Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level in 49 Years

try for a moment to consider what policy demtards are running on

the hinge point we as americans should consider to vote democrat

pretty simple
orange man bad
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I have a hard earned avarice to orange man

What's sad is I do too. I don't like Trump and wish we had someone much more presidential in office. That said, he's better than the 2016 alternative, and thus far, better than what the left has thrown out there. I'd rather have an ass who supports capitalism and business as president than the most beautiful, eloquent, and charismatic socialist.
What's sad is I do too. I don't like Trump and wish we had someone much more presidential in office. That said, he's better than the 2016 alternative, and thus far, better than what the left has thrown out there. I'd rather have an ass who supports capitalism and business as president than the most beautiful, eloquent, and charismatic socialist.

shame it took such a political savage to bust canks balls and their ensuing coup
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What's sad is I do too. I don't like Trump and wish we had someone much more presidential in office. That said, he's better than the 2016 alternative, and thus far, better than what the left has thrown out there. I'd rather have an ass who supports capitalism and business as president than the most beautiful, eloquent, and charismatic socialist.
Pretty much nailed it.
shame it took such a political savage to bust canks balls and their ensuing coup
The nice little polite gentlemen the GOP nominate never have what it takes to win. They roll over, backtrack and apologize their way to defeat every time. Gotta have candidates who tell Fake Media and LeftyLooneyWorld to F off.
The nice little polite gentlemen the GOP nominate never have what it takes to win. They roll over, backtrack and apologize their way to defeat every time. Gotta have candidates who tell Fake Media and LeftyLooneyWorld to F off.

branding of fake news and destruction of the MSM will be one of trumps greatest legacies
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Trump denied Hillary Clinton and her globalist overlords to continue screwing over the American people and their economy. He saw what was truly going on long before many of the rest of us.