Jimmy Dore Has A Change Of Mind

Both. Entering Israel from Gaza as a worker was something like a two hour process every time, and work permits did not come easy, I know it is impossible for you to wrap your mind around it, but the average Palestinian is not a terrorist.
70% of Palestinians supported, agreed with and celebrated the October 7th attack. Think about that, what kind of animal does a person have to be to celebrate the brutality committed in that attack. Sorry Dan the Palestinians do not deserve the slightest bit of compassion, they deserve the boot.
Like I said. They are not playing the victim. They are the victim.

It didn't take Israel to convince me of that. I know this is crazy but I made that determination all on my own by just looking. What a concept.
Yes, you’ve made it abundantly clear that no matter what Israel does it will always be the victim.

I was thinking about something you said earlier, that if the US ever did what Hamas did you’d leave and never look back. In the first place on its very face that is an absurd statement, America regularly does what Hamas did as a matter of course. Just two+ years ago it goaded Russia and Ukraine into a bloody war that has killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of people. Remember when we sanctioned Iraq and watched mercilessly as upwards of 500,000 children died of malnutrition, dehydration and associated disease? And Madeline Albright said she believed it was the right thing to do if we are going to win the battle against terrorism? Well guess what: we ruthlessly, Hamas-like, murdered half a million children in one fell swoop and haven’t won “Madam” Albright’s victory. Why are you still in America? And in the second place Israel has seen to it the people in Gaza live in grinding poverty. So even if Israel would let them leave they couldn’t.

And lastly on a personal note I don’t know you but I have gotten a sense of who you are as a person, at least I think I have. And I believe if you had been born into Gaza rather than America and grown into manhood as a Gazan, you, too, would have sympathy for terrorists, might even have the courage to become one yourself, refusing to meekly accept your status as a nonhuman under Israel’s boot. I mean that as a compliment, I hope you understand that.
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Good lord you are blind. Even South Africa, who knows a thing or two about what is an apartheid state, says Israel has created an apartheid state.

Apartheid? Is that code for stealing all of the humanitarian donations and using it to build tunnels a build up it's military capability?
The world has donated billions in humanitarian aid and you say Gaza has trillions in oil reserves under their very feet but for some reason the Palestinians live in poverty and are essentially slaves? Hamas leadership lives in luxury while their people live in poverty, their schools indoctrinate their children to hate the Jews and to die killing Jews is an automatic trip to whatever heaven Muslim believe in. They pay families pensions if their kids kill Jews but somehow all of that is the fault of the Jewish people? Wow talk about sticking your head in the sand.
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70% of Palestinians supported, agreed with and celebrated the October 7th attack. Think about that, what kind of animal does a person have to be to celebrate the brutality committed in that attack. Sorry Dan the Palestinians do not deserve the slightest bit of compassion, they deserve the boot.
Well you ought to be happy, they’re getting the boot you want them to have. I can’t get out of my head a video of a little Palestinian girl, maybe 5 or 6, being pulled by the hand down a street, presumably by her uncle, the thunder of bombs exploding in the background, while she shrieks in terror that she wants her mommy, where is her mommy (assume her mommy has been slaughtered) and her uncle tells her they have to go they’ll look for her mommy later. I don’t think that little girl deserves your boot, and I mourn that you do.
Apartheid? Is that code for stealing all of the humanitarian donations and using it to build tunnels a build up it's military capability?
The world has donated billions in humanitarian aid and you say Gaza has trillions in oil reserves under their very feet but for some reason the Palestinians live in poverty and are essentially slaves? Hamas leadership lives in luxury while their people live in poverty, their schools indoctrinate their children to hate the Jews and to die killing Jews is an automatic trip to whatever heaven Muslim believe in. They pay families pensions if their kids kill Jews but somehow all of that is the fault of the Jewish people? Wow talk about sticking your head in the sand.
At first I thought you were just blinkered and could only see straight ahead. But now I realize your not blinkered, you’ve intentionally poked out your eyes.
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Well you ought to be happy, they’re getting the boot you want them to have. I can’t get out of my head a video of a little Palestinian girl, maybe 5 or 6, being pulled by the hand down a street, presumably by her uncle, the thunder of bombs exploding in the background, while she shrieks in terror that she wants her mommy, where is her mommy (assume her mommy has been slaughtered) and her uncle tells her they have to go they’ll look for her mommy later. I don’t think that little girl deserves your boot, and I mourn that you do.
Yea videos can be very compelling. Those that have been censored here in the US showing the Israeli women that had been brutally raped in every hole so badly their pelvises were broken, their breast cutoff and then shot in the head were very chilling. Add in other videos of beheading and burning babies alive and I have absolutely zero compassion for anyone that supported or celebrated the attack that led to those atrocities.
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Yea videos can be very compelling. Those that have been censored here in the US showing the Israeli women that had been brutally raped in every hole so badly their pelvises were broken, their breast cutoff and then shot in the head were very chilling. Add in other videos of beheading and burning babies alive and I have absolutely zero compassion for anyone that supported or celebrated the attack that led to those atrocities.
I’m sure that brings great comfort to that little girl. She deserves no compassion for being terrorized and having her mother blown into pieces of body, not to mention her mother herself, because of what Hamas did.

Something just occurred to me as I was writing, it just sunk through my thick skull that no matter what I’ve said (or can say) you are convinced I support Hamas (because in your version of reality every Gazan is Hamas), and when you see or hear the word Palestinian your brain translates it into Hamas. I wish an actual Hamas supporter would come on this board, you would be astonished to find I am just as vitriolic against Hamas as you.
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Says the guy who thinks innocent Palestinians do not deserve to be slaughtered because guilty Palestinians committed a horrendous crime.
When those Palestinians you label as innocent celebrate the horrendous crimes committed against truly innocent Israelis they are no longer innocent, they are complicit. You keep ignoring that simple and well known fact.
I’m sure that brings great comfort to that little girl. She deserves no compassion for being terrorized and having her mother blown into pieces of body, not to mention her mother herself, because of what Hamas did.

Something just occurred to me as I was writing, it just sunk through my thick skull that no matter what I’ve said (or can say) you are convinced I support Hamas (because in your version of reality every Gazan is Hamas), and when you see or hear the word Palestinian your brain translates it into Hamas. I wish an actual Hamas supporter would come on this board, you would be astonished to find I am just as vitriolic against Hamas as you.
If you were as vitriolic against Hamas you wouldn't ignore the fact the overwhelming majority of Palestinians support Hamas and their horrific crimes against innocent Israelis. Your issue is you can not come to grips with the fact the majority of Palestinians are Hamas. You also ignore the fact other Arab nations, even the radical ones, keep the Palestinians out of their countries for a reason.
It's real simple Dan if the Palestinians ever fully embraced peace, life for everyone would be much better but they refuse. That refusal leads to the fully justifiable heavy handed tactics of the Israelis.
would have sympathy for terrorists, might even have the courage to become one yourself, refusing to meekly accept your status as a nonhuman under Israel’s boot. I mean that as a compliment, I hope you understand that.
I don’t think you need to say anything more in this thread. This explains your views well.

I would hope no one on this board has “sympathy” for terrorists or believes it takes “courage” to be one. And no, it is NOT a “compliment” to say that you feel others would feel that way.
When those Palestinians you label as innocent celebrate the horrendous crimes committed against truly innocent Israelis they are no longer innocent, they are complicit. You keep ignoring that simple and well known fact.
Baloney. That's like saying any American (like me) that cheered the Jan 6th riot deserves the same imprisonment as the violent rioters that were actually there and being violent.
I don’t think you need to say anything more in this thread. This explains your views well.

I would hope no one on this board has “sympathy” for terrorists or believes it takes “courage” to be one. And no, it is NOT a “compliment” to say that you feel others would feel that way.
I would say anyone who stands against the might of an obviously technologically superior military, not to mention an overwhelming "numbers" deficit, with nothing but his rifle must have courage to do so, no matter how despiciable his reasoning or action. He may not be an heroic character, the murderers of Hamas certainly are not, but to say he doesn't have courage is myopic. Even bad guys like the Hamas terrorists who went into Oct 7th expecting to be killed themselves have courage. They just are being courageous for an entirely screwed up reason.
Well you ought to be happy, they’re getting the boot you want them to have. I can’t get out of my head a video of a little Palestinian girl, maybe 5 or 6, being pulled by the hand down a street, presumably by her uncle, the thunder of bombs exploding in the background, while she shrieks in terror that she wants her mommy, where is her mommy (assume her mommy has been slaughtered) and her uncle tells her they have to go they’ll look for her mommy later. I don’t think that little girl deserves your boot, and I mourn that you do.
You have lost your mind dan.
Baloney. That's like saying any American (like me) that cheered the Jan 6th riot deserves the same imprisonment as the violent rioters that were actually there and being violent.
You cheered the January 6th protest? While I understood and agreed with the protest I didn't agree nor cheer with them entering the capital.
I would say anyone who stands against the might of an obviously technologically superior military, not to mention an overwhelming "numbers" deficit, with nothing but his rifle must have courage to do so, no matter how despiciable his reasoning or action. He may not be an heroic character, the murderers of Hamas certainly are not, but to say he doesn't have courage is myopic. Even bad guys like the Hamas terrorists who went into Oct 7th expecting to be killed themselves have courage. They just are being courageous for an entirely screwed up reason.
There is NOTHING brave or courageous by raping women and slaughtering children.
Thank you for finding that and posting it! I don't know who that guy is, but he has obviosly put a lot of thought into what he wanted to say, and it is the most cogent and rational explanation of what he thinks. I do have a couple of minor quibbles with him, but nothing of great consequence. First he said the IDF will have to go door to door to root out Hamas. But that has not been what the IDF has been doing. It has dropped tons upon tons of bombs to the point there aren't many doors left for the IDF to go to. He does, to his credit, although in a completely indifferent manner, call what Israel is up to a "cleansing." He seems to think it is okay to be indifferent to what happens to the Gazans because other Arabs hate them almost as much as Israel does. Which seems to be common knowledge by the people who are indifferent to the suffering. Later he insists the USA will never put boots on the ground in Gaza, but follows that up by saying we probably already have boots on the ground looking for American hostages. I would say his insistence that no other country, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia has the wherewithal to intervene on Gaza's behalf, which probably is accurate, but it seems to me a little too rosy - although I hope it *is* accurate! - that a greater regional conflagration will not happen. At any rate I thoroughly enjoyed your link!
You cheered the January 6th protest? While I understood and agreed with the protest I didn't agree nor cheer with them entering the capital.
Oh, hell yes I cheered. I said on this board multiple times how much I loved hearing how the politicians were hiding under their desks in abject fear that the "people" had had enough of their bs.
There is NOTHING brave or courageous by raping women and slaughtering children.
Certainly not, nor did I even imply that there is. By the way, is the IDF being brave or courageous by dropping bombs and slaughtering children, blowing the breasts and arms and legs and heads off women?
Certainly not, nor did I even imply that there is. By the way, is the IDF being brave or courageous by dropping bombs and slaughtering children, blowing the breasts and arms and legs and heads off women?
Yes considering they have to transit through IEDs, ambushes and other horrors the Palestinian terrorist spring on them everyday.
All of this could come to an immediate end if only the Palestinians would surrender, lay down their arms and live in peace but they insist on fighting for their cult leaders to the very end. It's their choice.
my dad told me cause his dad told him
Indian only takes a ten and two fives

what are the odds “Ponca” Dan even carries a card?
Yes considering they have to transit through IEDs, ambushes and other horrors the Palestinian terrorist spring on them everyday.
All of this could come to an immediate end if only the Palestinians would surrender, lay down their arms and live in peace but they insist on fighting for their cult leaders to the very end. It's their choice.
I consider the Israeli soldiers who enter Gaza on foot without support or backup from the many tanks already there to be exceptionally brave. Granted they are “protected” by satellite and drone intelligence telling them when someone is lurking around the corner, but it is not perfect and it takes big balls to be there. I did see a video of someone, I assume he was in Hamas, killing 10 Israeli soldiers with a grenade launcher, and felt complete revulsion at what happened. OTOH the bombs that are doing the bulk of the killing for Israel are coming from aircraft high in the sky who operate without any resistance. If you’re looking for a body count I would say that is incredibly effective but not particularly courageous.

It’s such a silly notion to claim it would all come to an end if only Hamas would lay down their arms and surrender so they could be lined up and shot. That holds true if Israel would do the same thing! That is not now and probably never will happen. I assume the Hamas fighters figure if they’re going to die, which they ultimately will, they might as well try to take out as many Israeli’s as they can. It is in their charter after all. That’s Hamas’ choice, but not the choice of the rest of the population, the ones being chopped into pieces while the Israelis cry that they’re the only victims, the real victims.
I tried and then you went full da
I apologize. I have so many of you coming from so many angles I lose track of which one of you says what. My recollection, which admittedly is frequently faulty, is that most of your comments toward me are aimed primarily at my intelligence, character and/or sanity rather than anything of substance that adds to the conversation. If I’ve mixed you up with someone else please forgive me.
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In a word, yes. Since Oct 7 Israel has tried (pretty successfully) to drive all 2 million plus to the south and ultimately into the desert controlled by Egypt. But Egypt says the last thing it needs is an invasion of 2 million people into its country. Kinda the same reaction we have about our southern border.
So Israel should allow an invasion of 2,000,000+ people into its country? Sure looks like the Palestinians are a nation of brigands that nobody wants.
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I consider the Israeli soldiers who enter Gaza on foot without support or backup from the many tanks already there to be exceptionally brave. Granted they are “protected” by satellite and drone intelligence telling them when someone is lurking around the corner, but it is not perfect and it takes big balls to be there. I did see a video of someone, I assume he was in Hamas, killing 10 Israeli soldiers with a grenade launcher, and felt complete revulsion at what happened. OTOH the bombs that are doing the bulk of the killing for Israel are coming from aircraft high in the sky who operate without any resistance. If you’re looking for a body count I would say that is incredibly effective but not particularly courageous.

It’s such a silly notion to claim it would all come to an end if only Hamas would lay down their arms and surrender so they could be lined up and shot. That holds true if Israel would do the same thing! That is not now and probably never will happen. I assume the Hamas fighters figure if they’re going to die, which they ultimately will, they might as well try to take out as many Israeli’s as they can. It is in their charter after all. That’s Hamas’ choice, but not the choice of the rest of the population, the ones being chopped into pieces while the Israelis cry that they’re the only victims, the real victims.
Why do you refuse to consider much less accept 70% of Palestinians support Hamas and celebrated the October attack? You act like the Palestinians are as pure as the driven snow and it's only a select few that are intent on destroying Israel.
Surely you realize if there was a cease fire now without the destruction of Hamas, Hamas and the Palestinians would rebuild their military capabilities to attack Israel again with far more suffering on both sides.
While you may think this is about freeing the Palestinians from the open air prison narrative, it's not. This is about an ideology that calls for the destruction of the Jewish people and the return of radical Muslim rule over the region. You speak of being against genocide but here you are aiding and abetting the side whose goal is the removal of the Jewish people from earth.
So Israel should allow an invasion of 2,000,000+ people into its country? Sure looks like the Palestinians are a nation of brigands that nobody wants.
Say what? Where did you get that idea? Nobody is saying Israel should let in any Palestinians if it doesn't want to, let alone all 2.3 million. What most clear-thinking unprejudiced observes say is Israel should just back out of Gaza (and the West Bank) and leave those people alone.
Why do you refuse to consider much less accept 70% of Palestinians support Hamas and celebrated the October attack? You act like the Palestinians are as pure as the driven snow and it's only a select few that are intent on destroying Israel.
Surely you realize if there was a cease fire now without the destruction of Hamas, Hamas and the Palestinians would rebuild their military capabilities to attack Israel again with far more suffering on both sides.
While you may think this is about freeing the Palestinians from the open air prison narrative, it's not. This is about an ideology that calls for the destruction of the Jewish people and the return of radical Muslim rule over the region. You speak of being against genocide but here you are aiding and abetting the side whose goal is the removal of the Jewish people from earth.
I have never once refused to consider or accept Palestinian "support" for Hamas. "Support" is a very subjective word, it could mean everything from material support (which you think every Palestinian alive gives them) to gratitude that at least someone is resisting the occupation/apartheid they're living under.

As regards the "ideology that calls for the destructon of the Jewish people ..." I have called it disgusting. The question becomes: do you find the Zionist intent to remove all Arabs from its desired increase to become "greater Israel" even if it means extemination/genocide of any and every Arab/Palestinian that is in their way, to be equally disgusting? And I will say again - for the umpteenth time - criticizing Israel's genocidal response to the Oct 7 massacre is NOT aiding and/or abetting Hamas. I suppose you think if you accuse me of being a Hamas sympathizer often enough it will magically become true. But I'm here to tell you it won't.
I have never once refused to consider or accept Palestinian "support" for Hamas. "Support" is a very subjective word, it could mean everything from material support (which you think every Palestinian alive gives them) to gratitude that at least someone is resisting the occupation/apartheid they're living under.

As regards the "ideology that calls for the destructon of the Jewish people ..." I have called it disgusting. The question becomes: do you find the Zionist intent to remove all Arabs from its desired increase to become "greater Israel" even if it means extemination/genocide of any and every Arab/Palestinian that is in their way, to be equally disgusting? And I will say again - for the umpteenth time - criticizing Israel's genocidal response to the Oct 7 massacre is NOT aiding and/or abetting Hamas. I suppose you think if you accuse me of being a Hamas sympathizer often enough it will magically become true. But I'm here to tell you it won't.
Ain't heard one palestinian cheer "death to Hamas" yet Dan. Not even you.
I have never once refused to consider or accept Palestinian "support" for Hamas. "Support" is a very subjective word, it could mean everything from material support (which you think every Palestinian alive gives them) to gratitude that at least someone is resisting the occupation/apartheid they're living under.

As regards the "ideology that calls for the destructon of the Jewish people ..." I have called it disgusting. The question becomes: do you find the Zionist intent to remove all Arabs from its desired increase to become "greater Israel" even if it means extemination/genocide of any and every Arab/Palestinian that is in their way, to be equally disgusting? And I will say again - for the umpteenth time - criticizing Israel's genocidal response to the Oct 7 massacre is NOT aiding and/or abetting Hamas. I suppose you think if you accuse me of being a Hamas sympathizer often enough it will magically become true. But I'm here to tell you it won't.
If the Palestinians and the Arabs had not constantly attacked Israel over the decades I would be totally against it but considering the Palestinians and the Arabs have constantly attacked Israel, I fully understand and support why Israel has lost all patients and restraint. I keep telling you the October attack was the straw that broke the camels back but for some reason you can't comprehend it.
When you are pushing the Palestinian's narrative you are aiding and abetting, just as I am guilty of aiding and abetting Israel's position.
Just considered them late term abortions and you will be good with it.

I’m not in favor of late-term elective abortions. Never have been. You and others on this board are just presumptuous dumbfvcks who want that to be true. If a national 20-week elective abortion ban sans fetal abnormalities/death/emergencies came down, I’m on board.

If a woman - who (gasp, such a rare thing……) actually wants her pregnancy - has a fetus in the womb and it dies (which happens more than your dumbfvck brain wants to process), she shouldn’t have to carry the thing to term like what happened in Texas. That’s fvcked up no matter how you slice it, and it’s happened(ing) in your home state. I’m sure you’ll find a way to defend that scumbag Paxton and his crusade against mothers with miscarriages tho…you Republicans always do.

carry on
If the Palestinians and the Arabs had not constantly attacked Israel over the decades I would be totally against it but considering the Palestinians and the Arabs have constantly attacked Israel, I fully understand and support why Israel has lost all patients and restraint. I keep telling you the October attack was the straw that broke the camels back but for some reason you can't comprehend it.
When you are pushing the Palestinian's narrative you are aiding and abetting, just as I am guilty of aiding and abetting Israel's position.

1 June​

A 2-year-old Palestinian child and his father were seriously wounded after being shot by Israeli forces. The incident occurred while the two were leaving their home in Nabi Saleh. Israeli soldiers claimed they opened fire in pursuit of gunmen who had previously attacked the nearby settlement of Neve Tzuf (Halamish). The boy was airlifted to an Israeli hospital but succumbed to his wounds on 5 June. The military stated that it regretted harm to "non-combatants" and that the incident was under investigation.[434][435][436][437] Subsequently, the IDF said a soldier would not be disciplined as he mistakenly believed he was fired at by the Palestinians although communication deficiencies and incorrect decisions were cited.[438][439]

carry on