It’s over, Trump still President!

Personally, the quicker this is over the better. I'm tired of hearing about it. I think the backroom idea for additional witnesses is that it would take additional time. The senate...the Republican senate...isn't getting anything done. That's a win for Democrats. The longer it takes the less the opposition achieves.
I'm not sure what to call these proceedings. Trying to equate all of this to a "trial" to make points are crazy. A true American trial does not have biased jurors...little alone asking questions during the trial. Let's get this up/down.

I have been saying that here for ages.

Criminal prosecutions are not an apt analogy to use for the inherently political beast that impeachment undeniably is and always has been.

So because we want Bolton to testify, he is now our hero?o_O

I don't know any Democrat who thinks Bolton is a hero lol. He worked for the President, claims to know stuff, and we just think he should testify. Simple as that.

It is your side that is now attacking your own.:D

I never liked the guy and your side only loves him now because you think he gon git Trump bwaaaaaaa ha ha ha. Just like Avenatti, Mueller, Stormy, Taxes, Grades, Emoluments lol you guys will never learn. I am enjoying it though, GD funny watching the meltdown come early.
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Because she had every opportunity to do just that.

No, that isn't the reason. By not calling witnesses, the Republican Senate leadership is helping Pelosi and making the House managers' political case.

You seemed to imply that you don't believe Pelosi want witnesses. If that is the case, then it would mean Pelosi is bluffing. Why don't Republicans call her bluff?
Schiff could have most certainly been called as a witness if the Republicans chose to do so.

No he couldn't have.

But Republicans don't need him to testify anyways lol. If the Republicans theory of the case is true, put the Bidens on the stand. Put Bolton on the stand. Heck, put anyone around Trump on the stand and let them testify to what he did.

But . . . Republican Senators are blocking all of them.

Nancy handled all of this rather well IMO. She comes out of this looking very strong, as does Adam Schiff. I also wouldn't be surprised if Schiff doesn't move up in the House leadership after this (if he wants it).

Good lord, you’ve got to be a troll. There’s no way anyone above 12 could think Nancy looks good today.
Like I posted, it is your party that is attacking each other.

All it takes is for someone to tell the truth about Trump, and you Trump minions throw him/her overboard.

Lol yeah ok, you leftwads have been attacking Trump since 2016. You take what anyone says bad about Trump and you run with it. Remember Avenatti? Stormy? Reap it. Your side lost get over it.
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No, that isn't the reason. By not calling witnesses, the Republican Senate leadership is helping Pelosi and making the House managers' political case.

You claimed Pelosi doesn't want witnesses. If that is the case, then it would mean Pelosi is bluffing. Why don't Republicans call her bluff?

If she wasn’t bluffing, he would be removed from office.

Remember the big faces that were on TV telling you how they had seen the evidence on Russia? That was supposed to be an easy case,

Remember what that did to political discourse?

Same playbook here.
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Lol yeah ok, you leftwads have been attacking Trump since 2016. You take what anyone says bad about Trump and you run with it. Remember Avenatti? Stormy? Reap it. Your side lost get over it.

Again, it is you and your side attacking Bolton now. And all the others who dare to speak the truth about Trump. Eating your own.

Dems just think Bolton should testify about what Trump was up to. We've always disagreed with his neocon views.

Twitter guys, what are liberals and moderates saying about the optics of the woman who lied about her numbers being better than trumps? She looking good as the leader of the party? I honestly haven’t checked.
Again, it is you and your side attacking Bolton now. And all the others who dare to speak the truth about Trump. Eating your own.

Dems just think Bolton should testify about what Trump was up to. We've always disagreed with his neocon views.

There is always a new Bombshell or Smoking Gun that you guys cling to. I am sure you will find another before too long. Just admit it, its all about taking down Trump, you don't care how its all about taking him down. Pathetic!
Maybe the Pee Pee Tape will surface.
Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha.
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Educated wild ass guess, because of cases currently being investigated.

Or how about this: The Reps have no other option politically. They know Trump is guilty as **** and they can't risk having witnesses testify (even the Bidens). They know blocking witnesses is not smart politically, but it is the only option they have left that they can control politically. They would rather take the hit politically to protect Trump than do their jobs as Senators.
Or how about this: The Reps have no other option politically. They know Trump is guilty as **** and they can't risk having witnesses testify (even the Bidens). They know blocking witnesses is not smart politically, but it is the only option they have left that they can control politically. They would rather take the hit politically to protect Trump than do their jobs as Senators.

So they wouldn’t want to call Biden when they have him leveraging aid to get his son off the hook?

You believe that?

Your god isn’t real.
Just admit it, its all about taking down Trump, you don't care how its all about taking him down.

Can you admit that it is all about protecting and defending Trump for you, regardless of what he does?

btw, yes, politically I want to defeat Trump. I have no problem admitting that. But I supported his impeachment because I a President should not seek foreign interference in our elections to dig up dirt on a potential political fellow American rival. I believe that is a serious and dangerous abuse of power on the part of a President. And I would say the same thing if it was a Democrat President.
So they wouldn’t want to call Biden when they have him leveraging aid to get his son off the hook?

They could call Biden. Can they not? They can vote to call witnesses and call Biden!

But they aren't doing that. So that should make you ask why. Why not call Biden if you are so sure Trump's claims about him and his son are true?

Come on a man. Wake up for once! I get you all up in Trump's underpants but dang, think for once! Try at least to be a little honest about what is really going on here.
And again, if this is what you believe, why then is the Republican Senate leadership blocking witnesses?

It's not the Senates job to investigate, that job resides solely in the HOR. Besides what happened to the case with overwhelming evidence that Democrats passed in the House on a strictly partisan basis? According to House Democrats no other witnesses,, document or any other evidence was needed. LOL
Look at the bright side, you liberals can go back to the House and start more impeachment hearing all over again.
No he couldn't have.
Yes, they could call him as a witness. Several Senators brought up calling Schiff in the lead up to the Senate trial. Schiff himself acknowledged that he could be called as a witness. You apparently don't spend much time away from the grill, Fortnite, and CNN.
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It's not the Senates job to investigate, that job resides solely in the HOR.

It is the Senate's job to have a trial. Witnesses testify at a trial. This is rocket science.

But I get it man. What the Republicans in the Senate are doing is tough to defend. That is why you are struggling to defend it.
They could call Biden. Can they not? They can vote to call witnesses and call Biden!

But they aren't doing that. So that should make you ask why. Why not call Biden if you are so sure Trump's claims about him and his son are true?

Come on a man. Wake up for once! I get you all up in Trump's underpants but dang, think for once! Try at least to be a little honest about what is really going on here.

You should put yourself in time out.
Yes, they could call him as a witness. Several Senators brought up calling Schiff in the lead up to the Senate trial. Schiff himself acknowledged that he could be called as a witness. You apparently don't spend much time away from the grill, Fortnite, and CNN.

I disagree with this assessment, but whatever. If you and other Republican Senators think he could be called, then call him!

But instead, they are blocking witnesses and you are supporting what they are doing.
Can you admit that it is all about protecting and defending Trump for you, regardless of what he does?

btw, yes, politically I want to defeat Trump. I have no problem admitting that. But I supported his impeachment because I a President should not seek foreign interference in our elections to dig up dirt on a potential political fellow American rival. I believe that is a serious and dangerous abuse of power on the part of a President. And I would say the same thing if it was a Democrat President.

Nope. What he did was not an Impeachable Offense.
When he does something that is I will be all for it. When it reaches past the levels of what Obama and Biden got away with and also what Bill Clinton did then yes but this isn't about the Left caring about if it was right or wrong you just want him gone no matter what. Since 2016 the left has been talking Peach Mints and your side has been working furiously to remove Trump because none of the assclowns that the dims have put out there can beat him and the dims know it. The only alternative is to remove him it failed move on to the next reeeeeeeeeeeee, I am sure there will be another soon.
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I disagree with this assessment, but whatever. If you and other Republican Senators think he could be called, then call him!

But instead, they are blocking witnesses and you are supporting what they are doing.
Yes I strongly agree with what they are doing. The Democrats presented their case and there's not enough evidence to convict. It's time to end the Democrats political circus and get the Senate back to work on real issues.
Lots of vaginal irritation from the lefties today.
Put a P^$$y Sticker on it and move on. Maybe you gon git hem next time.
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Schiff couldn't have been a witness. Other then that, you are absolutely right about having witnesses.

And if your Republicans pals in the Senate really thought this is what a Biden or Bolton would have said, why not call them? Why not vote for witnesses and put 'em up there? Why not put the Dems on the defensive when it comes to witnesses?

Instead, we get this blocking strategy that plays right into the hands of the Democrats. See Meds, you can actually agree with me.
I don't really care about witnesses or one way or the other. However, were there cut and dry impeachable offenses? Some say yes, others say no, I say no. Borderline? Maybe. I'd really hate for every newly elected president to be brought up for impeachment because he/she won an election. I'm just glad this is over. But, I'm sure there's another act coming.
I don't pay a ton of attention to the political happenings, more of a casual observer. I'm probably with the majority in that. What I see is Democrats have gone after Trump from even before he was elected with one accusation and investigation after another, none panning out any further than the previous. It is to the point, I believe, that the casual observers such as myself quit listening to it all. Trump could probably do anything he wanted now, legal, illegal or somewhere in between, because few are going to believe the accusation or even pay attention to it.

I voted Trump in 2016, but it was a vote against Clinton and not a vote for Trump. From my casual observations, I think Trump has done a heck of job especially considering all he has to put up with from those that don't support him. This year my vote will be for Trump because of the job I believe he is doing and because of all of the political "crap" that has been thrown at him.
Yes I strongly agree with what they are doing.

I know you do. You don't really want witnesses because you know what they will say too. You know they will continue to expose Trump and his corruption.

You are all in with Trump and his corruption.
It is the Senate's job to have a trial. Witnesses testify at a trial. This is rocket science.

But I get it man. What the Republicans in the Senate are doing is tough to defend. That is why you are struggling to defend it.

See my above response. This isn't a true trial. Jurors are not biased. Jurors do not ask questions during a trial. You can say they do in an impeachment trial...but don't compare it to a standard trial that we all know and love. There is nothing normal about this proceeding. People are picking and choosing what part of a "trial" they want to quote as rocket science.
I'd really hate for every newly elected president to be brought up for impeachment because he/she won an election.

This isn't why Trump was brought up for impeachment.

Most Presidents have been elected, and never brought up for impeachment.
I don't pay a ton of attention to the political happenings, more of a casual observer. I'm probably with the majority in that. What I see is Democrats have gone after Trump from even before he was elected with one accusation and investigation after another, none panning out any further than the previous. It is to the point, I believe, that the casual observers such as myself quit listening to it all. Trump could probably do anything he wanted now, legal, illegal or somewhere in between, because few are going to believe the accusation or even pay attention to it.

I voted Trump in 2016, but it was a vote against Clinton and not a vote for Trump. From my casual observations, I think Trump has done a heck of job especially considering all he has to put up with from those that don't support him. This year my vote will be for Trump because of the job I believe he is doing and because of all of the political "crap" that has been thrown at him.

Summary: Another Trump supporter defending Trump. This one just claims to be a "casual observer."


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