House Dems impeach 45 | Cocaine Mitch is ready

So Vermont’s & Massachusetts gov’s back impeachment......that is some limb they are out on. They are in some of the bluest of blue states, didn’t like Trump to begin with and want him impeached. Wowza that is truly a news flash for all of the first 3 pages of the NYT’s, WAPO and LATimes.

They are about as “Republican” as a cannibal is a vegetarian because they throw some potatoes and yam in with the main course.
Facts, ma’am, just the facts.
He's going to be impeached in the house.

This is like knowing the ending to the titantic but you're still going to watch because you heard there might be some scenes worth tuning in for

I will be surprised it Democrats in the House hold a vote to impeach Trump. They know they would be opening a can of worms and once opened will never be able to be closed.