I think you may be a bit right and a bit wrong with your points.
Martin has said that there is no Night King in his story, so I don't see the books going in the same direction.
However, I think there is plenty of evidence, already, that The Others are more than just a virus spreading across the continent. IMO, they are more of a hive mind species. They are capable of intelligent thought and implementing strategy, but don't have a designated leader. They clearly showed evidence of this when confronting Sir Waymar Royce in the prologue of GOT, and likely at the Fist of the First Men.
There is a fan theory that Waymar Royce physically resembled Jon Snow and was of about the right age, and that they were looking for Snow when they encountered Royce. They want to take Snow captive for some reason, and killed Royce when they determined that he did not have Stark blood. The evidence for this in that he first faced off against 1 of them, then 5 more appeared and surrounded him. They communicated with each other before one of them killed him. Mindless parasitic killers would have just swarmed him and killed him without any delay/communication.