Black and white and read all over.
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Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
Really? Sounds pretty far fetched that he committed treason.

I know that's one of the fave buzzwords, along with nazi, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, Literal Lee Hitler, etc. Is Manafort's conviction and Cohen pleading guilty to some stuff somehow evidence of this thus far very elusive collusion? It seems to have gone from plausible to two football teams trying to find the lone flea on a muddy football field while doing wind sprints.
Really? Sounds pretty far fetched that he committed treason.

I know that's one of the fave buzzwords, along with nazi, fascist, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, Literal Lee Hitler, etc. Is Manafort's conviction and Cohen pleading guilty to some stuff somehow evidence of this thus far very elusive collusion? It seems to have gone from plausible to two football teams trying to find the lone flea on a muddy football field while doinv wind sprints.
Did this make sense in your head?
The new love affair between pokeasys and puss is so sweet. You two are cute together. Maybe you guys can make a wager on what happens to biff.
Damn, the new generation of board agitators makes me miss the old days of Shunt. At least his stick was original.

You gotta know that the more emotionally they feel brutalized by all this (pussies), the less their cognitive mental faculties are able to engage in fresh, new thought.

Literally traumatized. And the weaker the individual, the more 'trauma' they are still enduring, the more like a robot they sound.

You'd think 'real life' would take over after a while.
You gotta know that the more emotionally they feel brutalized by all this (pussies), the less their cognitive mental faculties are able to engage in fresh, new thought.

Literally traumatized. And the weaker the individual, the more 'trauma' they are still enduring, the more like a robot they sound.

You'd think 'real life' would take over after a while.

“Real life” according to book coming out. I’m hearing NYT bestseller lol.
You gotta know that the more emotionally they feel brutalized by all this (pussies), the less their cognitive mental faculties are able to engage in fresh, new thought.

Literally traumatized. And the weaker the individual, the more 'trauma' they are still enduring, the more like a robot they sound.

You'd think 'real life' would take over after a while.

This is their real life. It’s called borderline personality disorder.
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They are on the border between what and what?

I don’t know but I have a real active who went through a nasty divorce with a gal that had it. The emotion of trump saying something is the same feeling as trump hitting them over the head with a cast iron skillet.
I don’t know but I have a real active who went through a nasty divorce with a gal that had it. The emotion of trump saying something is the same feeling as trump hitting them over the head with a cast iron skillet.

Or supporting a guy whose official presidential communication often occurs at 3 a.m. via hysteria and mania and eating it up as gospel lol
I don’t know but I have a real active who went through a nasty divorce with a gal that had it. The emotion of trump saying something is the same feeling as trump hitting them over the head with a cast iron skillet.

I bet a little less social media and cheetos and a little more fresh air and in-person interaction (with people who have a lifel) would help that somewhat.

It sounds like it has an element of conditioning. "Opting in" to excessive social media echo chambers certainly isn't helpful.

Day 1: Trump is possibly literally Hitler.

Day 300: Trump IS literally Hitler!! His words hurt my heart LITERAL LEE, and children ARE being mass murdered at the border. I know, because I read it.
I bet a little less social media and cheetos and a little more fresh air and in-person interaction (with people who have a lifel) would help that somewhat.

It sounds like it has an element of conditioning. "Opting in" to excessive social media echo chambers certainly isn't helpful.

Day 1: Trump is possibly literally Hitler.

Day 300: Trump IS literally Hitler!! His words hurt my heart LITERAL LEE, and children ARE being mass murdered at the border. I know, because I read it.

You really are an idiot lol
I'd recommend a detox and/or branching out...

Follow Andrew Luck for starters:

It’s sad. There is zero difference between pokebear sys and toon.
I don't think pokebear is anything like those other two. I think we're still in the getting to know him phase, but I think he's a good addition here.

And syskatine is definitely no Toon. He can at least be humorous and witty when he's not in the Trump induced rage posting mode.
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I can be easily persuaded to your point of view if you can show me a criminal conviction that has resulted from similar circumstance. I can show you a similar case that resulted in a not guilty verdict and a mistrial. Would you like for me to repost the link so you can read up on that?
Jesse Jackson Jr.

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