It’s over, Trump still President!

I know you do. You don't really want witnesses because you know what they will say too. You know they will continue to expose Trump and his corruption.

You are all in with Trump and his corruption.
I got a good laugh out of that one, toon. You do know that your fat fingered, first grade level leftist mudslinging doesn't bother me one bit, right? At this point I'm a proud Trump supporter because cucks like you aren't giving me any viable options.
cmon man.
Theater. It's all theater. No one who has any understanding of politics, takes the reactions at face value. That is as true for the Rubio's (very measured response) to Nancy playing her heartache to the base... Not long til the pivot for her toward "our focus now has to be on November..."

Don't be a rube.
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At this point I'm a proud Trump supporter because cucks like you aren't giving me any viable options.

You claimed to have voted for Sanders in 2016 and now that he could get the nomination in 2020, you won't vote for him while asserting that Democrats aren't giving you any viable options.


You have always been a proud Trump cuck and you will never vote for a Democrat in a general election Meds. Regardless if it is a progressive, moderate, or conservative Democrat. At least be honest about it and drop the "not giving me a viable option" bull****!
What a shock.

No you won't. You will defend Trump regardless.

The man sought foreign interference in our election and you defend that now.:rolleyes:

Summary: Another Trump supporter defending Trump. This one just claims to be a "casual observer."

I'm not going to engage you any further in this, but I can assure you I'm not lying. I rarely visit this forum due to a lack of interest and all the fighting back and forth, but thought I'd throw out an opinion of someone who really isn't on either side. If you don't want to believe me, then don't. I didn't care for Trump before he was elected, didn't care for him after he was elected. I still don't really like the guy, way too arrogant in my opinion. I do think he has and is doing a good job as president. And the Democrats' tactics in dealing with him has really turned me off. I think there are a lot of others like me who don't watch CNN or Fox News all day.
I'm not going to engage you any further in this, but I can assure you I'm not lying.

I don't think you are lying. You were a Trump supporter in 2016 and you are still a Trump supporter now. I fully believe you are telling the truth.
You claimed to have voted for Sanders in 2016 and now that he could get the nomination in 2020, you won't vote for him while asserting that Democrats aren't giving you any viable options.


You have always been a proud Trump cuck and you will never vote for a Democrat in a general election Meds. Regardless if it is a progressive, moderate, or conservative Democrat. At least be honest about it and drop the "not giving me a viable option" bull****!
Oh toon, you poor thing. We've gone over this a number of times. Too much carbon monoxide from the grill giving you brain damage? I voted for Sanders in the primary as a vote against your 2016 Queen. Bernie wasn't the nominee in 2016 (bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!) so there wasn't an opportunity to vote for him in the general.

And you are correct, I won't vote for the "progressive" losers that you leftists embrace. If the Democratic Party ever rejoins reality, I would gladly consider centrist candidates like the ones I used to support.
So the impeachment means something but the acquittal doesn’t because of your team alliance. Do you know how childish and simple that sounds?
Impeachment is rare, special... 3 out of 45 Presidents have been so inept and/or corrupt to have been Impeached. All have been acquitted.

Trump in great company...

I voted for Sanders in the primary as a vote against your 2016 Queen.

Yes, because at that time, she was the big mean nasty lliberal in your mind that had to be stopped.

Now it is Sanders, or Biden, or whoever gets the Democratic nomination.

It is rather clear what you are all about Meds.

I won't vote for the "progressive" losers that you leftists embrace. If the Democratic Party ever rejoins reality, I would gladly consider centrist candidates like the ones I used to support.

Progressives and leftists like FDR?:D

btw, you voted for a progressive over a more centrist candidate in 2016 lol!

Which centrist Democrat candidate for President did you use to support?
100% false. Don't lie to yourself Dave. Enjoying the inevitable failure of this incarnation of the coup is not the same thing as being relieved over something we were sweating.


/ko͞o/: noun
  1. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
    "he was overthrown in an army coup"
  2. a notable or successful stroke or move.
    "it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract"
Your boy is a poor leader. Period. Full stop. His poor leadership, his ineptness, and his propensity to selfish corrupt behavior is why he was impeached.
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/ko͞o/: noun
  1. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
    "he was overthrown in an army coup"
  2. a notable or successful stroke or move.
    "it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract"

Soft (flaccid in this case) coup:

A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup, is a coup d'état without the use of violence, but based on a conspiracy or plot that has as its objective the taking of state power by partially or wholly illegal means, in order to facilitate an exchange of political leadership.

Thanks, I believe I'm using it correctly though. The soft is simply implied because we all agree there has been no violence involved.
Your boy is a poor leader. Period. Full stop. His poor leadership, his ineptness, and his propensity to selfish corrupt behavior is why he was impeached.

Dave, your TDS is showing. Also, it's either period, or full stop. Redundancy is not a higher trait, sir.

Great leadership. He's turned the establishment GOP on it's ear and made it his party. That doesn't happen with poor leadership just because he hurts your feelings. Sorry.

He's a corruption fighter, which is exactly why this Ukranian Boogaloo was launched against him. Schiff's descriptions to the otherwise have been ineffective since leaving the comfortable tyranny of the house majority, and walking down the hall to the upper chamber.
This idea that there is not going to be testimony is not true. It's just not going to happen at the impeachment hearing. The entire world is bored out of their gords with this nonsense. Everyone knows there was never going to be a conviction.

The investigations and hearings will continue on both sides.
This idea that there is not going to be testimony is not true. It's just not going to happen at the impeachment hearing. The entire world is bored out of their gords with this nonsense. Everyone knows there was never going to be a conviction.

The investigations and hearings will continue on both sides.

New spin you are trying huh?:rolleyes:
Yes, because at that time, she was the big mean nasty lliberal in your mind that had to be stopped.

Now it is Sanders, or Biden, or whoever gets the Democratic nomination.

It is rather clear what you are all about Meds.
Yes, as I previously stated, I do not support "progressives." I've been quite clear on that.

Progressives and leftists like FDR?:D

btw, you voted for a progressive over a more centrist candidate in 2016 lol!

Which centrist Democrat candidate for President did you use to support?
I voted for Bill Clinton twice, Al Gore, and John Kerry. I even voted for the 2008 version of Hillary in the primary.
I salute BarneyMiller. He has the presence of mind to realize getting through to my_2cents is completely beyond his reach, as it is mine.

Can't have a dialogue with his type, no listening, only talking.

He perfectly emulates the current Democratic leadership in this behaviour, and demonstrates here the core reason they likely won't win in November.
Dave, your TDS is showing. Also, it's either period, or full stop. Redundancy is not a higher trait, sir.

Great leadership. He's turned the establishment GOP on it's ear and made it his party. That doesn't happen with poor leadership just because he hurts your feelings. Sorry.

He's a corruption fighter, which is exactly why this Ukranian Boogaloo was launched against him. Schiff's descriptions to the otherwise have been ineffective since leaving the comfortable tyranny of the house majority, and walking down the hall to the upper chamber.
Sweet hay suice. TDS - severe case no doubt - you need to see someone stat.
This idea that there is not going to be testimony is not true. It's just not going to happen at the impeachment hearing. The entire world is bored out of their gords with this nonsense. Everyone knows there was never going to be a conviction.

The investigations and hearings will continue on both sides.
Agreed. The dialog continues. Bolton publishes his book. It will be one of the themes of the campaign, less so about the POSUS, more so about his enablers.
Schiff could have most certainly been called as a witness if the Republicans chose to do so.

No he couldn't have.

But Republicans don't need him to testify anyways lol. If the Republicans theory of the case is true, put the Bidens on the stand. Put Bolton on the stand. Heck, put anyone around Trump on the stand and let them testify to what he did.

But . . . Republican Senators are blocking all of them.

What statutory or constitutional provision prohibits the Senate from calling Schiff as a witness if they wanted/voted to?

IMO, it would be a bad idea to do so, but I see no actual limits on their ability to call whatever witnesses they want at an impeachment trial.

Caveat: I am speaking from a strictly legal/constitutional perspective, not a political/moral/fairness perspective.
I understand Democrats are upset that another one of thier coup attempts has failed but there is a bright side and one that Democrats should have concentrated on when Trump was elected. We have elections where the American people choose their representatives. Instead of acting like a bunch of spoiled brats concentrate on create policies and candidates that the American people can support. Win the elections and then Democrats can move forward with their goal of turning American into the socialist shit hole they so desire.
Impeachment is rare, special... 3 out of 45 Presidents have been so inept and/or corrupt to have been Impeached. All have been acquitted.

Trump in great company...


Yet 2 of the last 4 have been impeached. If you are going to try to use statistics, at least be a little honest with it. Welcome to the new norm in politics.