Fresh Red Meat For Our Friend @osuintx

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
I don’t know if this is true. But if it is it is “accidentally” and “coincidentally” interesting.

I don’t know if this is true. But if it is it is “accidentally” and “coincidentally” interesting.

Yes sir - very red meat.

"The Vaccine was not created to get shots for COVID....COVID was created so they could give the vaccines"$$$$$$. All about the passports and control.

Fauci and company worked on COVID for a period (Biological agentfor?) of time in the US - until time ran out They Had to move it to ...wait for Wuhan. Obama ADM funded the Lab- Fauci and Gates have many photos there- along with Hussein. (Everyone does know these scumbags are global leftists right?)

All the stuff that's happening was talked about before 2020- this is no accident. "Oh but wait - we didn't see this on the nightly news". Nor will you- but it's out there

All the lockdown orders came from The same global sources (UN?) not here in the US- in most countries. If people don't know it's a "global left enemy - not a National Left enemy....your still sleeping.

Hows that for Red Meat also
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Ooo Reuters- about as liberal as can be. Liberal media owns the fact checkers. FB, Snopes, yahoo et al. Not saying this is true or not true who owns them- mostly the CCP owns them...but quoting Reuter's as a fact check you may as well be talking to Gates or Hussein
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Reuters liberal? Okay.

so find me one proof source. Shouldn’t be hard. Both publicly traded companies.
Publicly traded? So that makes them credible how? Not saying everything they say is wrong- like CNN/ MSNBC - so you're saying Amazon is credible bc they are publicly traded? FB is publicly traded- you trust their fact checkers?
Suckiest part of all this is that it's hard to trust anyone- gotta look at lots of sources and best decide
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Publicly traded? So that makes them credible how? Not saying everything they say is wrong- like CNN/ MSNBC - so you're saying Amazon is credible bc they are publicly traded? FB is publicly traded- you trust their fact checkers?
Suckiest part of all this is that it's hard to trust anyone- gotta look at lots of sources and best decide
Nope publicly traded so you can examine their books. Get to it.
Or digging feverishly on Gab.
Will just copy and paste to you as well since y'all share the same amount of scared ness of everything:
He's probably scouring 4chan right now.
Go back and cower in your corner tripled masked up- don't you have some kids to mentor Somewhere into being weak subservient men when they grow up?
Will just copy and paste to you as well since y'all share the same amount of scared ness of everything:

Go back and cower in your corner tripled masked up- don't you have some kids to mentor Somewhere into being weak subservient men when they grow up?
Bruh, I work in healthcare. I know what the real world looks like. You read retarded social media posts for information.

Bruh, I work in healthcare. I know what the real world looks like. You read retarded social media posts for information.

You know Dick except how to be weak and subservient- but at least you're good at something.

A Chart For you and your 22 weak subservient buddy- so y'all will know what nanny CDC says you can do- you're a real good follower and have zero CT skills so You will abide I know:

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What- are you still screaming from the mountain top it's soo bad, they didn't count most all deaths as covid, they didn't do it for control and to vaccinate all you followers- really? That's sooo 2020 Doncha think?

10 percent of the world still believes the mumbo jumbo (not the left- they're laughing their a$$es off at y'all- you really think all those famous peeps on TV REALLY got the shot?!) and 1 percent of those are on this message board😬
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Y'all vax lovers DO know Gates doesn't get vaccinated NOR let his family get vaccinated right? Plz Tell Me y'all know this
I don’t know if this is true. But if it is it is “accidentally” and “coincidentally” interesting.

I've said this before and elsewhere. I don't believe that the virus was released intentionally. If so, then my faith in mankind is completely lost and I hope every global warming, apocolypse now catastrophe awaits us for our sins and mankind goes extinct. That said, I do believe the virus came from that lab. The statistical odds of a random coronavirus sourcing in the exact same city (out of millions world-wide) where a lab focused on that disease existed would be beyond "struck by lightning" levels. It just doesn't pass the Occam's Razor test.
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You know Dick except how to be weak and subservient- but at least you're good at something.

A Chart For you and your 22 weak subservient buddy- so y'all will know what nanny CDC says you can do- you're a real good follower and have zero CT skills so You will abide I know:



Effin rube. You're as bad as the leftists.


Effin rube. You're as bad as the leftists.
I'm not the one promoting end of liberties and global takeover nanny states- that be you enabling and promoting lockdown, masks, big Pharma and're a Libturd utopia whatchoo talking about Willis
Ooo Reuters- about as liberal as can be. Liberal media owns the fact checkers. FB, Snopes, yahoo et al. Not saying this is true or not true who owns them- mostly the CCP owns them...but quoting Reuter's as a fact check you may as well be talking to Gates or Hussein
So dumb. Folks like you are the best thing the Dems have going.
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So dumb. Folks like you are the best thing the Dems have going.
Who are some I trust instead of CNN,MSNBC Et al? These guys lie all the times.

Fox is neutered- they report very little- their owners won't let them say much and the left keeps threats, bribes, blackmail, lawyers CONSTANTLY hammering on anything out of the mainstream they report.

As far as vaccines, masks and lockdowns I will trust the majority of the ones that report the truth and they just so happen to get censored by MS media and social media.and demonetized off of you tube.

All this is out there with just some work but the sheep on here (that only listen to TV and radio main stream) just dismiss them JUST LIKE OUR MEDIA- it's amazing.

Just like all the lies everyone has believed: "had to haul off bodies in meat wagons, bodies piled up in streets, hospitals overrun, masks work, take the experimental biological agents, We need lockdown- such BS and the sheep are still hangin in LMAO. Latest: "India numbers out of control". People from there posting all over the internet it's BS. ANYWAYS WITH ALL THIS YOU COULDNT EVEN COME CLOSE TO DEFEATING A VIRUS ANYWAYS SMH

All these lies and 3-4 on this thread can't handle that it's all BS- I don't know if it's more funny or sad. Misery koves Company- many of these mRNA experiment lovers want everyone like them- to be Lab test animals- WE AINT BUYING IT sorry clowns. All these test sites packing up and leaving bc We are saying FU - there's no one left wanting to take an unneeded experimental shot with all!!!!! Yes!!!!
All Kinds of chemicals in those shots-people are awake

Babies needing 30 plus vaccines these days- yeah friggin right. I was stupid enough to let my daughter take 7-8 back when- she has several adverse effects to this day. Two friends had their children die within days of giving some to theirs. SssOOOOO many parents have started homeschooling their kids so they didn't have to take the shots- they are ALL ok - imagine that.

Some of you drones on this thread got the ill advised shots and you're STILL wearing the stupid subservient masks - that's just a special kind of obedient peasant. We may could forgive buying the kool aid early- but now Dr Moron is exposed and people have taken the poison shot and STILL WEARING them - there are no words for y'all.

Who many many trusts that FB, Twitter Et al banned?

Dr Shari Tenpenny, Dr Lee Merrit, Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dale Bigtree, Robert Kennedy Jr, ALL THE FRONT LINE DOCTORS, Ty and Sharlene Bollinger, sites like SGT reports has many experts he interviews- SOOO many more. Don't google them- google is a POS that hides them way at the back.
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I still don’t get why people continually post shit that can easily be proven false in 60 seconds of Google searching.
Google is like the worst censor of info-
If you really just touted google be careful lol.

It's like touting NBC or tube or twitter- are there real stories or info there? Yes- but mostly like the CDC site- most of it is buried and hard to find. The real news today is by real journalist- there are zero at CNN and ABC, yahoo et al.
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You talking about me? Do you realize google is like the worst censor of info? If you really just touted google you just showed complete ignorance - I didn't see any blue font there there got to think this is what you did.

It's like touting NBC or tube or twitter- are there real stories or info there? Yes- but mostly like the CDC site- most of it is buried and hard to find. The real news today is by real journalist- there are zero at CNN and ABC et al.

I see you got a few likes- you people are prob the ones walking around vaccinated and still wearing the fear diapers.

Please tell me ONE thing I have said was wrong.

You're really sad if you think google or main stream Media cares one iota about you.

I was specifically referring to the post going around and referenced in this thread that one publicly traded company owns another. That is very easily verified but because believing the post to be true is more important than actually verifying it is true it is just reposted and shared thousands of times by people claiming to have the truth and referring to everyone else as sheep. It took this sheep less than a minute to find out that post was BS. The sheep are those that just take what they are given without doing any work on their own and there are plenty on both sides of the COVID issue.
I was specifically referring to the post going around and referenced in this thread that one publicly traded company owns another. That is very easily verified but because believing the post to be true is more important than actually verifying it is true it is just reposted and shared thousands of times by people claiming to have the truth and referring to everyone else as sheep. It took this sheep less than a minute to find out that post was BS. The sheep are those that just take what they are given without doing any work on their own and there are plenty on both sides of the COVID issue.
Roger that. But referencing google by itself you'd agree is scary..edited my reply Carry on lol
I was specifically referring to the post going around and referenced in this thread that one publicly traded company owns another. That is very easily verified but because believing the post to be true is more important than actually verifying it is true it is just reposted and shared thousands of times by people claiming to have the truth and referring to everyone else as sheep. It took this sheep less than a minute to find out that post was BS. The sheep are those that just take what they are given without doing any work on their own and there are plenty on both sides of the COVID issue.
As the original poster who shared the link I feel it is necessary to defend myself! I specifically said I didn’t know if it was true, but if it was true it was interesting. Whew! Now I feel my reputation has been restored!
This is like reading shit in the Weekly World News. Bat Boy is Getting Engaged to Hannah Nicole Smith's Spirit!
As the original poster who shared the link I feel it is necessary to defend myself! I specifically said I didn’t know if it was true, but if it was true it was interesting. Whew! Now I feel my reputation has been restored!

Sorry not trying to take a specific shot at you more the general world of social media today.
LoL, and he says WE have thin skin. :D

osuintx said:
You talking about me? Do you realize google is like the worst censor of info? If you really just touted google you just showed complete ignorance - I didn't see any blue font there there got to think this is what you did.

It's like touting NBC or tube or twitter- are there real stories or info there? Yes- but mostly like the CDC site- most of it is buried and hard to find. The real news today is by real journalist- there are zero at CNN and ABC et al.

I see you got a few likes- you people are prob the ones walking around vaccinated and still wearing the fear diapers.

Please tell me ONE thing I have said was wrong.

You're really sad if you think google or main stream Media cares one iota about you