How many Palestinian babies is Israel holding hostage?

Nonexistent. My “ties” are a revulsion of intentional mass murder/slaughter of innocent people by a government that thinks it’s justified to do it.
How about the palestinian terrorist government? Is it not about murder/slaughter? Innocent people?
Hamas really has little choice but to use the rest of the society as a shield. By the way Israel uses its people as shields in the same way for pretty much the same reason.
Oh my. So Hamas wears civilian clothes and utilizes civilian infrastructure to deploy their weapons because...they don't have any other choice? Really, Dan?
How about the palestinian terrorist government? Is it not about murder/slaughter? Innocent people?
Indeed it is, and in the course of the last two months I have called the Hamas attack terrorism, demonic, satanic, savage, inexcusable, brutal and many other epithets. Unfortunately there are some posters on this board that can only see criticism of the Israeli government as tacit support for Hamas. That error is on them. I despise what Hamas did with equal vigor as I despise what the Israeli government is doing in response. IMO what Hamas did to innocent people is not justification for Israel to do the same thing to other innocents (only ten times worse).
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Indeed it is, and in the course of the last two months I have called the Hamas attack terrorism, demonic, satanic, savage, inexcusable, brutal and many other epithets. Unfortunately there are some posters on this board that can only see criticism of the Israeli government as tacit support for Hamas. That error is on them. I despise what Hamas did with equal vigor as I despise what the Israeli government is doing in response. IMO what Hamas did to innocent people is not justification for Israel to do the same thing to other innocents (only ten times worse).
Remember Dan, Israel is as powerful as they have to be because they are surrounded by terrorist states. Smack dab in the middle of terrorist Arab nations.
He's disgusting.

His "most powerful lobby" dog whistle is a trope most frequently used by Jew haters.
It may be a “trope” used by “Jew haters.” But it’s also an obvious reality for objective observers like myself. That all you can do is call me an anti-Semite or a Jew hater is evidence you have no rational response.
I despise what Hamas did with equal vigor as I despise what the Israeli government is doing in response. IMO what Hamas did to innocent people is not justification for Israel to do the same thing to other innocents (only ten times worse).
I haven't seen any reports of the IDF raping people or kidnapping 10 month olds to trade to another military. Got any links?
Oh my. So Hamas wears civilian clothes and utilizes civilian infrastructure to deploy their weapons because...they don't have any other choice? Really, Dan?
You do understand that the Israeli government does many of the same things, do you not? So I will respond “really, Medic.” Hamas operates out of a tiny sliver of land (roughly 25 miles by 5 miles) that is filled with a population of around 2.3 million people. From that perspective they don’t have much unoccupied space from which to initiate their terror.
Objective? Seriously Dan
Well lets look at the record. I have condemned both sides for their wanton murder. Most others on this board recognize the horror of what Hamas did then watch as Israel slaughters thousands of people and for the life of them they can’t see there’s anything wrong with that. So, yeah, I’m thinking I’m being pretty objective.
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Quit feeding the antisemitic troll. He just wants someone to argue with. Don't give him that. Don't indulge his need to go on antisemitic rants.
Well lets look at the record. I have condemned both sides for their wanton murder. Most others on this board recognize the horror of what Hamas did then watch as Israel slaughters thousands of people and for the life of them they can’t see there’s anything wrong with that. So, yeah, I’m thinking I’m being pretty objective.
Sorry dan but you fail to understand the Palestinians want nothing more to kill the Jews or anyone or religion they disagree with, Israel is far from guilt free but what happened on Oct 7 was a coordinated attack You also understand that Hamas controls the people. Why would Israel drop leaflets to leave before it started ? People tried to go south but were driven back by Hamas. Can’t have your pawns not be in the game. If your not Hamas your a Hamas pawn. If your not a pawn, your probably missing.
Of course you have
I haven't seen any reports of the IDF raping people or kidnapping 10 month olds to trade to another military. Got any links?
Of course you haven’t seen any such reports, Israeli indiscretions are conveniently blocked from the MSM, most notably Fox. Did you see where 17 children and 7 women (I believe it was 7) were released by Israel in one if the exchanges? Did you see where Israel forbade Palestinians from celebrating the return of their loved ones and a 17 year old boy was shot and killed fir defying the order? Probably not. Did you see where the Biden administration was concerned about a cease fire because it might let journalists in to report on the carnage? Did you see where Israel has targeted Palestinian journalists and their families to make sure their reporting cannot get out? Probably not. That information has pretty much been blacklisted from American consumption. Is it any wonder why some Americans (notably many on this board) can only see the conflict through the pro-Israeli prism they have been spoon fed?
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Sorry dan but you fail to understand the Palestinians want nothing more to kill the Jews or anyone or religion they disagree with, Israel is far from guilt free but what happened on Oct 7 was a coordinated attack You also understand that Hamas controls the people. Why would Israel drop leaflets to leave before it started ? People tried to go south but were driven back by Hamas. Can’t have your pawns not be in the game. If your not Hamas your a Hamas pawn. If your not a pawn, your probably missing.
You are right, I fail to see the Gazan Palestinians as a whole want nothing more than to kill Jews. I think they’re probably a little more concerned with their own survival, both now and before the attack of Oct 7th, than plotting how they can escape their concentration camp and go out and kill Jews. That’s a Hamas thing, but that doesn’t make it a universal Palestinian thing. And now I’m done for the night.
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You do understand that the Israeli government does many of the same things, do you not? So I will respond “really, Medic.” Hamas operates out of a tiny sliver of land (roughly 25 miles by 5 miles) that is filled with a population of around 2.3 million people. From that perspective they don’t have much unoccupied space from which to initiate their terror.
Yeah, you're going to need to post some proof of Israeli rocket launchers in schools and weapons caches in hospitals in Israel if you expect me to agree to that dipshittery. And there's unoccupied space in Gaza. It's just not tactically good space for what Hamas does. It's their choice to put Gazans in the line of fire. I don't get how you're naive enough to believe Hamas is a "resistance group."

Sorry, but the reality is that Hamas puts things like rocket launchers in schools to try to shield them from Israeli response when they fire rockets at Israel and when it doesn't shield them, they can claim the bullshit you're peddling that the IDF is intentionally targeting civilians. Tell me Dan, what exactly do you expect Israel to do about rockets being fired from a school? Ignore it? Sneak up and sabotage them like in the movies?

Since as you say, they don't have much unoccupied space, maybe not initiate terror then. Talking might be more productive. Would you try to kick an entire platoon of Navy Seals in the balls in the middle of their barracks while screaming "Lt. Michael P Murphy was a pussy!" if you had the opportunity?
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Of course you have

Of course you haven’t seen any such reports, Israeli indiscretions are conveniently blocked from the MSM, most notably Fox. Did you see where 17 children and 7 women (I believe it was 7) were released by Israel in one if the exchanges? Did you see where Israel forbade Palestinians from celebrating the return of their loved ones and a 17 year old boy was shot and killed fir defying the order? Probably not. Did you see where the Biden administration was concerned about a cease fire because it might let journalists in to report on the carnage? Did you see where Israel has targeted Palestinian journalists and their families to make sure their reporting cannot get out? Probably not. That information has pretty much been blacklisted from American consumption. Is it any wonder why some Americans (notably many on this board) can only see the conflict through the pro-Israeli prism they have been spoon fed?
So, no reports you can link? I should just trust your usually very reliable anecdotes to whatabout rape and kidnapping?
Holy crap! Dan gets the gold medal for rationalizing murdering depraved terrorists.

This entire situation could of been avoided. Gaza would be an independent territory or possibly even a nation state living as they wish if they didn't continuously attack Israel.

It hurts my brain reading all the support Palestinian bullshit.
It may be a “trope” used by “Jew haters.” But it’s also an obvious reality for objective observers like myself. That all you can do is call me an anti-Semite or a Jew hater is evidence you have no rational response.
😆 It's the only rational response to anyone with more than a pea brain.
I want to hear you say it out loud: the way Israel will "end the problem once and for all" is by killing every man, woman and child that stands in its way, the Benjamin Netanyahu method of solviway
Same way most wars are ended, the Palestinians surrender, accept their defeat, change their ways and live peacefully. Sorry we are not like the ones you support and defend, we don’t want an entire race exterminated.
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Same way most wars are ended, the Palestinians surrender, accept their defeat, change their ways and live peacefully. Sorry we are not like the ones you support and defend, we don’t want an entire race exterminated.
Out of curiosity when you say “…*we* are not like the ones you support and defend (leave aside I have never once supported or defended Hamas, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, and in fact have condemned it repeatedly), *we* don’t want an entire race exterminated (never mind the fact that’s exactly what Netanyahu and others in the Likud Party say they want to do), by referring to yourself as one of the *we* are the rest of us to assume you’re Israeli, not American?
Lonely Loser GIF by Travis
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Out of curiosity when you say “…*we* are not like the ones you support and defend (leave aside I have never once supported or defended Hamas, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, and in fact have condemned it repeatedly), *we* don’t want an entire race exterminated (never mind the fact that’s exactly what Netanyahu and others in the Likud Party say they want to do), by referring to yourself as one of the *we* are the rest of us to assume you’re Israeli, not American?
You ever notice your only criticism is of the Israelis? Hamas says in their charter they want to eliminate the Jewish people, posted another article where the mastermind of the Oct 7th attack said the same thing along with that attack only being a rehearsal for much worse to come. You say nothing of that but are quick to jump on Israel.
I’m not Jewish nor am I a deeply religious person but I do support Israel. The we is meant as those who support Israel and oppose the Palestinians who want to Eliminate the Jewish people.
You ever notice your only criticism is of the Israelis? Hamas says in their charter they want to eliminate the Jewish people, posted another article where the mastermind of the Oct 7th attack said the same thing along with that attack only being a rehearsal for much worse to come. You say nothing of that but are quick to jump on Israel.
I’m not Jewish nor am I a deeply religious person but I do support Israel. The we is meant as those who support Israel and oppose the Palestinians who want to Eliminate the Jewish people.
You are hearing what you want to hear, I have criticized Hamas many times on this board in the aftermath of Oct 6. I have criticized the Israeli response ten times more often because the response has been ten times more ruthless and terroristic. Hamas - an organization I condemn (although you seem incapable of understanding that) - says in its charter it wants to eliminate Jewish people en masse, while in the meantime Benjamin Netanyahu says he wants to eliminate every Palestinian man woman and child and even their livestock. Stunningly to me you seem to approve of his desire for genocide while condemning Hamas’ counter-desire. I applaud your support for the existence of a Jewish state, I think Israel has a right to exist same as you. But the state of Israel is not infallible, and when it acts in a completely barbaric way, as it is doing this very minute, it deserves to be called out. In your exuberance for “Team Israel” you lose all perspective of what is right and what is wrong. I get it, your loyalty has no limit, and nothing I say can possibly get you to question Israel’s slaughter of tens of thousands of people. My only hope is something I say on this board will cause someone less committed to “my team right or wrong” to open his or her mind and be appalled by what he or she is witnessing.
Yo Medic!! Got any Midol/Tampons to sooth some of the ongoing agony?:eek:
Not a lie.

Yes lie. You are taking the word of a radical interpretation of the Bible to interpret what Netanyahu said. He didn't say what you said he said but because he referenced the Bible you nut jobs are actually putting words he never said in his mouth.

You are one f'd up person on this topic. What the hell happened to you?
Yes lie. You are taking the word of a radical interpretation of the Bible to interpret what Netanyahu said. He didn't say what you said he said but because he referenced the Bible you nut jobs are actually putting words he never said in his mouth.

You are one f'd up person on this topic. What the hell happened to you?
He said what he said and you can pretend he didn’t mean what he said but his actions are a perfect reflection of his intentions when he said it. Actions speak louder than words. For example here is an example of the intentions behind his actions and his actions belie your contention that I am telling a lie.

He said what he said and you can pretend he didn’t mean what he said but his actions are a perfect reflection of his intentions when he said it. Actions speak louder than words. For example here is an example of the intentions behind his actions and his actions belie your contention that I am telling a lie.

Dan, have you ever heard the old adage "The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed?"
He said what he said and you can pretend he didn’t mean what he said but his actions are a perfect reflection of his intentions when he said it. Actions speak louder than words. For example here is an example of the intentions behind his actions and his actions belie your contention that I am telling a lie.

Sounds to me exactly what one would expect during a war. Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have started it.
Dan, have you ever heard the old adage "The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed?"
No, that’s one I had not heard before. I suppose it applies to the Southern Cheyenne village in Washita, OK, back in 1868 when Custer attacked and slaughtered men, women and children for the offense of being Indian, because the attitude was if they’re Indian they need to be put in their place, they’re not really human so it was okay to kill them, their lives were of no consequence, what the hell were they doing on that land anyway, they had no authority to be there, and other Indians were killing settlers so that means killing any Indian was permissible. Yeah, those Cheyenne got a dry dildo just like they deserved!
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An interesting hour long civil conversation between four very intelligent academics on the topic of Israel/Gaza conditions and the reactions on American college campuses. Both sides are presented in clear and concise and unemotional discussion. Two present the Israeli side and two the Palestinian.


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