I am engaging in a conversation that impacts hard working Americans and how do we keep the most important part for all of us, which is good paying jobs and low unemployment. I offered up other solutions to health care, you posted so quickly you did not even read my entire post.
You glaze over the facts of my post with one sentence that shows just how shallow your economic understanding of this is, I am thinking you are at AOC level in terms of math and economics. And perhaps one of the Dims that is a victim of life looking for reparations.
You keep moving the goal posts on this topic because you do not have the economic facts of Dims proposals on this and you want to avoid the current economic facts, facts you do not care about, but most importantly do not understand.
You said you wanted more details, now you say you do not care. Of course you do not care, you blindly follow Dim talking points, and have no idea how the economics impact people, nor care, talk about selfish and stupid. If Berns idea gave us better healthcare and a better economy I would be all for it, that is what is best for everyone, not stealing from some to give to others to buy votes, that is narcissistic.
You laugh at Trump for wanting to spend 5.8 billion on a wall, make fun of him for not having Mexico pay for it, but the difference here is people who voted for the wall, most knew Mexico would never pay for it. We know there is no free ride. But here, you could careless about a proposal that could cost trillions and destroy the economic recovery and push more people in to poverty and lay-offs. Free shit is free shit is what you believe. Guess more will starve to death or live on the side walks of San Fran as the economy fails, but at least they can see a doctor in 3 months. That is real humane.
I know several in the health insurance industry on all sides of the industry, been talking to them, some are staunch Dims, but they are not voting Dim next go round. No one in the health care profession including Doctors want Medicare for all. The ones I talk to believe there is no chance in hell it gets passed, just Bern making promises to buy votes. We are stuck with the ACA until such time as the RINOs decide to fix it.
Bernie offering the equivalent of Trump having Mexico pay for the wall and you actually believe it, but we are talking trillions here. Trump voters can admit he was being Trump on this, but you actually believe in the Easter bunny and this is cost neutral and improves health care. You will believe anything the Dims tell you, instead of working thru you know, the details.