying and adultry going on in your church than homosexual behavior. Yet church going folks seem to focus on homosexuality.

I asked it in jest but it is a good question. Is getting pegged by your wife a sin? Is going back door on your wife a sin?
Stop with this. We can discuss things without the snowflake tag. We’re just talking here, no one is outraged.
I did not mean to imply that you were outraged.

However, the faux-outrage crowd does seem to deserve the label.

If, as you suggest, 95+% of the population isn't down with LBG, why the need for a "Straight Pride" parade?
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I’m not arguing legality. I’m arguing culturally. People have to apologize on twitter for eating chick fil a. Why can’t the gay mafia just be happy with a flag on their house? Why the pushyness and satisfaction from sticking it in the faces of Christians? What’s the reward here? It makes certain groups hate them more. It promotes animosity. Why is that what the gay mafia wants?

Be gay, be feminine but understand it makes people uncomfortable. We all curb our outbursts to get along in society, but for some reason the gay mafia is looking for universal celebration or bust.
I love Chickfila. It's tasty. I've never apologized for that and I never will.

Is it possible your disapproval of the behavior is skewing your perception of the both the frequency and magnitude of these demonstrations?

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Totally agree that if you find it repulsive then you do. That's totally okay with me as long as they have the freedom you do to live their lives as they see fit. Today if someone comes out as gay or transgender then they can be fired from their job or be denied housing - legally. That's just unacceptable to me.

I think the cake thing was BS too. Just dumb logic.
I think most people would agree with this. No one wants anyone fired because of their lifestyle.

But religious people also want the right to be able to say they disagree with that lifestyle. That's not hate-speech.
People have to apologize on twitter for eating chick fil a.

Good lord. Who? Tell me who's apologized. This has to be the most teenage girl, alarmist, snowflake, "I'm-a-Christian-so-treat-me-special" statement ever.

Why the pushyness and satisfaction from sticking it in the faces of Christians?

Why must Christians constantly demand conformity? Actually have to SUE to keep them from making everyone sit and listen to their incantations to ghosts. Actually have to SUE them to keep them from making everyone look at their statues. They scream and dominate politics.

Christians passed a law here in Oklahoma -- turned out in droves --- to keep gay people from marrying each other. Like that would hurt a Christian somehow.

Maybe if a spirit or ghost says, "Be pushy" then it's ok.

Why can’t the gay mafia just be happy with a flag on their house?

Why do Chrisitians have to have their symbolism on everything? Cross necklaces. On churches everywhere. On the Edmond city seal. They have to put it on coins, begin legislative sessions with it....

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Good lord. Who? Tell me who's apologized. This has to be the most teenage girl, alarmist, snowflake, "I'm-a-Christian-so-treat-me-special" statement ever.

Why must Christians constantly demand conformity? Actually have to SUE to keep them from making everyone sit and listen to their incantations to ghosts. Actually have to SUE them to keep them from making everyone look at their statues. They scream and dominate politics.

Christians passed a law here in Oklahoma -- turned out in droves --- to keep gay people from marrying each other. Like that would hurt a Christian somehow.

Maybe if a spirit or ghost says, "Be pushy" then it's ok.

Why do Chrisitians have to have their symbolism on everything? Cross necklaces. On churches everywhere. On the Edmond city seal. They have to put it on coins, begin legislative sessions with it....


I’ve got enough people wanting to chit chat I’m probably not going to read this.
I think most people would agree with this. No one wants anyone fired because of their lifestyle.

But religious people also want the right to be able to say they disagree with that lifestyle. That's not hate-speech.
Anyone who says it is has an ulterior agenda. That's not generally the message I get from the gay community.
I love Chickfila. It's tasty. I've never apologized for that and I never will.

Is it possible your disapproval of the behavior is skewing your perception of the both the frequency and magnitude of these demonstrations?

I don’t disapprove of homosexuality. It’s yuck for men and hot for attractive chicks. I disapprove of the gang mentality that wants to make it more main stream than it really is. That wants to celebrate it and force kids who don’t have sexuality to grapple with something that is abnormal. Not abnormal as in wrong, but abnormal as in not statistically or instinctually normal for an overwhelming majority of people.

Remember the phrase “what goes on on in my bedroom is none of your business?” Now the phrase is celebrate gayness or you are a bigot. There’s no reason for this clash. It’s forced by the media and politicians who hate conservative values.
I don't want to engage anybody off the script, so I'm running back to.... FOX.

I just posted an article and I’m only not engaging one twit. And that’s only temporary. I’m sure I’ll have time to grind you in the dirt later. I have to take the nanny to the bus station.
Feel free to give one piece of evidence of how Fox News is in the wrong in that article. Or biased. Or bigoted. Go ahead I dare you.

Oh, now you're engaging me. Several thoughts up there that are NOT in the professional media spinmeister bornfollower narrative ecosystem.
I don’t disapprove of homosexuality. It’s yuck for men and hot for attractive chicks. I disapprove of the gang mentality that wants to make it more main stream than it really is. That wants to celebrate it and force kids who don’t have sexuality to grapple with something that is abnormal. Not abnormal as in wrong, but abnormal as in not statistically or instinctually normal for an overwhelming majority of people.

Remember the phrase “what goes on on in my bedroom is none of your business?” Now the phrase is celebrate gayness or you are a bigot. There’s no reason for this clash. It’s forced by the media and politicians who hate conservative values.
I can actually get on board w this train of thought to a degree. I think the main stream push is mainly aimed to lessen the persecution and harassment that homosexuals face, and in that way it’s good. There is a section of that push, and I don’t think it’s coming mainly from gay people themselves but certain media outlets and celebrities, that are taking it to the level you are talking about. Where treating them like any other citizen isn’t enough, you have to fully accept and embrace their lifestyle or you’re a bigot. I think that’s unfortunate and ultimately results in the opposite effect where people start pushing back, which you are obviously starting to see. Just stick to pushing for equal rights and opportunities.
you have to fully accept and embrace their lifestyle or you’re a bigot.

That's a Christian move -- if you simply say, "Could we please not start off with a prayer?" then YOU"RE the unreasonable radical. I feel your pain.

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