Health Care

If I actually rode in an ambulance this would be a good dig. I haven't been on an ambulance since 1999. At least I'm not embarrassed to share what I do for a living.
My bad, strike that, change it to "medic works in healthcare in some capacity"
The grill cooks seem to have figured out nuerosurgery in Europe
Of course! Grill cooks in Europe double as neurosurgeons. Everyone knows that. 2 weeks of training on the chicken, two werkswon the beef, two weeks on the brain and spine. What's kept you from being a neurosurgeon? Too stupid?
It's not worth your time. Trust me.

Yep. I quit.

Amazing to think how brilliant some posters are on this board. Maybe pilt should run Deaconess - that’s just changed ownership for the 4th time in 15 years, because it can’t be run profitably.
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Yep. I quit.

Amazing to think how brilliant some posters are on this board. Maybe pilt should run Deaconess - that’s just changed ownership for the 4th time in 15 years, because it can’t be run profitably.
They have him on their short list. Deaconess will be rolling in dollars in no time. He'll just cut costs, pay skilled staff and doctors nothing, and bang, Deaconess will have an entirely new building guilded with gold in two years or less, complete with the most competent medical staff ever assembled.
Of course! Grill cooks in Europe double as neurosurgeons. Everyone knows that. 2 weeks of training on the chicken, two werkswon the beef, two weeks on the brain and spine. What's kept you from being a neurosurgeon? Too stupid?

A friend of mine has a son who will be a neurosurgeon, doing his residency at UCLA. He gets paid like 50,000 a year now and he actually is assisting with surgeries. When he completes his residency he will be starting out at $440,000 a year. Lives in poverty right now, but does spend most of his time at the medical center. That is a Dim economy for you, $50,000 in LA does not go very far.
Yep. I quit.

Amazing to think how brilliant some posters are on this board. Maybe pilt should run Deaconess - that’s just changed ownership for the 4th time in 15 years, because it can’t be run profitably.
On a serious note, do you work in healthcare?
Yep. I quit.

Amazing to think how brilliant some posters are on this board. Maybe pilt should run Deaconess - that’s just changed ownership for the 4th time in 15 years, because it can’t be run profitably.
They haven't shuttered it? Hmm?
A friend of mine has a son who will be a neurosurgeon, doing his residency at UCLA. He gets paid like 50,000 a year now and he actually is assisting with surgeries. When he completes his residency he will be starting out at $440,000 a year. Lives in poverty right now, but does spend most of his time at the medical center.
The real question is how much his 4 years of medical school and 7 years of surgical training is worth. Alexandria pilt Cortez will never pay $440,000 a year for those 11 years of training. Can he settle for $20 an hour?
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They have him on their short list. Deaconess will be rolling in dollars in no time. He'll just cut costs, pay skilled staff and doctors nothing, and bang, Deaconess will have an entirely new building guilded with gold in two years or less, complete with the most competent medical staff ever assembled.
You are being intellectually dishonest if you don't see the difference in doing that at a single hospital vs Nationwide
The real question is how much his 4 years of medical school and 7 years of surgical training is worth. Alexandria pilt Cortez will never pay $440,000 a year for those 11 years of training. Can he settle for $20 an hour?
I guess the nuerosurgeon can work in the coal mine instead if $120,000 isn't enough
You are being intellectually dishonest if you don't see the difference in doing that at a single hospital vs Nationwide
You're just being a retard if you don't think that hospitals didn't catch on to volume purchasing and cost sharing in the 1990s.
I work in a manufacturing capacity
Oh, in that case, I'm certain you sell your products for less than your cost to produce them as a regular practice. I'll bet that bottom line looks healthy.
You're just being a retard if you don't think that hospitals didn't catch on to volume purchasing and cost sharing in the 1990s.
You are being a retard if you think that's the same as Nationwide salary cuts due to decreased revenue
Oh, in that case, I'm certain you sell your products for less than your cost to produce them as a regular practice. I'll bet that bottom line looks healthy.
Believe it or not when our customers hit us up for price reductions we hit up our suppliers for price reductions
You are being a retard if you think that's the same as Nationwide salary cuts due to decreased revenue
You're a fan of unskilled providers taking care of you? Most people I know expect healthcare providers to possess the knowledge, experience, and skill to not get anything wrong.
We also don't have competitors in the Netherlands undercutting ourprices by 80% either so who knows
You are being a retard if you think that's the same as Nationwide salary cuts due to decreased revenue
And finally, you're definitely window licking retarded if you think healthcare providers are going to continue to work for pay cuts.
You're a fan of unskilled providers taking care of you? Most people I know expect healthcare providers to possess the knowledge, experience, and skill to not get anything wrong.
Same providers
Probably hard to believe coming from and industry that raises prices ~5% every year. Maybe that's the disconnect?
This coming from someone who doesn't have a payor source that pays less than cost and is advocating for that payor source to be the only payor source?
They don't which is why such a huge price difference can persist
Ahhh, so it's only the fact that it isn't realistic to fly to the Netherlands for your emergent angioplasty that keeps the costs from being similar. I'm sure the regulatory and litigatory burden are identical between the US and the Netherlands.
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I haven’t seen an owning like this on a message board since the toon and Clayton showdown. Maybe this thread can be immortalized on the HOF board as well.
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Probably hard to believe coming from and industry that raises prices ~5% every year. Maybe that's the disconnect?

Again you don’t understand what you’re talking about. Providers have no ability to raise prices. I’ve explained why overall costs go up.

I told you how to fix this. No more reimbursement for self inflicted maladies. Easy peasy.

If you want to have a conversation about wellness, I’d get right on board with you. As long as you have more obese, diabetics, cardio challenged folks, every year, you’re going to have bloated utilization in healthcare. Again ... costs go up because utilization goes up.