It’s over, Trump still President!


I can't wait for the next full Democrat House leadership press conference. I hope they have enough room for when they all fall to the ground and start flailing around throwing their temper tantrums.
I hope you liberals are proud of the Statesman you have elected to represent you. Looks more like an emotional support group that is failing than a group of elected leaders. Embarrassing to say the least.
The next 5 years are going to be tough for @Syskatine @Pokeabear @davidallen @my_2cents @07pilt

No they aren't. I'm looking forward to a new President in January 2021.

Clearly Republicans in the Senate didn't want to have a trial and were afraid to let witnesses speak. Around 75% of Americans believed witnesses should be called. The Republican Party just ignored around 2/3rds of Americans. Anyone who thinks this is a winning strategy for this upcoming election is crazy.

Trump remains impeached. He will be acquitted but the acquittal means really nothing since there was no real trial. Trump also remains unpopular with a majority of Americans. And the first votes for a new President starts on Monday.
The failure of not getting all the witnesses the Dems wanted falls 100% on the House.

They could of went to court and tried to compel testimony. They probably would of won some and lost some. They didn't even try. Cowards.

They rushed the impeachment articles and now are crying in their beers because they failed to get the Senate to do their job.

To say there was no trial is nothing but loser spin. The Dems had hours and hours to present their case including witness testimony.

Can't wait to see the next coup attempt the Dems trot out.

Democrats are going to nominate a socialist or a old fart who will become a socialist to get the nomination. I don't see how that flips states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Florida.
No they aren't. I'm looking forward to a new President in January 2021.

Clearly Republicans in the Senate didn't want to have a trial and were afraid to let witnesses speak. Around 75% of Americans believed witnesses should be called. The Republican Party just ignored around 2/3rds of Americans. Anyone who thinks this is a winning strategy for this upcoming election is crazy.

Trump remains impeached. He will be acquitted but the acquittal means really nothing since there was no real trial. Trump also remains unpopular with a majority of Americans. And the first votes for a new President starts on Monday.
New Senate too perhaps.
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No they aren't. I'm looking forward to a new President in January 2021.

Clearly Republicans in the Senate didn't want to have a trial and were afraid to let witnesses speak. Around 75% of Americans believed witnesses should be called. The Republican Party just ignored around 2/3rds of Americans. Anyone who thinks this is a winning strategy for this upcoming election is crazy.

Trump remains impeached. He will be acquitted but the acquittal means really nothing since there was no real trial. Trump also remains unpopular with a majority of Americans. And the first votes for a new President starts on Monday.

So the impeachment means something but the acquittal doesn’t because of your team alliance. Do you know how childish and simple that sounds?
So the impeachment means something but the acquittal doesn’t because of your team alliance.

When there is no trial, how could a scam acquittal mean anything?

All the scam acquittal does is give Trump the ability to say he was found not guilty and brag about it (which he will do). And it gives you Trump minions the ability to celebrate something. That is about it. He remains impeached and Americans now know he sought foreign interference in our upcoming election.

Most Americans understand what is happening here. Around 75% of Americans wanted witnesses man. Wake up!
Yes she declared him not acquitted and wants lawyers disbarred for defending their client. Pathetic response for something that she knew what the outcome would be months ago.

I especially like how she invoked the Constitution and said the republicans were dismantling it. Lighting should’ve struck her.


Nancy handled all of this rather well IMO. She comes out of this looking very strong, as does Adam Schiff. I also wouldn't be surprised if Schiff doesn't move up in the House leadership after this (if he wants it).
The house had 17 witnesses and that was shown and the transcripts were given to the Senate. Interesting that several witnesses testimony was not presented to the Senate. What is Schiff hiding?

There was plenty of testimony presented and there would of been more if the house did their job.

The Senate are jurors, it is not their responsibility to present evidence or testimony. The defense has no obligation to do the prosecutions job.

You should be mad at the House Managers if you don't think there were not enough witnesses.
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The Senate are jurors, it is not their responsibility to present evidence or testimony.

Jurors in a trial. And a trial has witnesses.

You are correct, jurors shouldn't present testimony. But jurors also shouldn't block and refuse to hear testimony either!

This is not a trial if there is no witnesses. It is that simple.
Jurors in a trial. And a trial has witnesses.

You are correct, jurors shouldn't present testimony. But jurors also shouldn't block and refuse to hear testimony either!

This is not a trial if there is no witnesses. It is that simple.
Your head is made out of stone.

The House Managers presented 17 witnesses testimony. If they wanted more they should of got more before they presented their case.

Quit lying. There was two house committees that had weeks of testimony almost all, but a couple Schiff and Nadler didn't want the Senate to see, was presented.
Jurors in a trial. And a trial has witnesses.

You are correct, jurors shouldn't present testimony. But jurors also shouldn't block and refuse to hear testimony either!

This is not a trial if there is no witnesses. It is that simple.
Bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha! Dipshit Democrats tried to make a case that Trump obstructed Congress by exercising his executive privilege. The Demtards could have challenged that in court but no, the circus had to go on.

You should be angry that your Dear Democrat Leaders effed up and rushed the impeachment through and then held it for a month. Nothing but a bunch of monkeys trying to hump footballs. The Senate is appropriately knocking down the Democrat's circus tent by simply addressing the shit show that was brought to them. That's their job.
If they wanted more they should of got more before they presented their case.

You mean the ones the Trump White House was blocking and refusing to allow to testify? The House wanted Bolton but the White House refused to allow him to testify. And so on.

You have no argument here. I don't understand why you just can't admit the truth. Trump and his Republican enablers did not want witnesses to testify and have fought to keep the truth from coming out. And now, apparently, they are happy with a scam acquittal in the Senate with no trial.

It is all about protecting Trump for Republicans. To hell with anything else, including the Constitution.
You should be angry that your Dear Democrat Leaders effed up and rushed the impeachment through and then held it for a month.

Why? They did exactly the right thing. Trump wanted them to go to the courts because Trump was trying to play the delay game. That would not have been a good move for the House.

The House did exactly what it should have done. It got the evidence it could and impeached Trump. And the House managers have done an excellent job of showing the American people that Republicans in the Senate don't want a trial and don't want to hear from witnesses.

Trump stands impeached and the American people now see there is no trial occurring because Republicans are doing everything they can to thwart such a trial.