Good lord. Who? Tell me who's apologized. This has to be the most teenage girl, alarmist, snowflake, "I'm-a-Christian-so-treat-me-special" statement ever.
Why must Christians constantly demand conformity? Actually have to SUE to keep them from making everyone sit and listen to their incantations to ghosts. Actually have to SUE them to keep them from making everyone look at their statues. They scream and dominate politics.
Christians passed a law here in Oklahoma -- turned out in droves --- to keep gay people from marrying each other. Like that would hurt a Christian somehow.
Maybe if a spirit or ghost says, "Be pushy" then it's ok.
Why do Chrisitians have to have their symbolism on everything? Cross necklaces. On churches everywhere. On the Edmond city seal. They have to put it on coins, begin legislative sessions with it....