This is just an artifact, a ghostly apparition of The Artist Formerly Known as Syskatine. Syskatine is no longer with us, he moved to higher plane, and you'll only have this... this... like when Yoda got killed but still shows up to ask poignant questions n' shit. Just guest starring tonight, I still can't believe they put that embecile dwarf in charge of anything. And then set aside a couple of minutes to cancel your membership and let me know how that goes. But that's not the point, is it?

Biff's campaign chairman was found guilty of 8 felonies today.

Biff's national security adivisor already pled guilty.

Biff's personal attorney pled guilty to 8 counts today. He didn't agree to cooperate because his legs have been spread so wide for so long for the FBI that there's nothing else for him to say.

Biff's White House lawyer spilled everything.

Biff's lawyer pled guilty to helping Biff violate campaign finance laws. Pussy wins every time.

I see why you spiraled into a self banishment. You have stage 4 TDS.
I enjoy it, It’s a blast. Today was a huge relief but there are still rough seas ahead. Good luck out there! You should go to Orange Power and take over for me, I’m sure they’d love the swap. Hahaha
What’d you get the boot for, anyway?
@CBradSmith how you feeling? Why so many criminals around Biff? How could he find this many criminals without actually going to a prison? Flynn, Cohen, Manafort, Page, Poppadopolus, my gawd.
What’d you get the boot for, anyway?
It’s explained in a different thread, but they say for sock accounts, I’d believe a vote or free market more readily. They think that my wife and I couldn’t possibly have two accounts on their website lol. They got mad when they couldn’t figure out who my wife was and when asked by the owner Casperpoke11 about it I told him the truth just as I always had, when asked by either him or OP9000. It was a good ten year run. This place seems more grounded in reality as hard as that is to believe. Also no real superiority complex’s. I guess you get what you pay for. Unless your in the A/V then it doesn’t matter if you paid for it or not. ;)
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And you. you've had some extravagant predictions about libs getting indicted. How are you tonight, happy that Biff's lawyer just fingered him for a felony?

Uh, you’d think being a lawyer youbwpukdnt run with media absurdity.

There’s no felony there doofus.

In fact, It’s looking like a nothing burger dude. Cohen paid out of personal funds. Trump reimbursed. Now, I thought if Campaign dollars were used that would be a violation. But a former FEC chairman (Brad Smith) says not so.

“When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason.”

“None of these expenditures helped Mr. Trump’s campaign. There’s all kinds of reasons why he may want to make these expenditures even if the allegations made by Stormy Daniels are untrue. Just for family harmony, commercial viability over the long term.”

That said, it's early. More likely to come so it's not definitive.

But per the usual it's looking like the press overreacting because they hate him so much. And you too sissy girl.


Muh Russia!!!

Oh, and it won’t just be libs getting indicted. It’s coming
Holy shit you’re dug in lol...keep digging
I can be easily persuaded to your point of view if you can show me a criminal conviction that has resulted from similar circumstance. I can show you a similar case that resulted in a not guilty verdict and a mistrial. Would you like for me to repost the link so you can read up on that?
Uh, you’d think being a lawyer youbwpukdnt run with media absurdity.

There’s no felony there doofus.

In fact, It’s looking like a nothing burger dude. Cohen paid out of personal funds. Trump reimbursed. Now, I thought if Campaign dollars were used that would be a violation. But a former FEC chairman (Brad Smith) says not so.

“When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason.”

“None of these expenditures helped Mr. Trump’s campaign. There’s all kinds of reasons why he may want to make these expenditures even if the allegations made by Stormy Daniels are untrue. Just for family harmony, commercial viability over the long term.”

That said, it's early. More likely to come so it's not definitive.

But per the usual it's looking like the press overreacting because they hate him so much. And you too sissy girl.


Muh Russia!!!

Oh, and it won’t just be libs getting indicted. It’s coming

“Professor Smith continued, “None of these expenditures helped Mr. Trump’s campaign.”

Don’t be a jackass lol
I can be easily persuaded to your point of view if you can show me a criminal conviction that has resulted from similar circumstance. I can show you a similar case that resulted in a not guilty verdict and a mistrial. Would you like for me to repost the link so you can read up on that?

Nope, nothing to see. Move along, it's all hysteria and Biff is in GREAT shape.
I can be easily persuaded to your point of view if you can show me a criminal conviction that has resulted from similar circumstance. I can show you a similar case that resulted in a not guilty verdict and a mistrial. Would you like for me to repost the link so you can read up on that?

Can you share the $375k fine his savior had to pay?

Or the one Bernie had to pay?

What about the blind eye to $84M?
It’s explained in a different thread, but they say for sock accounts, I’d believe a vote or free market more readily. They think that my wife and I couldn’t possibly have two accounts on their website lol. They got mad when they couldn’t figure out who my wife was and when asked by the owner Casperpoke11 about it I told him the truth just as I always had, when asked by either him or OP9000. It was a good ten year run. This place seems more grounded in reality as hard as that is to believe. Also no real superiority complex’s. I guess you get what you pay for. Unless your in the A/V then it doesn’t matter if you paid for it or not. ;)
Oh. Sorry to have missed the previous explanation and thank you for your time.
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Nope, nothing to see. Move along, it's all hysteria and Biff is in GREAT shape.
Oh maybe something will come of it, who knows. Just slow down, enjoy the ride! Maybe you’ll get to where you want to be. You’re just giddy and are getting ahead of yourself. Just wait until you slide it in the front hole before you blow your wad, that’s all.
Oh maybe something will come of it, who knows. Just slow down, enjoy the ride! Maybe you’ll get to where you want to be. You’re just giddy and are getting ahead of yourself. Just wait until you slide it in the front hole before you blow your wad, that’s all.
syssy right this very minute...

What a sleazy sack o' shit. And people voted for him, defended him. He was helping structure an illegal campaign contribution to hush up an affair with a porn star he had unprotected sex with right after he had his fifth child with his third wife.

LOCK HER UP!!! Karma's SUCH a bitch. Look who he surrounds himself with. Cheat and lie and lie and cheat and lie and lie... And the energy they put into him!
So you’re dug in, like most of the conservative circle jerkers on here, that Cohen lied to federal authorities today, voluntarily extending his prison stay via perjury.

You just lost your mind...IF it wasn’t gone already...
Pleasant conversation.

But you dodge the opportunity to provide an example to buttress your point of view. I don’t think I’m asking for too much here.
What a sleazy sack o' shit. And people voted for him, defended him. He was helping structure an illegal campaign contribution to hush up an affair with a porn star he had unprotected sex with right after he had his fifth child with his third wife.

LOCK HER UP!!! Karma's SUCH a bitch. Look who he surrounds himself with. Cheat and lie and lie and cheat and lie and lie... And the energy they put into him!
And he still beat Fallasaurus Rex. lol
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What a sleazy sack o' shit. And people voted for him, defended him. He was helping structure an illegal campaign contribution to hush up an affair with a porn star he had unprotected sex with right after he had his fifth child with his third wife.

LOCK HER UP!!! Karma's SUCH a bitch. Look who he surrounds himself with. Cheat and lie and lie and cheat and lie and lie... And the energy they put into him!
You’re getting weaker as the night goes on. But it truly is good to banter with you again.
What a sleazy sack o' shit. And people voted for him, defended him. He was helping structure an illegal campaign contribution to hush up an affair with a porn star he had unprotected sex with right after he had his fifth child with his third wife.

LOCK HER UP!!! Karma's SUCH a bitch. Look who he surrounds himself with. Cheat and lie and lie and cheat and lie and lie... And the energy they put into him!

The Obama administration set up an entire spy op against Trump. They used Fusion GPS to set up a meeting with Jr. promising some opposition research that was harmful

Pussyhats scream OMG collusion!!

Meanwhile members of the DOJ, FBI and two third party contractors (Fusion?) are caught working doing illegal searches on the NSA database. They are also working with a foreign agent who’s working with Russians to write a Dossier of “salacious and unverifiable” information in the name of opposition research and being funded by the Clinton campaign to affect the US election for President in a manner that will help her to victory.

Pussyhats day nothing to see here

Let’s see

The Russian lawyer had to receive special approval to enter the US because she was previously banned.

Lawyer lady met with Fusion before and after the Jr meeting

The magnitsky act was what she was really after.

Who signed off on her entry in an expiditious manner?

Dossier was key part of Carter Page FISA approval. Carter Page had been an informant only to be immediately investigated after his mission was successfully completed.

G Pap received $10k in Europe from an individual that was a CIA/FBI asset in 2006

Manafort crimes? 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

Almost 45,000 sealed indictments in DC.

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Very true, but still better than Hillary.

Well, take care until next time, syskaquitter.
Whatever you have to do to rationalize your view. Hillary wasn’t a traitor to her country. Once again this will all be born out in court, so I will say just be patient.
Whatever you have to do to rationalize your view. Hillary wasn’t a traitor to her country. Once again this will all be born out in court, so I will say just be patient.
Trump's a traitor? How so?
Trump's a traitor? How so?
Like I said patience. You will see, as long as your eyes and ears still function.

Section 3 defines treason and its punishment.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.