House Dems impeach 45 | Cocaine Mitch is ready

At this point, re-election seems all but a done deal.

It’s the only option they have.

Exactly Short Bus, they know none of the pinko leftwing communist bedwetters in the D stable can beat him, so it is another attempt to bring him to heal "by other means." you noticed how all these losers wanted an investigation into the ex-rodent in chief sending taxpayer funds to an Israeli oppo party to unseat Netanyahu, yea me either. How about the money to Iran, no body in the oh so "we're the fairest of all" party did that either. This is yet another charade that they hope puts a few below waterline holes in the USS Trump and even if it does damage him some (doubt it will) he has over a year to recover. Does anyone but the hardcore TDS fools actually believe people will want to hear about this in say 3 months, 4 months or 6 months? Of course not, by then it will be something else. In reality the more time the party in power spends not doing what they are supposed to, the less likely they will be the party in power after the next election. Just ask Newt and the R's what a fiasco the Clinton Impeachment was. Besides without the Senate, it ain't going to happen.

A pox on all their houses.
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Part of the Badger1 plan; keep beating them using their tactics while doing NONE of the things they were elected to do: tards !
Democrats still throwing a temper tantrum over losing an election

Democrats still throwing a temper tantrum over an outsider making a fool of their champion.

John Lewis is a member of the NAACCP (National Association for the Advancement of CERTAIN Colored People). The NAACCP sat deftly silent while Ted Kennedy slandered Clarence Thomas.
Democrats still throwing a temper tantrum over an outsider making a fool of their champion.

John Lewis is a member of the NAACCP (National Association for the Advancement of CERTAIN Colored People). The NAACCP sat deftly silent while Ted Kennedy slandered Clarence Thomas.

The only “colored advancement” they truly want is for you to stay on the plantation or devolve into a politician who can convince you to vote for policies that keep you hating whitey and anyone black of accomplishment that dares to have the audacity to be a conservative.

Besides everyone knows if you scrub ole Clarence hard enough he would turn white, that has to be the only reason he is a conservative.
The left taught me at an early age I'm about 1/4 victim, house boy, token, "white boy", traitor and Uncle Tom. My father and I could never teach my yellow dog white mother. In defense of my mother, she didn't vote for Clinton the second time. My mother was rabid Pentecostal. She didn't vote at all. I can only imagine what she would think of today's socialists.
Can't be a formal impeachment inquiry without a full House vote. That's the law.

Just because Pelosi went to the House floor and said it was happening doesn't make it so. What she is avoiding is having the entire 435 members (especially her caucus) go on records initiating impeachment when this issue falls on the ash pile of other failed inquiries---Mueller, Mueller Mueller.
I don’t buy that. He’s practically been daring them to do this.

I really don't think Trump wanted it to happen. We all know that the guy is a malignant narcissist. We all know that the senate won't convict him. However, he will be the 4th POTUS to be impeached, and I'm not sure that he wants that to be part of his legacy. Any way you slice it, it is a stain, and Trump doesn't want "Impeached" to be associated with his presidency.

I think this is why he released the transcript so quickly. He saw the writing on the wall and was looking to do something to change the course of the House. It would be more in line with his typical M.O. for him to refuse to release the transcript and say that it is classified info and he does not have to release it if he does not want to.
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I really don't think Trump wanted it to happen. We all know that the guy is a malignant narcissist. We all know that the senate won't convict him. However, he will be the 4th POTUS to be impeached, and I'm not sure that he wants that to be part of his legacy. Any way you slice it, it is a stain, and Trump doesn't want "Impeached" to be associated with his presidency.

I think this is why he released the transcript so quickly. He saw the writing on the wall and was looking to do something to change the course of the House. It would be more in line with his typical M.O. for him to refuse to release the transcript and say that it is classified info and he does not have to release it if he does not want to.

Part of the grounds are covering up the complaint. Now notice the messaging: We'll turn it over. Later. But we will. It will be redacted. Or not. We will though.

@Been Jammin I don't think a billionaire who is doing this at his own expense gives a RIP about fools. MHO

@Syskatine Trump looking at the House like:

He cares. He cares about himself. He cares about being popular and being liked. He cares about his legacy. He makes that abundantly clear nearly every time he speaks.
I agree... no way in Trump's mind does he want to have his legacy paired '4th US president to be impeached' .....
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He cares. He cares about himself. He cares about being popular and being liked. He cares about his legacy. He makes that abundantly clear nearly every time he speaks.

Eh. We'll have to disagree with the extent of your ability to mindread.
So what do you call what the Democrats calling for impeachment are doing to their fellow Democrats to get them to 218 votes. I’m sure no mafia like tactics are being used.