Fresh Red Meat For Our Friend @osuintx

Unfortunately* for me I agree with your opinion on masks and the vaccines. I vehemently disagree with your tactics. You know full well that none of the people who have an opinion different from yours are going to change their minds because of anything you say - especially because of the way you present it. So you are exhibiting nothing but stubborn belligerence with your nonstop links coupled with defensive and derisive insults. If you disagree with them over masks and vaccines, fine and dandy. But you accomplish nothing by being vindictive. It’s not your life they are living.

* I say “unfortunately” because, to be honest, you are coming off as a crazy person. It makes it very hard to join the conversation in your defense when you react the way you do.
Could be crazy - never know. I started off having good kindness about me- but when I got attacked by medic and 22 et al- I dang sure dont back up. You throw out stuff on here against the main stream as I do- I don't apologize for counter punching- not one bit. You be nice if you wanna- it's your right- I get attacked vehemently on here and other sites for posting what the main stream doesn't.

I could care less who takes the experimental concoction or the face diapers....but most I know they are using them and taking them under a bunch of BS from the media. I don't hear you Calling out nor condemning some of the "holier than though" attackers of myself on here like you do me- but I really don't care...nor do I care how you feel "I come off".

In my opinion we are at war with evil leftist and to some extent- establishment republicans- you don't bring a knife to a gunfight so spare me your judgement of how I come off. Sick of the people lining up 6' apart with masks on taking poisonous shots bc scumbags tell them to.

Now you have a good day sir!
See...I can be nice👍
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I started off having good kindness about me- but when I got attacked by medic and 22 et al- I dang sure dont back up.
Awe. Does someone need a hug? Get over yourself you hypocrite. You're the master of attacks around here.
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Ahh you came to attack again- at least big Dan will lay off you so you good

You're the queen of attacking then getting butt hurt But keep it up- you're just so good at it.

Gotta do it on here bc in person no one would understand you with your 6 masks on 😁
Keep going drone- lots more in them- you really think that's it? Yet that's supposed to change the spike protein that Fs up your anitdodies- rriighhhttt
What else is in it then, spaz? I looked at the actual pfizer vaccine data sheet. It's pretty clear what the ingredients are.

And no, it contains mRNA spike proteins that your body makes antibodies to. It's not rocket science, Professor.
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Can we make this the last post on this thread? The OP was intended to be a lighthearted poke at @osuintx passion, but has turned into a childish back and forth from both sides.

Here’s my advice to @osuintx: give it a rest. We all have ownership of our own bodies, at least for the time being. For those that want to take the vaccine we should be glad there is one available for them. If they feel safer wearing a mask and being inoculated then by all means they should do so! It is illiberal of you to constantly besmirch their attitudes and insult them. You are convincing no one that your argument is the correct one by belittling everything from their intelligence to their moral character. So I beg of you to stop it.

To those of you egging him on: it is childish bullying on your part to continue to chide him for his passion. It is abundantly clear that he has lost all sense of perspective on this issue, and has allowed emotion to overwhelm him. You know that and yet you continue to gang up on him like schoolyard bullies. It is unbecoming of adults, and I ask you to stop it. Nothing you say is going to change his mind; you know it and yet you continue to browbeat the man. You remind me of the crowds that harassed the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Please, I beg of you to stop it.

I really regret starting this thread. I wish it would be removed.
Huh? You don't have to keep reading the thread, Dan.
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Huh? You don't have to keep reading the thread, Dan.
You are correct. I started this thread so I do feel a small degree of responsibility for what it has become. It was intended as a good natured poke at his passion. And it degenerated into a pissing match between a demented wounded animal trying to defend himself against a pack of jackals. But you’re right, I should just look away and forget it. Which is what I’ll now do.
What else is in it then, spaz? I looked at the actual pfizer vaccine data sheet. It's pretty clear what the ingredients are.

And no, it contains mRNA spike proteins that your body makes antibodies to. It's not rocket science, Professor.
Spike proteins specific to SARS COVID Einstein- you're antibodies are no non recognizing of other viruses now congrats- keep believing what big Pharma, Gates and your lover Fauci are preaching- bc they are all so credible 🤔
You are correct. I started this thread so I do feel a small degree of responsibility for what it has become. It was intended as a good natured poke at his passion. And it degenerated into a pissing match between a demented wounded animal trying to defend himself against a pack of jackals. But you’re right, I should just look away and forget it. Which is what I’ll now do.
Yes sir didn't ask for your defense- although you were so good at it. I mean you didn't even vote for Trump so that means you indirectly voted for the evil thats in there you prob should not be father bear just bc you started the thread- although it is Nobel.
What else is in it then, spaz? I looked at the actual pfizer vaccine data sheet. It's pretty clear what the ingredients are.

And no, it contains mRNA spike proteins that your body makes antibodies to. It's not rocket science, Professor.
I've posted thread after thread but just like your other drone Buddy- y'all read nothing nor watch nothing that's outside main
Stream,only believe what in your main stream world. At least I watch, read and study BOTH sides. It such a good shot that they have to coerce, bribe and scare everyone into taking....did your take yours for the crispy creme?🤪
Spike proteins specific to SARS COVID Einstein- you're antibodies are no non recognizing of other viruses now congrats- keep believing what big Pharma, Gates and your lover Fauci are preaching- bc they are all so credible 🤔
Huh? How does it get rid of my other antibodies? Is it like Invasion of the Antibody Snatcher? Do the spike proteins hunt down my antibodies? And then what? What's the scientific explanation of what happens?
You are correct. I started this thread so I do feel a small degree of responsibility for what it has become. It was intended as a good natured poke at his passion. And it degenerated into a pissing match between a demented wounded animal trying to defend himself against a pack of jackals. But you’re right, I should just look away and forget it. Which is what I’ll now do.
Dan, I'm replying to his nonsense with factual information and asking him questions based on his posts. I'm sorry if that bothers you. I'm not sure how I can bully someone on a message board.
Huh? How does it get rid of my other antibodies? Is it like Invasion of the Antibody Snatcher? Do the spike proteins hunt down my antibodies? And then what? What's the scientific explanation of what happens?
Shared it many times- if you want to call it the invasion of the body snatchers I'm down-
All I know is I did t put that poison $hit in me and if we both Go lick doorknobs - I'd bet its 50/50 who gets the Plandemic Cyrus the virus hmmmm
Dan, I'm replying to his nonsense with factual information and asking him questions based on his posts. I'm sorry if that bothers you. I'm not sure how I can bully someone on a message board.
Non medic your full of it with your narrow mind- "factual".....According to who?!?! Big Pharma? Fauci? CDC vaccine Company LLC? Main stream news? LMAO- NONE of those are credible. Or if you want to argue- go ahead and tell Which ones of those are
Credible- I will be waiting.
You won't say - All you will do is try to discredit
bc you don't want to say it out loud-
You would be laughed back to your cowering corner with 10 Face diapers on 😬

"Factual" my arse
Non medic your full of it with your narrow mind- "factual".....According to who?!?! Big Pharma? Fauci? CDC vaccine Company LLC? Main stream news? LMAO- NONE of those are credible. Or if you want to argue- go ahead and tell Which ones of those are
Credible- I will be waiting.
You won't say - All you will do is try to discredit
bc you don't want to say it out loud-
You would be laughed back to your cowering corner with 10 Face diapers on 😬

"Factual" my arse

You’re afraid of needles. That’s it in a nutshell.
One of MULTIPLE YOU won't
see on lame stream news...along with thousands of deaths.

Everyone has a right to take it or not- but everyone has a right to the truth on these. Who would say the info on pros and cons has been equal?
About 40 plus percent had taken a shot...25-30 percent are fully vaccinated- let's just say the lame press is correct on this one (of course I have my doubts)

I ask ye.. how many would have taken this shot IF:
1. All the doctors and epidemiologist speaking out against it wouldn't have been censored on main stream media and social media
2. Big Leftist corporations hadn't carried the big Pharma Gates/Fauci water and coerced employees into getting.
3. Almost all if not allMedical hadn't strong armed their employees into taking
4. And maybe the biggest if.....IF our beloved- crooked as hell media hadn't ranted and raved and over blown 100 fold the COVID scare.

I dare anyone on here to say the info on both sides of this has been presented evenly or better said - fairly.

If all that above hadn't happened- I bet less than 10 percent would have even thought of taking the experimental biological agent

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You’re afraid of needles. That’s it in a nutshell.
Dang you got it- you're so bright....I bet you're so bright you believe the BS so much you would take an experimental mRNA shot that has killed every specimen it has been given to. Oh wait- I don't think I'd call that bright... more like dimmmmm
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I still don’t get why people continually post shit that can easily be proven false in 60 seconds of Google searching.
Try googling something and searching the same thing on duck duck go. It’s pretty remarkable the differences. Also try reading the “fact checkers” as they often don’t debunk anything, they’ll say some non committal statements about how it’s unproven, throw in “conspiracy theorists” and cite nothing. Seriously if you implicitly trust big tech and msm you need to wake up
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Aw cool- govt says they may let the peasants hug each other soon! All my fans on this thread were right- govt really cares about us all yippee! Such benevolent sweet caring tyrants they are....I thought we got our rights from God-
Maybe I should join my fans on here and believe my rights come from the a friggin chance

Aw cool- govt says they may let the peasants hug each other soon! All my fans on this thread were right- govt really cares about us all yippee! Such benevolent sweet caring tyrants they are....I thought we got our rights from God-
Maybe I should join my fans on here and believe my rights come from the a friggin chance

I seriously think these dudes are in rooms joking like “will these idiots actually be fine with this?”
Like the two mask recommendations made me picture them just wondering how far they can go before people stop putting up with it.
Aw cool- govt says they may let the peasants hug each other soon! All my fans on this thread were right- govt really cares about us all yippee! Such benevolent sweet caring tyrants they are....I thought we got our rights from God-
Maybe I should join my fans on here and believe my rights come from the a friggin chance

Now people are just cool with the government holding basic human freedoms as a carrot for the vaccine. No one sees the issues with that or just the fact that so many are so compliant they will do whatever the government says without even questioning it
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Now people are just cool with the government holding basic human freedoms as a carrot for the vaccine. No one sees the issues with that or just the fact that so many are so compliant they will do whatever the government says without even questioning it

List your basic human freedoms you've had held back by the government.
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Huh? How does it get rid of my other antibodies? Is it like Invasion of the Antibody Snatcher? Do the spike proteins hunt down my antibodies? And then what? What's the scientific explanation of what happens?
Here's a new find- insider explains well how your immune system is weakened in the future against non- covid viruses. Of course we all know (I hope) that viruses mutate almost constantly

I've listed multiple Sources before that you or others don't read- anyone conseidering Getting one of these shots should sure read.

My God - someone said today they are injecting our kids with over 70 vaccines now? Just heard this have not verified-I mean 10's or scores of vaccines for our angels- really? What a shame

List your basic human freedoms you've had held back by the government.
Wow you really don't have any clue at all do you? They tell you get on all fours and bark like a dog an hour a day you'd say"sir- yes sir"
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Wow you really don't have any clue at all do you? They tell you get on all fours and bark like a dog an hour a day you'd say"sir- yes sir"

I was asking Dirk, but OK, I'm asking you now. Instead of some unspecific 6th-grader comment like above, list your basic human freedoms you've had held back by the government. I don't read your Gab or 4chan links. I want YOUR words.
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Here's a new find- insider explains well how your immune system is weakened in the future against non- covid viruses. Of course we all know (I hope) that viruses mutate almost constantly

I've listed multiple Sources before that you or others don't read- anyone conseidering Getting one of these shots should sure read.

My God - someone said today they are injecting our kids with over 70 vaccines now? Just heard this have not verified-I mean 10's or scores of vaccines for our angels- really? What a shame


Holy shit, that's hilarious! You've heard 70 vaccinations, but haven't verified. Seems to be your life story.
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Holy shit, that's hilarious! You've heard 70 vaccinations, but haven't verified. Seems to be your life story.
Holy crap- that's your skinny lol. I posted a Dr Mercola study this time a
Few posts back. Your skinny is to say I don't answer when you don't read jack. You post NOTHING but pot shots- NOTHING.

Just about any questions you've asked are answered in the article- starting to think you're just a troll- which is fine

Holy shit, that's hilarious! You've heard 70 vaccinations, but haven't verified. Seems to be your life story.
Any idiot that doesn't know what lockdowns. Mask mandates, vaccine coercion's and companies not letting Much commerce happen during these Is just an idiot troll that really shouldn't be speaking out on this subject. Might as well say you support tyrant Govt. You're just a troll or you really do worship
Any idiot that doesn't know what lockdowns. Mask mandates, vaccine coercion's and companies not letting Much commerce happen during these Is just an idiot troll that really shouldn't be speaking out on this subject. Might as well say you support tyrant Govt. You're just a troll or you really do worship

I'll assume this reply to Medic was intended for me. Learn to navigate this forum and you won't look like Goober Pyle with each post.

Ordinances, laws and emergency declarations don't apply to you, do they Bub? Ignore speed limits and don't pay your taxes. If you did, that would make you a worshipper of government. You might as well say you have no goodwill toward the USA and you support Antifa and BLM. Just another entitled anarchist.
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You got it- just like the "hospitals being overrun"
And NONE of them were. You're just a Sky is falling weenie sorry. There's some deaths in a spot going in there but zero to do with Covid- that's per their citizens.

Keep spreading the fake propaganda sucker
I'll assume this reply to Medic was intended for me. Learn to navigate this forum and you won't look like Goober Pyle with each post.

Ordinances, laws and emergency declarations don't apply to you, do they Bub? Ignore speed limits and don't pay your taxes. If you did, that would make you a worshipper of government. You might as well say you have no goodwill toward the USA and you support Antifa and BLM. Just another entitled anarchist.
Yall do share same brain. You're just a sheep- both of y'all- sad peasants that eat whatever they are serving- then call Yalls selves conservatives-
We do not worship tyrant governments- y'all are just wimps so you could be establishment republicans 100 percent
You got it- just like the "hospitals being overrun"
And NONE of them were. You're just a Sky is falling weenie sorry. There's some deaths in a spot going in there but zero to do with Covid- that's per their citizens.

Keep spreading the fake propaganda sucker

Yall do share same brain. You're just a sheep- both of y'all- sad peasants that eat whatever they are serving- then call Yalls selves conservatives-
We do not worship tyrant governments- y'all are just wimps so you could be establishment republicans 100 percent

Not a Republican. Haven't been since George W. I'm to the right of the GOP.
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Not a Republican. Haven't been since George W. I'm to the right of the GOP.
Lol right- you support Bush who killed all our soldiers putting them in unneeded wars says a lot about you- but we already knew your character.
You got it- just like the "hospitals being overrun"
And NONE of them were. You're just a Sky is falling weenie sorry. There's some deaths in a spot going in there but zero to do with Covid- that's per their citizens.

Keep spreading the fake propaganda sucker
So what's going on in India is fake? Has anyone informed India yet?
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