FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Civics Bill Requiring Students to Learn Evils of ‘Communism, Totalitarian Ideologies’

windriverrange said: PART !
And that has what to do with the conversation? I'm conservative/nationalist and could care less that MJ has been legalized. This feeds back down to the utter failure of the war on drugs, especially considering that MJ can be grown just about anywhere with little to no effort.
Just an example how effective D.A.R.E. to keep kids of Communism will be.

Your either a very deep thinker above my comprehension of just full of shit.....I'm leaning towards the later.
windriverrange said:
Any cirriculum that doesnt identify and teach that both Nazisum and Communisum/socialisum are equally bad isn't worth a dam.
Why bother making an normative judgement and equating the. Just show the facts and let the kids make the normative judgements.

No problem there as long as the facts are actually laid out fairly and not one sided...unfortunately many teachers especially at university levels are full of crap and would never be able to do that.
windriverrange said:
Don't forget the Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939, that proscribed the dividing up of Eastern Europe between Germany and Russia, starting with both countries attacking Poland in September of 1939.

The communist also allowed German troops to train in Russia to escape the Treaty of Versailles military prohibitions.
And the west let the Nazis take over Czechoslovakia and Austria and remilitarize the Ruhr and supplied financing and the planes Hitler bombed Spanish Republicans with. What's your point?

The West played the absolute villain in Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. Won't get an argument from me on that.

Interesting that you mention The Condor Legion's activities in Spain but leave off the fact that the godless stinkin communist sent troops, planes, artillery and armor to support The Republicans. Whets your point?

windriverrange said:
Don't forget that The Treaty of Versailles guaranteed a second conflict. Some signatories didn't even read the document, others warned the penalties on Germany were so onerous there would be another war and others signed for revenge (France in particular to recover ground lost in the Franco-Prussian war 1870 -1871). The victors of WWI, help incubate and hatch Nazisum to its grotesque outcome.
Yeah history is a series of causes and effects.

Interesting you shrug off the instrument(s) that led dorectly to the Nazi's....something that could have been avoided, but then truncate the argument that the dam communist were already on their way to being a scourge.
windriverrange said:
Conversely, the Russian socialist/communist were well on their way to eclipsing the body count Hitler would attain.
Show your work.

Normally this is how these work...refute my statement with something other than the smug professor type reply that I'm the student who has to prove my point, while your the above it all professor that is my overlord. Why don't you throw some facts out, source them and then we have a starting point.
windriverrange said:
Where has socialism ever been successful? And don't give me this BS that "if practiced correctly would work" that belies your adherence to theory and not reality.
Every place that goes from advanced industrial society with a tradition of liberal democracy to socialism has been successful (Norway).

Well then buckoo move there and quit bugging Americans. Norway a country of ~5.330 million people over ~148,729 sq miles (about the size of Montana) has a marginal tax rate of 22%, 25% sales tax, pension tax of between 16.7%-6% and a new car tax of 50% seems like a fun place to live if you don't care working for less. Again, comparing to the US to Norway on any level is pretty dumb though. Tell you what comrade...if your willing to move I'll gladly pay the first $500 American on your plane ticket.
windriverrange said:
In theory it won't ever work because there will always be slackers, middle of the road folks and overachievers. Impossible to have equitable outcomes from such groups which then means some work harder than others for the same reward. Ridiculous!
Maybe learn a little bit more about what socialism is.

So smartass, why don't you explain to me "what socialism" is in your view. Geez, again with the "we're all dumber than the professor" comment.
windriverrange said:
There will ALWAYS be leaders who think the rules are for everyone else and will live way higher on the hog then the peasants. Stalin, Molotov etc., practiced this routinely.
A ruling class that lives high on the hog? Only in communism.

windriverrange said:
You better stick to economics....Stalin killed more people than Hitler and it's not even close.
Show your work.

Again with the smug professor about you give me a starting point, then we can continue from there. Some historians say Stalin and his regime antics killed at least 20mm and have seen a 43MM tally spoken about, but the fact is through shoddy or incomplete records the number is most certainly higher but will never been know. While the Nazi's kept impeccable records the estimated death toll from Nazisum was a tad south of 17MM.
windriverrange said:
That's not propaganda either, that is know from years of reading about the Russian Revolution, his consolidation of power, Ukrainian collectivization, gulags, military purges, post WWII killings/pogroms (that's right soviets actually killed holocaust survivors who returned to reclaim homes/property as well as many soviet POWs were outright shot or sent to gulags), Katyn Forest massacre by NKVD (killed over 24,000 Polish intelligentsia and military officers) and the list goes on and freakin on.
Add it up.

Again the smug, I'm too busy to be bothered so I'll just throw shortly worded darts and you do the work.
windriverrange said:
The communist stopped on the Vistula in August of 1944, and would not offer help to The Polish Home Army during the Warsaw Uprising that ultimately caused the deaths' of approximately 200,000 civilians and soldiers. Why did this happened you ask Comrade? Because the Home Army was populated with mostly democratic thinking individuals who assumed (based on previous Western promises) that once freed from Nazi control would go back to the Poland of pre-communist takeover.
Rank propaganda. There is no evidence that the Red Army failed to cross the Vistula for political rather than operational reasons. Who killed those civilians by the way?

Read Noram Davies "Rising 44 The Battle for Warsaw" and get back to me. Was published in 2003 and got amazing reviews from papers like "The New York Review of Books," The Boston Globe," "The New York Times Book Review," "The Washington Post," and "The Financial Times."
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windriverrange said: PART 2
First off Comrade, Western Propaganda couldn't hold the jock strap of communist propaganda, as I stated above Stalin and his communist killed more people than Hitler could have dreamed of...not propaganda but fact.
Show your work. You just stated western propaganda about the Warsaw uprising as fact, and I am supposed to take your word for the body count?

Between Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and so on the communist have killed over ~110 MM people (The Black Book of Communism - great read, but you would take the time)

What is western propaganda about The Warsaw Uprising....please show your work!

windriverrange said:
Were it not for Western lend lease equipment (food, trucks, planes, jeeps, clothing, boots etc) and money the stinking communist would have been pummeled and pushed back beyond the Urals. Were it not for American 4x4 trucks the communist winter offensive in 1941/1942 would have utterly failed as would have subsequent pushes and maneuvers at Kursk, Stalingrad, Operation Bagration and the push to Germany. At one point the US had an airbase in Poltava, Ukraine.
And if it weren't for the Soviets killing or capturing 9.6 million Axis soldiers D-day might have ended up differently.

Extremely doubtful....I'll give you that the Germans concentrated vastly more resources on the Eastern Front, that was because it was the longest continuous front in military history. Over 1/4 of all German losses occurred in 1945 ""Germany 1945" by Richard Bessel & "The End; The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's German, 1944-1945" by Ian Kershaw) which kind of kills off your theory that without the stinking communist killing 9.8 million german soldiers its possible D-Day would have know since D-day was on June ^, 1944.

Overwhelming firepower, very short interior lines of communication and the lack of a coordinated effort by the Germans for 2-3 days doomed them.

The Germans had the stinking communist in the bag but for pealing off armoured division from Army Group Center to Army Group North (for Leningrad) and to Army Group South (run at the oil fields in Baku) and this had more to do with Germany's defeat then anything the communist generals or soldiers did.

The allies faced some of the better divisions left in The Wehrmacht on D-Day; 352 Infantry Division, 1st & 2nd SS Panzer, 17th SS Panzergrenadier, Panzer Lehr, 3rd & 5th Fallschirm-Jäger-Division, 12th SS Hitlerjugend, 21st Panzer Division and the 346th & 711th Infantry Division.

windriverrange said:
Just because you sent human waves of soldiers against fortified positions, with many of the successive waves unarmed and expecting to pick up weapons from dead and wounded, and accumulate a almost unimaginable death toll doesn't make one able to claim they "scarified more" than the other allies therefor dong more for the war effort.
We can measure it bay Nazis killed if you prefer.

I'm arguing forced deaths through monumentally stupid tactics and you want to measure by how many germans they killed. Guess what, those tactics were so injurious to the communist pool of manpower they were basically outlawed after the German retreat of ~160 km's during the communist winter offensive of 1941/1942. Really how great a strategy is it when your kill ratio is 20:1 or 30:1?
windriverrange said:
Many of the early efforts by the communist military were doomed to fail because of lousy leadership (thanks to Stalin's purges), sub-par/obsolete equipment and complete lack of training (some "soldiers" were inducted, armed and sent to the front without the most basic training in infantry tactics).
And yet they prevailed.

I think your comments, smugness and general disdain for capitalistic America belies that within your own mind you feel superior to most people. When I look back through your responses you often don't really debate anyone, instead you act like its beneath you to mix it up with us redneck heathens here and you retort to prolifically short answers that waste people's time by continuing to put the burden of proof on "us" versus you the overly intelligent professor. We're your students to prove to you that we're right and your here to "tolerate" us and give inane answers with absolutely nothing of substance.

That you can't/won't acknowledge the Western Powers contribution to the stinking communist war effort via Lend Lease is laughable and shows your lack of historical perspective. There are a number of authorities that contribute the survival of the godless communist against Hitler to those very gifts. Don't believe me go look it up!

With the exception of the mongols and muslims invading parts of europe the communist have been the most destructive force on planet earth. Their ideology, and I'll include socialism, is ill befit to operate huge swaths of lands, peoples and countries. Socialism would never work in the US, because the government can't possibly manage the means production.
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Just an example how effective D.A.R.E. to keep kids of Communism will be.

Your either a very deep thinker above my comprehension of just full of shit.....I'm leaning towards the later.
Think about it very hard.

Why bother making an normative judgement and equating the. Just show the facts and let the kids make the normative judgements.

No problem there as long as the facts are actually laid out fairly and not one sided...unfortunately many teachers especially at university levels are full of crap and would never be able to do that.
Who is to judge?
And the west let the Nazis take over Czechoslovakia and Austria and remilitarize the Ruhr and supplied financing and the planes Hitler bombed Spanish Republicans with. What's your point?

The West played the absolute villain in Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland. Won't get an argument from me on that.

Interesting that you mention The Condor Legion's activities in Spain but leave off the fact that the godless stinkin communist sent troops, planes, artillery and armor to support The Republicans. Whets your point?
The republicans were the good guys. Thank you godless stinkin communists
Yeah history is a series of causes and effects.

Interesting you shrug off the instrument(s) that led dorectly to the Nazi's....something that could have been avoided, but then truncate the argument that the dam communist were already on their way to being a scourge.
What ideology is more responsible for Nazism, than Nazims?
Show your work.

Normally this is how these work...refute my statement with something other than the smug professor type reply that I'm the student who has to prove my point, while your the above it all professor that is my overlord. Why don't you throw some facts out, source them and then we have a starting point.
If you are going to assert that Stalin killed more than Hitler you need more evidence than just smugly stating it as fact. Nazis were responsible for 42 million deaths, significantly more than even the most exaggerated figure for Stalin.
Every place that goes from advanced industrial society with a tradition of liberal democracy to socialism has been successful (Norway).

Well then buckoo move there and quit bugging Americans.
I am a true patriot and want whats best for my country. You can move though if Biden gets to be too much for you.
In Norway a country of ~5.330 million people over ~148,729 sq miles (about the size of Montana) and with a marginal tax rate of 22%, 25% sales tax, pension tax of between 16.7%-6% and a new car tax of 50% seems like a horrible comparison and a great place to be fleeced.
Yet they have a higher per capita Income than the US, better health outcomes, and are surveyed as some of the happiest people in the world. If your utility function is minimizing taxes I have some great places you could move to.
Again, comparing to the US to Norway on any level is pretty dumb though. Tell you what though comrade...if your will ing to move I'll gladly pay the first $500 American on your plane ticket.
Comparing the US to the USSR or the Peoples Republic of China is equally dumb. But Norway puts the lie to the assertion that Social fails everywhere always and forever.
Maybe learn a little bit more about what socialism is.

So smartass, why don't you explain to me "what socialism" is in your view. Geez, again with the "we're all dumber than the professor" comment.
Google is freely available, If you are going to speak so confidently about socialism maybe have more than jsut a dumb guy who watches the history channel knowledge of it. Socialism isn't just taking all the money and spreading it out equally. Sociallism is the democratic ownership and control of the means of production, it is not incompatible with market prices or rewarding hard work and labor.
A ruling class that lives high on the hog? Only in communism.

Exactly the ruling class lives high on the hog in all forms of government that I can think of.
Show your work.

Again with the smug professor about you give me a starting point, then we can continue from there. Some historians say Stalin and his regime antics killed at least 20mm and have seen a 43MM tally spoken about,
Which historians? Even If I grant your 20mm number which is at least twice the actual number, Hitler killed more.
but the fact is through shoddy or incomplete records the number is most certainly higher but will never been know.
Oh so we can just make up the numbers since the record keeping was shoddy? Seems like it wouldn't be hard to demonstrate that a country of 150MM people in 1926 killed 20 to 43MM people.

While the Nazi's kept impeccable records the estimated death toll from Nazisum was a tad south of 17MM.
Is it the impeccable records that give us a range of 4.7MM to 7.4MM Jews killed in the Holocaust? Impeccablly +/- 25%?
Conservative death tolls in Europe during WWII are 37MM.

Add it up.

Again the smug, I'm too busy to be bothered so I'll just throw shortly worded darts and you do the work.
Hey man you are making the assertions, you back them up.

Rank propaganda. There is no evidence that the Red Army failed to cross the Vistula for political rather than operational reasons. Who killed those civilians by the way?

Read Noram Davies "Rising 44 The Battle for Warsaw" and get back to me. Was published in 2003 and got amazing reviews from papers like "The New York Review of Books," The Boston Globe," "The New York Times Book Review," "The Washington Post," and "The Financial Times."
From Davies "(We know that Stalin did order it to halt, but not what his motives were.)" in direct contradiction to your certitude regarding the pro-democracy Home Army.
Also From Davies "For my part, I was convinced that the Leaders of the Allied Coalition, especially Roosevelt, played a decisive role and made decisive mistakes."
Davies researched the Nazi records from the Uprising and all their reporting was that their operations in other sectors of the Vistula were the reason the Red Army wasn't entering Warsaw.

Again though, who was it killing civilians in this case?
Show your work. You just stated western propaganda about the Warsaw uprising as fact, and I am supposed to take your word for the body count?

Between Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and so on the communist have killed over ~110 MM people (The Black Book of Communism - great read, but you would take the time)
Propaganda. Thoroughly debunked.
What is western propaganda about The Warsaw Uprising....please show your work!
The assertion that the Soviet delay in entering Warsaw was a political decision rather than strategic or tactical is propaganda unsupported by evidence.
And if it weren't for the Soviets killing or capturing 9.6 million Axis soldiers D-day might have ended up differently.

Extremely doubtful....I'll give you that the Germans concentrated vastly more resources on the Eastern Front, that was because it was the longest continuous front in military history. Over 1/4 of all German losses occurred in 1945 ""Germany 1945" by Richard Bessel & "The End; The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's German, 1944-1945" by Ian Kershaw) which kind of kills off your theory that without the stinking communist killing 9.8 million german soldiers its possible D-Day would have know since D-day was on June ^, 1944.
I'll revise:
And if it weren't for the Soviets killing or capturing 7.4 million Axis soldiers D-day might have ended up differently.
Overwhelming firepower, very short interior lines of communication and the lack of a coordinated effort by the Germans for 2-3 days doomed them.
Yeah is there a lack of coordinated effort or a firepower deficit if there is no Eastern Front?
The Germans had the stinking communist in the bag but for pealing off armoured division from Army Group Center to Army Group North (for Leningrad) and to Army Group South (run at the oil fields in Baku) and this had more to do with Germany's defeat then anything the communist generals or soldiers did.
If and buts. Better luck next time Nazis!
The allies faced some of the better divisions left in The Wehrmacht on D-Day; 352 Infantry Division, 1st & 2nd SS Panzer, 17th SS Panzergrenadier, Panzer Lehr, 3rd & 5th Fallschirm-Jäger-Division, 12th SS Hitlerjugend, 21st Panzer Division and the 346th & 711th Infantry Division.

We can measure it bay Nazis killed if you prefer.

I'm arguing forced deaths through monumentally stupid tactics and you want to measure by how many germans they killed. Guess what, those tactics were so injurious to the communist pool of manpower they were basically outlawed after the German retreat of ~160 km's during the communist winter offensive of 1941/1942. Really how great a strategy is it when your kill ratio is 20:1 or 30:1?

And yet they prevailed.
No one is arguing it is great strategy. I didn't go to Westpoint. I am arguing that the Red Army stopped Hitler from killing as many people as he would have absent their heroic efforts and sacrifices.
I think your comments, smugness and general disdain for capitalistic America belies that within your own mind you feel superior to most people.
When I look back through your responses you often don't really debate anyone, instead you act like its beneath you to mix it up with us redneck heathens here and you retort to prolifically short answers that waste people's time by continuing to put the burden of proof on "us" versus you the overly intelligent professor.
I take the time to debate people are will debate me in good faith. Which at this point is mainly Wyoming, and Ponca Dan. I am sorry if I insist on mere shreds of evidence for your outrageous assertations. If we can make assertations with no evidence then this quickly devolves into yes/no/yes/no/yes/no. To me arguing with someone by making bold assertions with no evidence is the height of smugness.
We're your students to prove to you that we're right and your here to "tolerate" us and give inane answers with absolutely nothing of substance.
Must be some substance, took you two whole posts to reply.
That you can't/won't acknowledge the Western Powers contribution to the stinking communist war effort via Lend Lease is laughable and shows your lack of historical perspective. There are a number of authorities that contribute the survival of the godless communist against Hitler to those very gifts. Don't believe me go look it up!
Did I not acknowledge that? Nothing in history happens in a vacuum. Most Lend-Lease shipments to the USSR happened after Stalingrad.
With the exception of the mongols and muslims invading parts of europe the communist have been the most destructive force on planet earth.
Nazism and Imperialism were both far more destructive. See how just asserting things leads us no where?
How much of the destruction that you attribute to Communism is a result of reactionary violent resistance to Communism? How much of the destruction is a result of rapidly industrializing backward countries that were previously held back by imperialists and autocrats?

Their ideology, and I'll include socialism, is ill befit to operate huge swaths of lands, peoples and countries. Socialism would never work in the US, because the government can't possibly manage the means production.
Who do you think the US government is? Who do you think the manages the means of production now?
Every place that goes from advanced industrial society with a tradition of liberal democracy to socialism has been successful (Norway).
Norway isn't a socialist country per actual Norwegians. I'll take their word over random internet guy. But it is entertaining watching you try to convince people of your bullshit.
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Norway isn't a socialist country per actual Norwegians. I'll take their word over random internet guy. But it is entertaining watching you try to convince people of your bullshit.
One interesting characteristic of advocates of socialism is it’s definition is amorphous; socialism is what the advocate says it is at the time he says it. Cuba was socialist until it wasn’t. Same with Venezuela. Pilt’s definition of socialism is the high tax welfare state of Norway, and nothing any of us say is going to budge him off that definition.
Norway isn't a socialist country per actual Norwegians. I'll take their word over random internet guy. But it is entertaining watching you try to convince people of your bullshit.
A rose by any other name.
One interesting characteristic of advocates of socialism is it’s definition is amorphous; socialism is what the advocate says it is at the time he says it. Cuba was socialist until it wasn’t. Same with Venezuela. Pilt’s definition of socialism is the high tax welfare state of Norway, and nothing any of us say is going to budge him off that definition.
I am pretty consistent. For the tenth time I would invite you to compare the percentage of state ownership in Norway and Venezuela for yourself.
Socialism: ideas so good that a tiny island nation has a higher life expectancy than the US despite 60 years of embargo.
Unless you were tortured and executed for the heinous crime of owning land.
You would probably live longer.
The question is how would your life in the US under socialism be better. We can only speculate, but most people would be wealthier and happier.
I doubt I’d live longer in that shithole. And I doubt I’d be wealthier and happier in your hypothetical socialist shithole. If you’re motivated, there is no way the collective can deliver a better standard of living to you than you’d secure for yourself under capitalism.
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I am pretty consistent. For the tenth time I would invite you to compare the percentage of state ownership in Norway and Venezuela for yourself.
I give you mad props for consistently claiming Norway is socialist.
One interesting characteristic of advocates of socialism is it’s definition is amorphous; socialism is what the advocate says it is at the time he says it. Cuba was socialist until it wasn’t. Same with Venezuela. Pilt’s definition of socialism is the high tax welfare state of Norway, and nothing any of us say is going to budge him off that definition.
Indeed. When has any socialist ideology (nazis, commies, etc) NOT claimed to be the “real socialism”?
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Unless you were tortured and executed for the heinous crime of owning land.
*Of not ceding your land
I doubt I’d live longer in that shithole. And I doubt I’d be wealthier and happier in your hypothetical socialist shithole. If you’re motivated, there is no way the collective can deliver a better standard of living to you than you’d secure for yourself under capitalism.
Statistically you would. Collective produces a very good standard of living in Norway.
*Of not ceding your land

Statistically you would. Collective produces a very good standard of living in Norway.
I do want to give you credit for latching into Norway as your example of what socialism looks like. It surprises me how long it has taken socialism’s advocates in America to discover Norway.

Russia was a socialist/communist paradise until the Gulag Archipelago could no longer be swept under the rug.

China was the perfect socialist/communist society until the body count became unspinnable.

Cuba was socialist heaven until the political prisons filled up and its people fled in droves.

Venezuela was perfect socialism until
mass starvation became too public to hide.

All these examples of socialism were examples of the good life until they turned into nightmares. And all this time there was the shining light of socialist Norway being completely ignored by American socialist activists. I wonder why. Could it be that socialists understood Norway isn’t classically socialist until there were no better examples left to point to?

Like I said, I give you props for jumping on the Norway-is-socialist bandwagon before almost everybody else.
I do want to give you credit for latching into Norway as your example of what socialism looks like. It surprises me how long it has taken socialism’s advocates in America to discover Norway.

Russia was a socialist/communist paradise until the Gulag Archipelago could no longer be swept under the rug.

China was the perfect socialist/communist society until the body count became unspinnable.

Cuba was socialist heaven until the political prisons filled up and its people fled in droves.

Venezuela was perfect socialism until
mass starvation became too public to hide.

All these examples of socialism were examples of the good life until they turned into nightmares. And all this time there was the shining light of socialist Norway being completely ignored by American socialist activists. I wonder why. Could it be that socialists understood Norway isn’t classically socialist until there were no better examples left to point to?

Like I said, I give you props for jumping on the Norway-is-socialist bandwagon before almost everybody else.
So King Harald has to give according to his abilities and receive only according to his needs? That’s some pretty extravagant needs for a wrinkled old man. 🙄

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Not as good as what I’ve produced for myself.
I do want to give you credit for latching into Norway as your example of what socialism looks like. It surprises me how long it has taken socialism’s advocates in America to discover Norway.

Russia was a socialist/communist paradise until the Gulag Archipelago could no longer be swept under the rug.

China was the perfect socialist/communist society until the body count became unspinnable.

Cuba was socialist heaven until the political prisons filled up and its people fled in droves.

Venezuela was perfect socialism until
mass starvation became too public to hide.

All these examples of socialism were examples of the good life until they turned into nightmares. And all this time there was the shining light of socialist Norway being completely ignored by American socialist activists. I wonder why. Could it be that socialists understood Norway isn’t classically socialist until there were no better examples left to point to?

Like I said, I give you props for jumping on the Norway-is-socialist bandwagon before almost everybody else.
Dan, it's amazing what socialism can do for an advanced economy when implemented democratically.
  • Haha
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Better question. How would YOUR life be better in a socialist society? Has your PhD. and the rest of your alphabet soup not enabled you to compete in a capitalist society? WTF, Prof?
I would live in a happier, healthier, wealthier society
I do want to give you credit for latching into Norway as your example of what socialism looks like. It surprises me how long it has taken socialism’s advocates in America to discover Norway.

Russia was a socialist/communist paradise until the Gulag Archipelago could no longer be swept under the rug.

China was the perfect socialist/communist society until the body count became unspinnable.

Cuba was socialist heaven until the political prisons filled up and its people fled in droves.

Venezuela was perfect socialism until
mass starvation became too public to hide.

All these examples of socialism were examples of the good life until they turned into nightmares. And all this time there was the shining light of socialist Norway being completely ignored by American socialist activists. I wonder why. Could it be that socialists understood Norway isn’t classically socialist until there were no better examples left to point to?

Like I said, I give you props for jumping on the Norway-is-socialist bandwagon before almost everybody else.
I like how he’s moved the goalposts to Norway now after the other Nordic countries didn’t work out for him previously. 🤣
Dan, it's amazing what socialism can do for an advanced economy when implemented democratically.
I agree completely that Norwegians live under remarkable circumstances. A country of 5 million +/- people that are 95% the same race and religion in a land the size of a large American state and the resources provided by private oil companies paying tribute for access to North Sea oil deposits is hitting the jackpot. But Norway is not classically socialist, doesn’t even claim to be. Norway is socialist because the socialist advocate @07pilt wants them to be socialist and therefore they are socialist. I happy for you that you finally found a country you could call socialist without worrying the government will imprison or starve it’s people.
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I agree completely that Norwegians live under remarkable circumstances. A country of 5 million +/- people that are 95% the same race and religion in a land the size of a large American state and the resources provided by private oil companies paying tribute for access to North Sea oil deposits is hitting the jackpot. But Norway is not classically socialist, doesn’t even claim to be. Norway is socialist because the socialist advocate @07pilt wants them to be socialist and therefore they are socialist. I happy for you that you finally found a country you could call socialist without worrying the government will imprison or starve it’s people.
A rose by any other name

They are socialist because a large portion of the means of production are owned and controlled democratically.
You definitely live in a happier, healthier, wealthier society than those Cubans, Chinamen, Venezuelans, and former Soviet citizens who were not at the top of the pyramid.
The same would be true of an American in 1900 as well
No. They didn’t. And the USA in 1900 was far better than any of those shitholes 100 years later. Dude, is it an act, or is your literacy really so lacking?
Oh no life in 1985 USSR 2019 China 2020 Cuba and 2011 Venezuela was way better than life in the US in 1900