Johns Hopkins: No evidence people are born gay or transgender

I was about 5 and saw my first Playboy. And 7 when this smoke show called Rosemary was on my dad's bowling team, she could not bowl but boy she made me look forward to going bowling with dad.

But what if she is hot but has man hands? Lol
Seems fair to me. Doesn't mean that homosexual behavior is wrong.

Thats only because the sick perverted left has taught you to accept it.
Me, no way is it right or normal. I have known many people that were molested when young that turned gay, I have also known kids that had a gay Mom or Dad that also became gay. Explain that. Hell one lesbian woman I knew years ago had a gay son and a lesbian daughter. Explain the odds of that happening, no way they were not influenced one way vs the other in that household.
Pedophilia the same way, I have always believed that most Pedos were sexually abused or molested during childhood.
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Having same-sex attraction is not wrong. Acting on it is wrong.
Unless the women are hot and you get to watch and pleasure yourself, right? Then it's okay... just a bit.
Explain that to me. I'm a Christian and just don't see it as 'wrong'.
The Bible says it's wrong.

Look, no one in this thread wants to make homosexuality illegal. I just want to have the freedom to disagree with that lifestyle. You and I both know the radical gay lobbyists are not going to stop with "agree to disagree." They're going to press the issue.
The single purpose of a species is to reproduce and ensure its survival. When you have members of the species who have no interest in that one could at the least consider them abnormal.
On the other hand, they are more than willing to raise, provide, and care for children who are in need of adoptive parents.

Problem solved?
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The Bible says it's wrong.

Look, no one in this thread wants to make homosexuality illegal. I just want to have the freedom to disagree with that lifestyle. You and I both know the radical gay lobbyists are not going to stop with "agree to disagree." They're going to press the issue.
Bible says a lot of stuff is wrong, but none of it seems to elicit quite the hard-line response as this topic.
If being gay is not a choice, why is finding it repulsive a choice? I would totally get down with five playboy playmates, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Christians thought it was a sin.

Why we moved from tolerance to rainbow flags on government buildings and forcing the one Christian bakery in town to make a cake is asking for trouble. We seek these fights out because we personally dislike the other side. Its sad.
Why do you care about other people's dicks and buttholes?

Have you ever commented on something someone else does? Have you commented on someone’s sexual encounter in college? Or what someone eats? Or how they dress?

I didn’t say I cared, I was pointing out why this differs because it’s an abnormal thing to do when 90-99% of people don’t have those feelings.
If being gay is not a choice, why is finding it repulsive a choice? I would totally get down with five playboy playmates, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Christians thought it was a sin.
I personally think two dudes getting busy is gross as well. Not my cup of tea. But I just don’t think that automatically equates it to being amoral.
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Stop trying to project onto me.

Either own what they said, explain it, or disavow it.

How about you stop bringing Jews/Israel into every single thread. We all know what you are. No need to find a way to derail every thread with your propaganda. No one here is buying what you are selling these days.
Agreed. Leaning on “but the Bible sez” to repudiate the behaviors one finds personally gross while overlooking/rationalizing other behaviors seems quite disingenuous to me.
From a Christian perspective,I don't think so at all.

You'd see the same response if there were "Adultery Pride" parades popping up all over the country.
From a Christian perspective,I don't think so at all.

You'd see the same response if there were "Adultery Pride" parades popping up all over the country.

You can't equate homosexuality with adultery (or other things like pedophilia).

In the case of adultery, a third party (the spouse) is potentially hurt by the relationship between the 2 consenting adults. In the case of a homosexual relationship, they aren't hurting anyone (except for maybe your snowflake feelings). There is no "victim".
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Unless the women are hot and you get to watch and pleasure yourself, right? Then it's okay... just a bit.

You know damn well it doesn’t count if both chicks are hot.

*edit to ask - what if you are a straight guy who has had (several) threesomes with women. Does that make you guilty of gay sin or just the regular fornicating kind?
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I personally think two dudes getting busy is gross as well. Not my cup of tea. But I just don’t think that automatically equates it to being amoral.

Ok fine, but why the condemnation and legal forced compliance with people who do think it is amoral?
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You can't equate homosexuality with adultery (or other things like pedophilia).

In the case of adultery, a third party (the spouse) is potentially hurt by the relationship between the 2 consenting adults. In the case of a homosexual relationship, they aren't hurting anyone (except for maybe your snowflake feelings). There is no "victim".
I can compare both and just did.

Some earlier noted that it seems odd why Christians (or people who believe the Bible) would repudiate the behaviors one finds personally gross while overlooking/rationalizing other behaviors.

The Bible is very clear in its repudiation of the act of homosexuality, adultery, or any other kind of extramarital sexual activity. Christians who say they believe, oppose those acts.

Now people commit those acts all the time, and churches have people who attend who have practiced homosexuality, adultery, or any other kind of extramarital sex.

We should be forgiving. The Lord forgives. At the same time, we should agree with his standards and as He forgives, agree with Jesus' pronouncement as He forgave the woman at the well in John 4, "Go and sin no more."
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You can't equate homosexuality with adultery (or other things like pedophilia).

In the case of adultery, a third party (the spouse) is potentially hurt by the relationship between the 2 consenting adults. In the case of a homosexual relationship, they aren't hurting anyone (except for maybe your snowflake feelings). There is no "victim".

Can I think open marriages are wrong? Do I have to make a cake with two males and three females on it? What about rough sex, choking and punching between consenting adults? Can I think that’s wrong? Teach my kids it’s wrong? Can I tell others I think it’s wrong without losing my career and friends?
Can I think open marriages are wrong? Do I have to make a cake with two males and three females on it? What about rough sex, choking and punching between consenting adults? Can I think that’s wrong? Teach my kids it’s wrong? Can I tell others I think it’s wrong without losing my career and friends?

You can do whatever you want as long as it isn't harming another individual. If you want to disapprove of all of the above, that's your business. It is not my place to judge your thoughts/feelings. Actions might be a different story (depending on what actions you undertake).
Can I think open marriages are wrong? Do I have to make a cake with two males and three females on it? What about rough sex, choking and punching between consenting adults? Can I think that’s wrong? Teach my kids it’s wrong? Can I tell others I think it’s wrong without losing my career and friends?
Yes, I believe SCOTUS ruled that you don’t have to make an Eyes Wide Shut cake if you don’t agree on moral/religious grounds. And I agree.

I don’t know what you can & can’t do and risk losing your friends. If they disagree with you, are they not equally entitled to their free will in that decision?
You’re trying to dodge and deflect with your name calling and projection. Even a child could see what you’re doing.

Those were public statements from public officials — not propaganda.

You should explain to the board why you embrace what they said — or explain to the board why they said it — or disavow thier statements.

What you want to discuss is completely tangential to the spirit of this thread and you know it. Like I said, go away.
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Cake bakery case. Teaching homosexuality as an option to kindergarteners in public schools. Using public property for gay pride parades. Flying rainbow flags on government buildings that are co owned by people who find it immoral.

Just because you’re offended by it doesn’t mean your sensibilities carry more importance than anyone else’s.

If a gay pride group gets a permit for a parade, that’s their right. I find the Westboro loonies even more repulsive, but the law still protects their right to assemble.

Who co-owns a government building? If the owner of the building wants to do it, what’s the issue?
Just because you’re offended by it doesn’t mean your sensibilities are more important than anyone else’s.

If a gay pride group gets a permit for a parade, that’s their right. I find the Westboro loonies even more repulsive, but the law still protects their right to assemble.

Who co-owns a government building? If the owner of the building wants to do it, what’s the issue?
Do you really think Boston is going to allow the request to be honored for the Straight Pride parade?

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